Note: <888> 05/31/10 Monday 12:45 A.M.  I watched some television. It is mostly children's television programming.

I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.

Thunderstorms today and 63 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/31/10 Monday 11:15 P.M.  The other two five splitters are being sent to me lot of 3 Phone Jack Telephone 5 Outlet Splitter - eBay (item 400086283279 end time Jun-16-10 09:53:41 PDT)

BBC News - Rescuers dig for Agatha storm victims

BBC News - Duchess of York admits she drank during access sting

BBC News - Gulf oil spill: BP prepares new attempt to cap flow

BBC News - China aims to be become supercomputer superpower  CIO

Note: <888> 05/31/10 Monday 10:30 P.M.  I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll along with the reheated flavored rice from last night with soy sauce and a glass of watered down punch and a cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/31/10 Monday 9:45 P.M.  I woke up at 2:30 P.M., when a friend called.  I noticed both telephones in the bathroom were Verizon, so I changed one of the telephone line connections underneath the chair beneath the living room stereo system, and now one of the bathroom phones is Optimum.

I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I went back to bed until 6 P.M..  I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.  I surfed the internet.  I took the USB Bluetooth device off the Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 laptop computer, and I put it on the Abit computer in the bedroom.

For the Panasonic Toughbook, I ordered - Mini Type Wireless Bluetooth USB Adapter, Bluetooth v2.0 USB for $2.70 with free shipping.  It should work with Widows XP and the Motorola H780 ear piece.

I showered, and I cleaned up.  I chatted with a friend.  I threw out the garbage, and I chatted with neighbors.

I printed out the Microsoft Money 2007 May 2010 Income versus spending report, and I faxed a copy to relative.

I chatted with a relative.  Another relative told the relative that the air quality in Kennebunkport, Maine

Kennebunkport, Maine, Scott's Internet Hotlist

Kennebunkport, Maine, Scott's Internet Hotlist

stinks of smoke from the forest fires in Quebec, Canada.  I was also told by a friend whose relative lives near Stowe, Vermont that one can not go outside there because the air quality is so bad from the smoke from the Quebec forest fires.

CBC News - Montreal - Forest fire smoke blankets Montreal, Ottawa

Update: Ottawa air quality improves after smoky day

Plumes of forest-fire smoke blown up St. Lawrence Valley - The Globe and Mail

AFP: Quebec forest fires black out skies  CIO

Note: <888> 05/31/10 Monday 5:40 A.M.  I ate two bowls of Cheez-its.  I watched an Oliver North program about World War II.  I then watched a Sherlock Holmes program.

Clint Eastwood (American actor, director, and politician) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

Start of Hurricane Season Raises New Fears -

The Tropical Meteorology Project: [FORECASTS]

Well, I have two afternoon appointments this coming week on Tuesday and Thursday, so I will have to be up earlier.

Sunny today and 62 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit.

I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/31/10 Monday 2:40 A.M.  Greenwich Concours d ' Elegance  CIO

Note: <888> 05/31/10 Monday 2:35 A.M.  BBC News - In pictures: Volcanos erupt in Ecuador and Guatemala  CIO

Note: <888> 05/31/10 Monday 2:15 A.M.  I could order these that fit me at waist 46 inches NWT BIG MEN'S INDIGO 30 ROYAL PLAID SHORTS WITH BELT 46 - eBay (item 260611763361 end time Jun-06-10 11:12:32 PDT) , but for now I can lived without them.

However, I ordered LOT OF 3 ADULT KNIT BEANIE SKI HATS CAPS CUFFED OSFA - eBay (item 360267706145 end time Jun-06-10 09:55:51 PDT) for $6.75 with free shipping.  I have been wearing them on my head over my eyes, so I can sleep in my brighter bedroom in the daytime.

There is another set here NWT LOT OF 3 ADULT KNIT BEANIE SKI CAPS HATS OSFA - eBay (item 360267706096 end time Jun-06-10 09:55:44 PDT)  CIO

Note: <888> 05/31/10 Monday 12:25 A.M.   I made and fried two 7.5 ounce salmon patties which I ate with seasoned rice and watered down punch and a cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice.

The way I make the salmon patties is that I take a 14.75 ounce can of Bumble Bee Alaska pink salmon, and I opened it up, and I leave the lid on it, and I run cold water into it a few times and drain it.  I then put the salmon on a plate, and I pick through its filets looking for any small round bones which I remove and any other small bones.  I put the picked salmon in the Cuisine Art and I add an egg and two tablespoons of bread crumbs and season it all with Old Bay Seasoning and Italian spices to taste.  I pulse it a few times, and then it use a mixing spoon, and I push it down to the bottom of the Cuisine Art, and I pulse it a few more times.  I then shape two halves of it into round balls which I compress together, and I flatted them to about an inch thick and about five inches in diameter.  I put several tablespoons of olive oil in a frying pan on medium high electric burner heat and after the oil heats after about three minutes, I add the salmon patties, and I cook them for four minutes a side.

For the rice I use this method:

This time, when I added the rice and water to the microwave rice cooker, I also added two tablespoons of olive oil, a half teaspoon of chili sesame oil, Old Bay Seasoning, Italian spices and India hot curry to taste, and I put the lids on it the microwave rice cooker, and I microwave it for 11 minutes, and then I let it sit for 5 minutes.  I ate half of the rice with the salmon patties and the other half I put in a Rubbermaid container in the refrigerator.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/30/10 Sunday 11:00 P.M.  I went outside after the last note, and I threw out the garbage, and I chatted with a neighbor.  I forgot to mention on Friday afternoon, I also threw out the weekly garbage and the old periodical literature, and I also watered the plants.

I woke up at 5 P.M..  I emptied the bucket of bleach down the kitchen sink, and I rinsed off the white rubber bath mat in the kitchen that I had soaked in the bleach and water mixture, and I put it back on the side of the bathtub.  It is now clean, but it is a bit worn out from the washer machine.

I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I surfed the internet.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I made my bed.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I chatted with a relative.  I threw out the garbage.

I went downtown to the Greenwich Automotive Services Gulf station, and I bought $11 of self service premium gasoline at $3.359 a gallon for 3.275 gallons for 46.5 miles driving since Friday May 21, 2010 at odometer reading of 66013 miles for 14.1985 miles per gallon driving in mixed traffic.  I cleaned the outside windows and the sun roof.  I checked the tires all around for 32 PSI.

I then went by CVS, and I bought a 48 ounce bottle of Wesson vegetable oil for $2.49.  I used the bathroom at CVS.  I then walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I sat out at various locations.  I used the ATM machine at the Chase Bank on West Putnam Avenue just west of Greenwich Avenue.  There front door is broken, so anyone can enter the ATM lobby.

I then returned home.  CIO 

End of Scott's Notes week of 05/30/10: 

Note: <888> 05/30/10 Sunday 5:50 A.M.  John F. Kennedy (president of United States) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

BBC News - 'Space laser tech needed' to measure volcanic ash

I will now send out my weekly notes.

Partly cloudy and 63 to 87 degrees Fahrenheit today.

I ate a muffin a little while ago.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/30/10 Sunday 5:25 A.M.  On the Panasonic Toughbook CF-29, the Bluetooth USB device works with the Motorola H780 ear piece headset in Windows 7.  However, I can not get it to work in XP Professional.  I think it need the latest CSI Bluetooth driver, which I can not find for free on the internet.  I tried installing the Cirago Toshiba driver in XP, but that did not work.  Worrying that I might have messed up the system, I restored the entire system from the backup, I made yesterday afternoon.

I found a new 96 ounce jug of bleach underneath the bathroom sink.  I put a quart of the bleach in the wash basin in the kitchen sink and I put the rubber bath mat in it, and I filled it up with hot water.  It seems to be working cleaning off the mold.  I will let it soak while I sleep today.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/30/10 Sunday 2:00 A.M.  I put away the laundry.

I installed the USB Bluetooth device in the Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 USB hub.  It recognized it in XP, and it recognized the Motorola H780 Bluetooth headset, but it did not install the Motorola device driver.  I will try it in Windows 7 shortly.

I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with mayo, and 1/4th of a 6.3 ounce tube of CVS potato chips, and a dill pickle slice and a glass of watered down punch and a cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice.

When I eat a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll, I generally put Hellmann's mayonnaise on both halves of the Kaiser roll, and I put three to five slices of thin 1/16th inch thick deli ham and four to five slices thin deli cheese.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/29/10 Saturday 11:35 P.M.  I woke up at 1 P.M. today, when a relative called.

The Panasonic CF-74 laptop OEM keyboard MP-03103USD8141 - eBay (item 270583779662 end time Jun-23-10 13:39:02 PDT) for $10 and $4.90 shipping for $14.90 total arrived.

I used this procedure Replacing Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 Keyboard - iFixit to install it.

It took about two hours, since I had a hard time repositioning the sub plate, after I installed it.

However, the new keyboard works just fine.

On the XP partition, I installed the Hotkey software and drivers, and they work just fine with the Hotkey.

I tried installing the Hotkey drivers and software on the Windows 7 partition, but the driver would not install, and my keyboard started typing the Hotkey letters instead of the regular letters.

I restored my Windows 7 Complete PC backup of both partitions.

I then installed the Hotkey driver and software on the XP Partition again.

I then replaced my headset with another generic one, since the two I had tried did not work properly.

Now the headset works just fine and with the communications programs too.

I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes.

I chatted with a relative.

I did a Windows 7 Complete PC backup of both partitions to the Samba external hard drive.

I put the old keyboard on the book shelf on top of the mahogany bureau in the bedroom.

I put the two faulty headsets in the parts bag underneath the chair beneath the living room stereo system.

I put clean linens on my bed.

I showered, and I cleaned up.

I started two loads of laundry, and I have 5 minutes to go on the wash cycle.

Since it is cooler out, I turned off the apartment fans, and I raised the air conditioner temperature in the bedroom.

I picked up the mail, and the order for two Mini Bluetooth 2.0 Adapter Dongle Vista Compatible $1.75 each less .53 with coupon code "MY15" for $2.98 with free shipping arrived.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/29/10 Saturday 5:40 A.M.  From what I last remember back in July 1976, when Queen Elizabeth II showed up in Manhattan with Prince Phillip during the bicentennial, there were two to four million people that showed up in Manhattan for the event, and it was quite busy during the holiday weekend.  Alas with the recession in full swing, she might just get to see the local people in Manhattan, since the last time I reported a crime against me at the police box in front of the United States Mission to the United Nations, the reply was that there was nothing they could do about it, and that was it.  From my viewpoint rich people get additional security in Manhattan, but the ordinary people are left to fend for themselves.  Besides, I do not like the busy activity in Manhattan, and I am not use to traffic and crossing busy streets, and there are not enough public bathrooms in Manhattan for someone like myself that has to go frequently if you get my drift.

I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.  I suppose the daytime people will be out in full force today.

Today there are suppose to be scattered thunderstorms and 61 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/29/10 Saturday 5:10 A.M.  I called the Lake Forest, Illinois police department Contact the Lake Forest Police Department to see if they are still awake out there in Corn Flakes country.  Lake Forest, Illinois is a wealthy town, so they can afford to have somebody working at night.

One can get hold of them by calling 1-847-234-2600 and working your way through the town directory.

However, unless one were Scandinavian, you probably would not want to live out there, since it can get very cold below zero degrees Fahrenheit in the winter, and they also tend to get quite a bit of snow. 

Personally I prefer living here on the edge of the tropics in Greenwich, Connecticut despite the fact that the people that are left here tend to be so prosperous, they actually do not spend very much time here, and they seem to travel all of the time, until they retire elsewhere or end up at the senior and the arts center, if they can not afford to retire elsewhere.  

I worry that I talk about it so much about Lake Forest College, that somebody they might not like in Lake Forest, Illinois might bother them, but at , we had students from all around the world, and they seemed to get along in the library late at night from what I could tell.  Well at least the library was warm, when I attended college there.  When the local kids return from college elsewhere in the world, the town tends to change in the summer, so I only spent about a month out there in the summer after I graduated, and because I could not get a job I return back east to where my father helped run a small photography company in the Boston area, but I got ambitious, and I came down to the New York City area to take over Wall Street and the Computer industry, but alas I never got a job worth mentioning besides being a dishwasher and a pot scrubber in Nantucket.

My computer activity is like doing needlepoint, it is just something that I know how to do after many years of experience.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/29/10 Saturday 4:10 A.M.  I was just thinking that since Helen Kress Williams was part German, and she started Billy Baldwin in the interior decorating business, and since her godson Fred Von Mierers was suppose to take over Billy Baldwin's business, and since most of Fred's house guests at 420 East 49th street were German, more than likely the three of them were in cahoots with the Germans in some way or another.  Billy Baldwin also lived on Hussey Street in Nantucket across from Jimmy Eldert behind India House, so more than likely Jimmy was in cahoots with the Germans.  Also since John Bolton's great grandmother was part of the Kaiser of Germany's consulate staff in New York City, they were probably involved with the Germans.  From what I can tell, more than likely since my mother's Dutch family in Holland, Michigan is from a small Dutch town near the German border, we have been keeping an eye out on the Germans for a long time.  I have even been to Germany a few times, but also I only know a few words of German.

I ate a Kaiser Roll with Smart Balance spread.  Kaiser rolls go stale very quickly in less than a day, so if you like fresh Kaiser rolls keep them in the freezer, and auto defrost them in the microwave oven at .3 pounds for a quick Kaiser roll snack.  Up in Boston, they do not call them Kaiser rolls, they call them Bulkie rolls.  Elsewhere, they call them Hard Rolls.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/29/10 Saturday 3:35 A.M.  When one British citizen showed up at the Greenwich, Connecticut hospital about 12 years ago with her daughter whom was sick, and they were just returning from Costa Rica, and they were refused treatment, because they did not have medical insurance, when I ran into them downtown, and they told me the problem, I suggested they buy Quinine Water or Tonic water at the Grand Union food store when it was there, which is what they use to use for Malaria in the tropics.  I do not know whether the daughter ever recovered or not.  When I was in the tropics of south Florida, when I could occasionally afford it, I would drink a Vodka and Tonic Water with a twist of lime, but you do not really need the Vodka down south.  I guess they could come up with a new alcohol drink with Rum and Tonic water, but they probably have that already, but I forget what it is called.  The British I think used to drink Gin and Tonic in the tropics.  I am not sure whether or not it was for health reasons or not.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/29/10 Sunday 3:20 A.M.  I think on the West Coast of America, they call it "Jungle Fever" or Dengue fever - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and Google Health - Dengue fever  CIO

Note: <888> 05/29/10 Saturday 2:50 A.M.  BBC News - Creative minds 'mimic schizophrenia'

Of course, some people have different experiences and different routines than the ordinary people in the world have.  What I have found from traveling a lot is that like military combat people, a lot of people whom travel a lot have what you might call "Traveler's Fatigue" Travel-related causes of Fatigue - which might be similar to NIMH · Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) .  Since I spent two winters from September 1976 to May 1977 and from October 1977 to May 1977 living outside homeless in South Florida, I could have possibly contracted some sort of tropical illness like "Alligator Fever" which the medical community up north does not know about.  However, the British Way Up North, 1500 miles north of Hudson's Bay call it The Outward Bound Trust - UK and in America they call it Outward Bound .  The head of Outward Bound went to , and he use to live in Greenwich, Connecticut.  Since I was very poor, when I was living outside in the beach areas of south Florida, I did my own cheap version of Outward Bound, since I could not afford to go on the more expensive organized programs.  When I got back from the Bahamas in January 1978, and I returned to my life of living outside in the wilderness area of Key West, Florida, Lord Batton Powell's grandson showed up, and said it was the The Scout Association .  From my viewpoint, it was more like "Lord of the Flies".  When I used to go occasionally go down to Washington D.C., and I chatted with Dr. Gillespie about Lyndon Johnson's heart problems, he told me that the worse cause of heart disease was not smoking or cholesterol but it was stress.   He had done thousands of autopsies in his work as a heart surgeon. 

From my experience, although I still smoke cigarettes to reduce stress, I try to exercise walk in a friendly environment for health reasons.  However, depending on the time of day and the day of the week, Greenwich Avenue can be stressful or stress free.

If one stays home too much, you can get another symptom called Cabin fever - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .

Well at my age of 60, we blame everything on "Old Age Syndrome" DHEA deficiency syndrome: a new term for old age? -- Hinson and Raven 163 (1): 1 -- Journal of Endocrinology which is very common in Greenwich, Connecticut with all of the retired people living out here.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/29/10 Saturday 1:50 A.M.  BBC News - Archbishop calls for action against rebel Anglicans  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/29/10 Saturday 1:20 A.M.  I have some Lysol Disinfectant Sprayed Clean, which I sprayed on the rubber bath mat.  I will let it sit over night, and possibly that will remove the mold on the bath mat.  I will do the other side after I shower when I wake up today.  I have to do laundry when I wake up later on today.

Not much really ever goes on in the world, except some times rich people hire writers to make it seem like something is going on, so they can make money off people when they visit those places that are written about.

I have traveled a little bit in my life, and generally one needs money when you get some place else, and since one is not familiar with the cheaper way of doing things in a new area, it frequently can be more expensive when one travels.  I remember paying a few dollars in France for a hamburger made out of horse meat, but I did not know Cheval was horse at the time.

In New York City, the cheapest way to eat is to either live somewhere, where there is a cheap grocery store, or eat the cheapest things at your local deli or restaurant.  There are always a few places that have reasonably priced food, since in New York City besides the Rich People, they have to feed the blue and white collar workers.  Of course in my few trips that I have made in the last 20 years, I have noticed a lot of fruit stands on the corners of POSH neighborhoods and hotdog vendors.

There are fat people in New York City, but you do not always seem them walking around in circles like most the people there do.

I guess at 220 pounds and 6 feet tall, I might be classified as a fat person, but by back country Greenwich, Connecticut standards, I would not be considered over weight, because there are plenty of wealthy people in back country whom are quite a bit larger than I am, but they do not bother exercise walking downtown keeping an eye on the tourists.

When I first got into personal computers 20 years ago, I met someone whom was a friend of Nancy Rockefeller, and he weighed about 600 pounds, but he lived over in a very small house in Stamford, Connecticut near .  He was a software engineer for .  Before the internet took off in those first few years, they use to have computer fairs in the surrounding areas, and I would see a lot of extremely heavy people at the computer fairs, so some of the original computer people are not necessarily as thin as some people think.

Having visited and lived in the Midwest, I have seen a lot of very big people.  I guess the biggest person I have seen back east was the man at the Hauppauge, Long Island Microsoft presentation about five years ago.  However, I got there early, and I saw him, but most of the thousands of people attending did not.  I am not sure whether he was a Microsoft employee or a Hyatt Hotel employee, but generally when a person is that large, you do not bother him.  I recall he was about five feet wide, so he could fit through two double three foot wide doors.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/29/10 Saturday 12:40 A.M.  Queensland University of Technology Jobs in Geoscience : Earthworks : Three PhD positions in Igneous Petrology and Geochemistry - Brisbane, Australia - Queensland University of Technology

QUT | Research higher degrees

Volcano chasers have a red-hot passion for eruptions -

The Office of Governor M. Jodi Rell

Ian Fleming (British author) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

Amnesty International (AI) (international organization) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

BBC News - Hundreds flee Guatemala volcano

BBC News - UN talks back conference on nuclear-free Middle East

BBC News - Mystery fossil is ancestor of squid

BBC News - Hurricanes could damage oil pipelines  CIO

Note: <888> 05/29/10 Saturday 12:05 A.M.  I ate a day old muffin.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/28/10 Friday 11:55 P.M.  I rehung the shower curtain and liner.  The rubber bath mat still has black mold on it.  When I have time to get some more bleach, I will try soaking it in bleach and water in my kitchen sink.  The new front loading Maytag machines are not as good as the old top loading machines when it comes to using the method below for removing mold.  Of course mold is a constant problem by the ocean, and the damper the areas are, the more mold one gets.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/28/10 Friday 11:25 P.M.  I went out after the last note.  I went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought Chiquita bananas for .69 a pound for $2.30 and a package of four day old muffins for $2 for $4.30 total.  I went by the Greenwich Library, and I returned the volcano book at the Greenwich Library book drop.  I guess they closed early because of the Memorial Day weekend.  I then went downtown.  I chatted with two locals.  I noticed a cigar by the veterans monument, so I guess the two older brothers that I chat with on holidays were there earlier.  I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I chatted with a dog walker.  I used the bathroom at Starbucks.  I chatted with a relative on my wireless telephone.  I toured the front of CVS.  I sat out for a while after my walk.  I then returned home.  I turned the three lights on in the living room window, so the apartment is fully lighted up. 

I do not think I should try to hang anything like drapes or flags in front of the new windows, since I do not think the Greenwich Housing Authority would want me drilling into the new window frames and risk breaking the new windows. 

I guess sooner or later the building custodian when he has time will install new shades in all four of the windows. 

I took down the bathroom shower curtain and liner and along with the rubber bath mat, I am washing them in bleach and laundry detergent. CIO 

Note: <888> 05/28/10 Friday 7:55 P.M.  BBC News - The Queen's Speech in full  . She says they will be visiting Canada in June and the United Nations in July.

I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with mayo, and 1/4th of a 6.3 ounce tube of CVS potato chips, and a dill pickle slice and a glass of watered down punch.

I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go out for a walk.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/28/10 Friday 7:00 P.M.  I woke up at noon.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I made my bed.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I threw out the garbage.  I chatted with neighbors.  I picked up the mail.  I made 127 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Norwegian shag pipe tobacco cigarettes while listening to the world service on my internet radio.  There are a lot of news stories the U.S. media does not cover.  I lent the building custodian my jewelers screw drive set, and another neighbor gave it back to me.  I installed the Windows Updates on the primary Vista computer.  I went outside, and I chatted with neighbors.  The situation seems normal from what little I can tell.  CIO    

Note: <888> 05/28/10 Friday 4:05 A.M.   I guess by Greenwich, Connecticut standards, this guy is small potatoes His Highness the Aga Khan's 73rd Birthday - Mowlana Hazar Imam's 73rd Birthday - December 13, 2009 .  Of course, he is legally a Swiss Citizen, and all Swiss Citizens have to serve in the Swiss military, so he possibly has some sort of military experience besides being a medical doctor.

I ate two bowls of Cheez-its with some watered down punch.

Cloudy today and 56 to 73 degrees Fahrenheit.

I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.  I might watch a little bit of television. 

I am getting a callus on the inside of my right hand from using the Premier cigarette injector machine to make cigarettes.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/28/10 Friday 1:55 A.M.  It is rather ashamed that nobody with financial ability besides one family member was able to help me out on my internet research.

!!!!!! I guess nobody up north cares about this story NOAA: Season could be 'extremely active' with up to 14 hurricanes »

I still have a little Florida flag in my apartment with the other flags.  Thus I have done my best on my budget to keep busy in my research activities while other people whom are supposedly smarter are too busy with whatever it is they supposedly do with their funds.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/28/10 Friday 1:30 A.M.  Volcanologist - J. P. Lockwood

Wiley::Volcanoes: Global Perspectives

Apply for Graduate study, The University of York


ESC Working Group "Earthquakes and Volcanoes" Annual Workshop 2010

Martinelli Travel Grant for Students & Scientists (2010)

BBC News - Brushing teeth 'halts' heart disease

BBC News - Apple passes Microsoft to be biggest tech company

BBC News - RFID chip implanted into man gets computer virus  CIO

Note: <888> 05/28/10 Friday 12:40 A.M.  I ate a 16 ounce Maria Callendar chicken pot pie with a glass of watered down punch and a cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/27/10 Thursday 11:15 P.M.  Out of the Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 Service manual, I got the part number for the right side wireless antenna cover, and I ordered it here Search Results for test DFKE0739YA-0 and Cover at for $5.95 and $7.95 shipping for $13.90 total and .84 tax for $14.74 total.  

Note: <888> 05/27/10 Thursday 9:35 P.M.  I chatted with a relative.  I will now shower and clean up.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/27/10 Thursday 9:00 P.M.  I had a computer magazine telephone call about 10 A.M., and I told them to take me off the list.  These free computer magazines do nothing but generate a lot of computer magazine survey telephone calls which are quite bothersome, particularly, when one is asleep.  I finally woke up at 6 P.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I made my bed.  It is cooler today with the rain, so I have both air conditioners at higher temperature settings, and the apartment is comfortable.

You can buy the 8,000 BTU Frigidaire air conditioner that I bought at PC Richard and Son in Norwalk, Connecticut out in Nantucket from this web site FRA086AT7 by Frigidaire in Hyannis, MA - Frigidaire Window-Mounted Compact Room Air Conditioner .  CIO  

Note: <888> 05/27/10 Thursday 9:05 A.M.  I took the power supply from the Husky lantern, and I put it on the little DVD player in the living room which is also 9 volts.  The Coby universal power supply on that set at 9 volts was starting to get hot, because for some odd reason the little DVD player had been left turned on, although its lid was closed which should turn it off.  I kept the 9 Volt tip from the Coby Universal power supply, and I threw away the Coby universal power supply along with the Husky lantern, and I left its lead acid battery on the side of the dumpster to be recycled.  I put out two regular lanterns on the bookcases in the hallway along with the one already there, but one of them needs a new lantern battery.  I went downstairs, and I chatted with the building custodian and some neighbors.  I am a bit tired, so I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.  Remember there are suppose to be thunderstorms this afternoon.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/27/10 Thursday 7:25 A.M.  I printed out the Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 Service Manual, and I put it in a clamp binder.  I left it on top of my Toughbook.  I went outside, and I checked the outside of the building area.  I said good morning to a tenant's relative. 

The Husky lantern appears not to be taking a charge, so its battery must be worn out.

I took it apart, and it uses an SW 123 Lead Acid battery.

I could buy it here Sel SW123 Compatible Battery for $13.40 and $10 shipping, but the Husky lantern only cost me $20 at Home Depot about four years ago, so I do not think it is worth replacing its battery.  Plus I do not ever recall using it, or if so not much at all.  I will keep it around for a while, but I will probably end up throwing it away.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/27/10 Thursday 6:00 A.M.  Replacing Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 Keyboard - iFixit 

Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 Repair Manual - iFixit .  CIO

Note: <888> 05/27/10 Thursday 5:00 A.M.  For my Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 that has a broken key on the keyboard, I bought Panasonic CF-74 laptop OEM keyboard MP-03103USD8141 - eBay (item 270583779662 end time Jun-23-10 13:39:02 PDT) for $10 and $4.90 shipping for $14.90 total.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/27/10 Thursday 4:35 A.M.  I watched a little bit of television.  The Turner Movie Channel is showing Memorial Day Weekend Films.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/27/10 Thursday 3:30 A.M.  I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with mayo, and 1/4th of a 6.3 ounce tube of CVS reduced fat potato chips, and a dill pickle slice and a glass of watered down punch. 

I put the two 17 inch laptop sleeves with the Targus laptop bag underneath the Samsung color laser printer on the oak dining table.

I opened up the automobile cigarette light power supply with adapters for laptops, and I put all of its parts in the black Eton radio bag.  One has to know the voltage on the laptop power supply which should be labeled on the power supply, and set the automobile laptop power supply to that voltage along with the correct adapter.  I put the Eton bag on the middle white book shelf at the kitchen entrance. 

I turned up the air conditioners a bit, so it is a bit warmer in the apartment.  It is suppose to be cooler today, and cloudy with thunder showers, so I should not get the direct sun light in my apartment, and hopefully it will be cooler.

Calling for hazardous weather with thunderstorms this afternoon Southern Fairfield County, Connecticut National Weather Service Watch Warning Advisory Summary .  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/27/10 Thursday 2:05 A.M.  Global Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | SI / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report | 

50% off all Lee Shorts

Office Professional Plus 2010 Resource Page

Michael Louis Scott's Recipes

Michael Louis Scott's Recipes

Michael Louis Scott's Microwave Oven Rice Recipe

Michael Louis Scott's Microwave Oven Rice Recipe

Joyce Chen Microwavable Steamer for Rice (2-qt.) at

Joyce Chen 2 Qt. Microwave Rice Steamer 

Billions of people eat rice, so I doubt if there is anything wrong with it.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/27/10 Thursday 1:05 A.M.  I put the Frigidaire air conditioner information in the night stand drawer in the kitchen.  When I sent in its warranty, I noticed it goes to Augusta, Georgia.  Since Frigidaire is owned by Electrolux which used to make vacuum cleaners in Greenwich, Connecticut; there is a local connection here.

When I knew Wiley Middleton in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in the fall of 1976, he knew a lot about hurricanes, and he did not even try to maintain a house in Florida after having lived there since World War I.  He always wore a baby blue Augusta National Golf Course hat while he was running his various businesses down in Florida.  He would just camp out or rent.  It says he passed away in Tybee Island Online – Tybee Island, GA / Savannah’s Beach Vacation Planning Guide at age 96 surrounded by his kin folk from the Middleton Place, Charleston S.C. .  His nephew that I met back then looked like Bill Clinton.  His nephew was from Brunswick, Georgia; and he was suppose to inherit Wiley's fortune.  Wiley did not have any children by his wife whom had died the year before I met him.  However, possibly he remarried and had children after I met him, so I do not know the real story.  Since he started the General Motors Acceptance Corporation and the Middleton Shipping lines imported all of the coffee into this country, he had diverse business interests.  He told me back in 1976, he was buying everything he could in Florida from the bank up north for 25 cents on the dollar, so possibly he made some money.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/27/10 Thursday 12:20 A.M.  It is 69.8 degrees Fahrenheit in the living room and 80.4 degrees Fahrenheit outside.  It looks to be a full moon tonight.  I did not get any mail today.

There are suppose to be scattered thunderstorms today and 56 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit.

Usually on a full moon on a hot night before it is suppose to rain, the fishing is suppose to be good, and if you look at this Tides.INFO: Ocean and river tide predictions for Cos Cob Harbor, off Goose Island, Connecticut Current , it will tell you about the local tides to determine whether the fishing will be good down on Steamboat Road this morning or not.  However, on a warm evening; there are usually people down there anyway cooling off down by the waterfront.

A relative in Florida told me that with La Nina NOAA La Niña Page this year, the Tropical Weather Storm forecast is suppose to be worse this year, so hold on to you hats and start studying

Michael Louis Scott Tropical Weather

Michael Louis Scott Tropical Weather

Somebody looks like they might have moved, there are two very good love seats out by the dumpster and a box spring and mattress.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/26/10 Wednesday 11:50 P.M.  I am cleaned up.  I found a power adapter in my power adapter box underneath the stereo system, and I plugged it into the Huffy two million watt lantern in the bedroom, and I am now charging it up.  I will now throw out the garbage, and I will pick up the mail.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/26/10 Wednesday 11:10 P.M.  I was never charged the $18.02 for the clearance item here Laptop Cases | TBT006US | by Targus from Lenovo Outlet.  I emailed them that I had not been charged, and they claimed they had charged me, so possibly I will not be charged for it.  The charge occurred April 15, 2010.  I put the Targus 15.4 Laptop case on the floor beneath the Samsung color laser printer in the living room to have available for carrying the Dell Latitude D410 laptops.  However, I do not think it is big enough for the Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 laptop computer.  However, my red Swiss Army pack back that hangs behinds the apartment entrance door, is very good for carrying it.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/26/10 Wednesday 10:50 P.M.  I woke up at 8:30 P.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I made my bed.  I chatted with a relative.  I moved the brass Shield of Pall Mall from the side of the sideboard shelf unit in the bedroom to beneath the air conditioner in the living room.  I moved the Picasso print on the bedroom wall above the side board shelf unit to the left living room window.  It is just a generic cheap print, so I am not worried about the sun fading it, and it gives me a little privacy at the primary computer chair from being spied on by my neighbors, since I have no curtains in the living room anymore.  I have the Space Shuttle print on bedroom window shelf to the left of the air conditioner.  I move the younger Charles Lindbergh print from that location to where the Picasso print was in the bedroom.

I will now shower and clean up.  CIO    

Note: <888> 05/26/10 Wednesday 12:10 P.M.  I went out, and I chatted with neighbors about 7 P.M..  I finished configuring the 90 day demo of Windows 7 Ultimate with Office 2010 60 day demo on the second partition on the Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 laptop computer.  I am backing it up with the Windows 7 Complete PC backup program to the Samba external hard drive.  I resized the second patition, so it takes up about half the hard drive space.  I ate the remaining flavored rice with pieces of ham and cheese along with watered down punch.  I have been awake for about 24 hours, so I will go to bed once the backup is complete.

Partly cloudy and 68 to 89 degrees Fahrenheit today.  I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and the Panasonic Toughbook backup should be completed shortly, and I will shut it down, and then I will go to bed.  It is plenty cool in the apartment.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/26/10 Wednesday 2:55 A.M.  I installed my spare Belkin wireless LAN card on the Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 laptop, since it might have better range.

I installed the Paragon Disk Manager on it, and I resized its 38 gigabyte partition, so there is a second 14.7 gigabyte partition.

I am now installing the Windows 7 Enterprise three month demo on it.  As a reminder on the Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 to get it to boot from an external USB hard drive, one sets the CMOS to boot from a CD/DVD drive, but when one boots as I discovered, one also has to press F5 to get it to boot from the external USB DVD drive.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/26/10 Wednesday 1:00 A.M.  Half U.S. banks in 'precarious' position, ratings show » 

Weiss Bank Ratings | Learn More

Be a neighbor of the Bushs Kennebunkport, Maine Ocean Front Property details


Note: <888> 05/25/10 Tuesday 10:50 P.M.  Health Dispatch: Lemonade Every Day Keeps Kidney Stones Away Associazione Italiana di Vulcanologia - Home

INGV — Convegni

Mercury Magazines - Get Started! Free PC Magazine for a year

BBC - Earth News - Polar bears face 'tipping point' due to climate change

Free Eurail Pass: Buy 2, 3, or 4 Eurail Passes - Get 1 Free from Rail Europe

Free Eurail Pass: Buy 2, 3, or 4 Eurail Passes - Get 1 Free from Rail Europe

As I recall back in the winter of 1972, I paid about $200 for a three month Eurail pass, so I saw a bit of Europe on the Cheap.  To save money on hotels, I would ride long all night train rides from city to city and sleep on the train.


Note: <888> 05/25/10 Tuesday 9:55 P.M.  I also chatted with a friend today, while I was in the shower.

For dinner, I ate two 7.5 ounce salmon patties and a large helping of flavored rice with watered down punch and a cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice.

I chatted with a relative.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/25/10 Tuesday 8:20 P.M.  I had a computer magazine telephone call at 10 A.M. this morning.  I finally woke up at 1 P.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I made my bed.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I chatted with a relative and a friend who also was installing air conditioners. 

I threw out the garbage.  I moved my car to its usual place.  I mailed the $50 air conditioner rebate and the air conditioner warranty card in the mail room downstairs.  I chatted with a neighbor.

I made 187 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Norwegian shag pipe tobacco cigarettes while listening to and watching the Fox Business News .  I went outside, and I picked up the mail.  I went back outside, and I put my little cart back in the trunk of the Audi.  I chatted with two neighbors.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/25/10 Tuesday 5:10 A.M. Today is suppose to be partly cloudy and 63 to 83 degrees Fahrenheit.  I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.  Hopefully unlike a lot of other times recently, nobody will be calling me up waking me up in the morning.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/25/10 Tuesday 5:05 A.M.  I sorted the magazines in order.  I put a new Glade Hawaiian plug-in in the kitchen Glade scent holder.

I move the 12 inch Panasonic television from the small brass and glass coffee table to on top of the large Sony television with the Cable Box on top of it.  I put hard place mats underneath the Panasonic television and the Cable box to make them more stable.  I put the Panasonic TV remote on the small brass and glass end table with the Sony remote.  I move the mahogany tea table with the telephones in front of the Danish bar.  I moved the small brass and glass end table to the right of it in front of the left side of the mahogany bureau.  I put the small DVD player and the brass shell lamp on it.  It opens up that particular space a little bit more.  I replaced a faulty two line telephone slitter with a good one that hopefully will not pull out.

I put a 12 pack of Scott toilet paper on the stereo speaker in the bedroom window with a roll of paper towels, so they are easier to reach than the rest on top of the file cabinet.  With the sheet in the window, it should not be to hot there.  CIO  

Note: <888> 05/25/10 Tuesday 3:30 A.M.  I put two rolls of toilet paper in the men's room downstairs.  Possibly if someone is taking the toilet paper from the rest rooms downstairs, they should install one of those commercial toilet paper dispensers.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/25/10 Tuesday 2:45 A.M.  Reagan Foundation Live Webcast Mitt Romney

Glenlivet Father's Day Special

Victoria (queen of United Kingdom) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

BBC News - Cameron plans for new laws due in Queen's Speech

BBC News - Duchess of York: 'I hate grown ups and I love children'

BBC News - Eurovision preparations under way in Oslo

BBC News - Synthetic life patents 'damaging'

BBC News - Tony Blair to advise Khosla Ventures on green energy

The 1998 Audi A6 owned by Michael Scott hit 66,000 miles today, the first time I was at the Chase Bank.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/25/10 Tuesday 2:10 A.M.  I filled out the $50 rebate information, and I have it ready to mail.  I also filled out the air conditioner warranty card, and I have it ready to mail.

I set the new air conditioner on energy saving.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/24/10 Monday 11:00 P.M.  I went out after the last note.  I used the men's room downstairs.  I have noticed the last few times that I have used it that there is no toilet paper in the men's room.

I went downtown, and I went by the Chase Bank ATM just west of Greenwich Avenue on West Putnam Avenue.  I then went by CVS, and I bought 12 pack of Lipton 16.9 ounce bottles of diet green tea with citrus flavors for $6.99 and two 6.38 ounce Pringles salt and vinegar potato chips for $1.50 each for $9.99 total. 

I then sat out for a while briefly downtown, and I watched Starbucks close at 10 P.M..  I then returned home back to my cooler apartment.  All of the parking spaces are now filled up again. 

I will now make and eat a 16 ounce Maria Callendar chicken pot pie which I will eat with a glass of watered down punch and a cup of green tea with truvia sweetner and lemon juice.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/24/10 Monday 9:15 P.M.  I chatted with a neighbor.  I went out after the last note, and I drove on I-95 East in heavy traffic up to in Norwalk, Connecticut.  It is located where Circuit City used to be.

The salesman Mark Braxton helped me.

I bought All Products / Air Conditioners & Dehumidifiers / Window-Mounted Air Conditioners / FRA086AT7 8,000 BTU air conditioner with remote control for $219.97, and the PC Richard Onsite Maintenance and Replacement warranty for two years for $39.99 and air conditioner foam rubber strips for $4.97 and $15.60 Connecticut State Tax for $280.53 total.  Also there is a $50 State of Connecticut Energy Star Rebate on the unit.  The actual case is about 18.5 inches by 12.5 inches, so I knew it would fit into my window opening, which is just a hair larger.

I then returned west on I-95 West, and I got off at Exit 5 West in Riverside, and I stopped by the Chase Bank just west of Greenwich Avenue on West Putnam Avenue, and then I drove back to my apartment in Byram on Putnam Avenue.

I used my little cart to bring up the air conditioner. 

Frigidaire is owned by Welcome to Electrolux USA .

I chatted with a relative.

I unpacked the air conditioner.  I did not used the window side panels.  I put the one inch steel bar across the top with four screws.

I removed the air conditioner window opening with my hex driver kit.  After I installed the air conidtioner, I left the double pane window that I removed on the window sill just beneath the air conditioner.

The air conditioner fit in perfectly.  I stuffed the top and sides with two strips of the foam rubber and I put a flat strip of foam rubber on the bottom inside.  I opened the window above it, and I lined the outside top and two sides with duct tape.  I did the same thing on the inside.

I closed the window.  I put the two batteries in the remote control.  I plugged the plug into the air conditioner extension cord that I had available.  I did the plug test and reset on the cord plug.

It works just fine, and at medium fan speed and 66 degrees Fahrenheit setting it is plenty cool in the apartment and it is not too loud.  I moved around some of the bric-a-brac on the window shelf.  I put the tower fan from the hallway on the window shelf to blow the cool air around more.

I turned down the Panasonic air conditioner in the bedroom, so it is not as cool.  When I first installed it as the sun was going down, it quickly dropped the apartment living room temperature from 90 degrees Fahrenheit to 78 degrees Fahrenheit.  It is currently 71.4 degrees Fahrenheit in the living room.  I also have the Clean feature turned on to remove any dust.

The air filter has to be cleaned once a month.  I have the information on it sitting on top of the primary Dell D410 laptop on the dining table.  The estimated yearly operating cost is $59, and the Energy Efficiency Rating is 10.8.

I chatted with a relative twice.  I went downstairs, and I chatted with neighbors, and I picket up my mail.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/24/10 Monday 3:10 P.M.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I threw out the garbage.  I chatted with neighbors and the building custodian.

I finished the backups and shut down the computers.

I chatted with a relative.

I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go up to Norwalk, Connecticut and get Frigidaire FAA065P7A Window Air Conditioner, Room Air Conditioners  .  CIO

Note: <888> 05/24/10 Monday 1:40 P.M.  Since it was colder in the bedroom, I wore my L.L. Bean Union Suit over my pajamas while sleeping.  I woke up at 10:30 A.M., when somebody called looking for someone with a similar name to someone that once lived in this building.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I made my bed.

I did a Vista Complete PC backup of the primary Vista computer to the Samba external hard drive.  I did a Vista Complete PC Backup of the bedroom Abit computer to the Maxtor external hard drive.  I am just finishing up doing a Vista Complete PC backup of the Epox computer to the Bytecc external hard drive.  I also did another XP Professional ASR backup of the primary Dell D410 laptop to the Samba external hard drive.  The backup I did last night did not write the right backup file extension.

I will now make up a fresh batch of punch.

When I got up at 10:30 A.M., it was 62 degrees Fahrenheit in the bedroom, and it was 69 degrees Fahrenheit in the living room.

Right now it is 62 degrees Fahrenheit in the bedroom and 74.3 degrees Fahrenheit in the living room, and 80.6 degrees outside by the windows that the sun has just started shining on in the last hour.  CIO   

Note: <888> 05/24/10 Monday 4:05 A.M.  BBC News - Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano reduces activity

BBC News - Duke of York 'unaware' of ex-wife meeting with reporter

BBC News - British Airways cabin crew begin five-day strike action

BBC News - US warns it may 'push BP aside' on Gulf oil clean-up

Cloudy today and 58 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/24/10 Monday 3:05 A.M.  I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with mayo, and 1/4th of a 6.3 ounce tube of CVS reduced fat potato chips, and a dill pickle slice and a glass of watered down punch. 

I finished the backups.

I moved the two heavy glass ashtrays from the white book shelf at the kitchen entrance to the lower levels of the Danish bar.  I move the bumble bee lamp from the living room window shelf to the white book case at the kitchen entrance.  I will use it for low light when I go out at night.

It is rather uncomfortable that I have to leave the bedroom air conditioner on maximum where the bedroom is 62 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit, so with the fans moving the air into the living room, it is 75 degrees Fahrenheit in the living room at night.  I will try to sleep in the colder conditions tonight, so it is cooler in the living room in the day time.

One the living screen is installed, and I have a smaller air conditioner for the living room, it should not be necessary to keep the bedroom air conditioner so cold. 

I am installing the updates on the Panasonic Toughbook CF-29.  CIO  

Note: <888> 05/24/10 Monday 1:50 A.M.  Today is Queen Victoria's 191th birthday Victoria of the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .

In honor of Queen Victoria, I am removing the four betas Windows 7 from the four partitions they were on four different computers.

I used Download EasyBCD 1.7.2 - NeoSmart Technologies to eliminate the Windows 7 in the boot manager of the two computers with Vista as the primary partition on the two desktops and the two Dell D410 laptop computers with XP as the primary partition.

I used the Vista Disk Manager to delete the Windows 7 partitions on the two Vista machines, and then I resized the partitions, so the primary Vista partition was at its maximum.

On the two XP computers which are the Dell D410 laptops, I used the Paragon Partition Manager that I downloaded earlier and installed for free to delete the Windows 7 partitions, and then resize the primary XP partitions to their maximum.

I installed the updates on all four computers.

On the Vista desktops, I did Vista Complete PC backups from the first hard drives to the second hard drives.

On the two Dell D410 laptops, I am doing XP Professional ASR backups to the Samba external hard drive, and I have one ASR backup left to finish.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/23/10 Sunday 10:15 P.M.  After dinner, I chatted with a relative.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I put a white sheet in front of the bedroom window, so I have a little privacy.  I tucked it in between the two window panes, and I used four strips of duct tape to hold it up.  I have the area in front of the Panasonic air conditioner left opened of course.  I threw out the garbage.

Recently the building parking lot has been filled up, because some of the tenants have two cars.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/23/10 Sunday 8:30 P.M.  I am microwaving a 16 ounce Maria Callender chicken pot pie which I will eat with a glass of watered down punch. 

I also earlier cleaned the Ionic Pro air purifier.  I also put the new Lasko box fan at the hallway entrance in the living room on low speed blowing the air from the bedroom into the living room.  I have the tower fan still in the hallway on high speed without oscillating blowing the cooler air from the bedroom into the living room.  I also have the two fan in the bedroom blowing the air on medium speed into the hallway without oscillating.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/23/10 Sunday 8:05 P.M.  I woke up at noon, when a neighbor called to barrow cigarettes, but I was too tired to help out.  I went back to bed until 3 P.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I made my bed.  I dusted the entire apartment including washing the glasses and dusting the three levels of the Danish bar setup to the right of the stereo system setup in the living room.  That involved washing and drying about a hundred dusty glasses.  I also vacuumed the entire apartment using the dust attachment to pick up more dust along with vacuuming the rugs.  Thus I spent about four hours cleaning.  I updated the air conditioner note below.

Since it is 66 degrees outside, I currently have the bedroom air conditioner vent opened, and I have it on high fan along with the fans blowing the cooler air into the living room, which is currently 79 degrees Fahrenheit.  CIO

***** Note: <888> 05/23/10 Sunday 8:05 P.M. Frigidaire FAA065P7A 6,000 BTU MSII Air Conditioner with Electronic Controls: Kitchen & Dining for $148.75 with free shipping.  Product dimensions says it would fit, but another part of the pages says it needs a window with 14 inch minimum height.  It is suppose to be quieter than the 8,000 BTU model and has a remote control.

It is available for local pickup at Frigidaire FAA065P7A 6,000 BTU MSII Air Conditioner with Electronic Controls County TV and Appliance - Appliances and Electronics in Stamford, Greenwich and Norwalk Connecticut , but the price is $200.

Frigidaire FAA065P7A Window Air Conditioner, Room Air Conditioners for $159.97, and there is a store in Norwalk about where CircuitCity used to be. CIO

County Appliance does not stock the unit, and they would have to order it.  PC Richard has it in stock.  CIO   

End of Scott's Notes week of 05/23/10: 

Note: <888> 05/23/10 Sunday 3:15 A.M.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  I will then shut down the primary Vista computer.  It is suppose to be a few showers today and 57 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/23/10 Sunday 2:10 A.M.  Reagan Presidential Library - Form Sunset Dinners 

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (British author) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

BBC News - Jordan Romero, 13, 'becomes youngest to scale Everest'

I watched some television.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/23/10 Sunday 12:15 A.M.  I ate two hotdogs on buns with mustard and ketchup, and 1/4th of a 5.3 ounce tube of CVS  potato chips with a dill pickle slice and a glass of watered down punch.  CIO   

Note: <888> 05/22/10 Saturday 11:10 P.M.  I went out after the last note.   I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I used the bathroom at Starbucks.  I chatted with a relative with my wireless.  I stopped by CVS, and I bought two 10 ounce CVS moisturizing shave gel for sensitive skin for $1.59 each and .19 tax for $3.37 total.  I used the bathroom at CVS.  After my walk, I sat out for a while.  I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought four 16 ounce Maria Callendar chicken pot pies for $2.50 each and a 13.5 ounce box of reduced fat Cheez-its for $2.50 for $12.50 total.

I then returned home.  I put away my purchases.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/22/10 Saturday 8:00 P.M.  I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with mayo, and 1/4th of a 6.3 ounce tube of CVS reduced fat potato chips, and a dill pickle slice and a glass of watered down punch.

I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go downtown to Greenwich Avenue for a walk.  CIO    

Note: <888> 05/22/10 Saturday 7:20 P.M.  I put away the laundry.  CIO 

***** Note: <888> 05/22/10 Saturday 6:35 P.M. Frigidaire FAA065P7A 6,000 BTU MSII Air Conditioner with Electronic Controls: Kitchen & Dining for $148.75 with free shipping.  Product dimensions says it would fit, but another part of the pages says it needs a window with 14 inch minimum height.  It is suppose to be quieter than the 8,000 BTU model and has a remote control.

It is available for local pickup at Frigidaire FAA065P7A 6,000 BTU MSII Air Conditioner with Electronic Controls County TV and Appliance - Appliances and Electronics in Stamford, Greenwich and Norwalk Connecticut , but the price is $200.

Frigidaire FAA065P7A Window Air Conditioner, Room Air Conditioners for $159.97, and there is a store in Norwalk about where CircuitCity used to be. CIO

Note: <888> 05/22/10 Saturday 5:55 P.M.  I have 50 minutes go on the dry cycle.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/22/10 Saturday 5:35 P.M.  I watched some television until 4 A.M..  I woke up at 10 A.M., when a relative called.  I went back  to bed until 2 P.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I chatted with two relatives.  I put clean linens on the bed.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I started two loads of laundry, and I have 10 minutes to go on the wash cycle.  I threw out the garbage.  CIO   

Note: <888> 05/22/10 Saturday 2:20 A.M.  I have 1.5 years to go my magazine subscription.  I renewed it for $5 for another year for 2.5 years to go total by going to  Forbes Magazine Discount (1 Year) - Read More, Pay Less!  and entering coupon code "8175".

I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.

Cloudy today and 56 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit. CIO 

Note: <888> 05/22/10 Saturday 1:40 A.M.  The cable modem occasionally stops, so from the control panels, I turn off the cable modem, the router, the net switch, and the wireless router.  Usually after about 10 minutes, it works fine, when I turn them back on in the same order, as I turned them off. 

Well now much happening in downtown Greenwich tonight except the usual Friday night diners, and a lot of the restaurants looked busy.  A few of the restaurants have tables on the sidewalk besides the Thataway patio which is much larger for Al Fresco dining.

I have heard from my friends overseas yesterday, and they are headed from Bremmerhaven, Germany to Venice, Italy for their second cruise.  They are my only friends in Manhattan that I know about, so currently at the moment, I have no friends in Manhattan that I know of.

I actually did not know that many people in Manhattan, but a few people that I knew, knew a lot of people.

I have to phone in another work order for the building custodian to put in my window shades.

Also the building custodian told me, he might have a smaller air conditioner for my living room window.

The 8,000 BTU Frigidaires that I looked at on the internet are suppose to be quite noisy, so I did not order one, besides I really could not afford one.

I plan to go up to Kennebunkport, Maine to visit with family towards the end of June 2010 and the first of July 2010.  I have to get a hair cut before then which will cost me about $30 plus the cost of driving to Maine.

In two out the last three years, during the first week of June, we had hundred degrees Fahrenheit days, and then it cooled off again until the heat of July.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/22/10 Saturday 1:00 A.M.  Ronald Reagan Library Store

Infrasound Laboratory

Iceland 2010

VolcanoHeaven ©2010

BBC News - White House rodent's star turn with President Obama  CIO

Note: <888> 05/22/10 Saturday 12:35 A.M.  I ate two hotdogs on buns with mustard and ketchup, and 1/4th of a 5.3 ounce tube of CVS reduced fat potato chips with a dill pickle slice and a glass of watered down punch.

CVS on Greenwich Avenue carries 12 packs of 12 ounce can of Ginger Ale.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/21/10 Friday 11:45 P.M.  I woke up at 1 P.M. today.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I made my bed, and I washed the breakfast dishes.   I threw out the garbage.

The building custodian installed in my bedroom window a used Panasonic 11,000 BTU air conditioner.  He put in Plexiglas on the left side held in by duct tape.  I ran the orange heavy duty extension cord along the windows from the living room attached to the heavy duty air conditioner cord attached to the air conditioner plug in the living room to the Panasonic air conditioner in the bedroom.  It works just fine. I moved the spare toilet paper and paper towels from the left side of the bedroom window on the speaker to on top of the filing cabinet in the bedroom.  It is too hot in the window to store paper.  I put the Lasko box fan on the left side of the window to the left of the Panasonic air conditioner to blow the cold air out into the bedroom.  I put the tower fan that was on the floor of the living room at the bedroom side of the bedroom door by the white bureau to blow the cold air into the hallway.  I put the new Lasko box fan in the hallway on the floor to blow the cold air out into the living room.  I move the tower fan from the living room window shelf into the living room just before the hallway entrance to blow the cool air into the living room.  I still have the Sunbeam table fan also in the living room.

I used dust tape, and I hung the Oregon Scientific weather station sending unit from the outside of the center living room window with it hanging from the duct tape taped to the outside.   I move the base station to the living room window shelf on top of the Buckingham Palace miniature in the window near the weather station sending unit.

I gave the building custodian the new unopened - Recertified: Canon PIXMA iP2600 2435B022AA Up to 22 ppm 4800 x 1200 dpi InkJet Photo Color Printer that I had paid $14.99 with free shipping for.  I never use inkjet printers except for envelopes.

This afternoon around 5 to 6 P.M. it was 115 degrees Fahrenheit at the inside of the windows in the sun.  It was 87 degrees Fahrenheit in the living room, and 65 degrees Fahrenheit by the air conditioner in the bedroom. 

At this hour, it is still 65 degrees Fahrenheit by the air conditioner in the bedroom with the Panasonic air conditioner set at 10 and maximum air speed.

It is 76.6 degrees in the living room with the cool air being blown into the room from the bedroom, and it is 61.9 degrees Fahrenheit outside right now.

After the air conditioner was installed in the bedroom, I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.  I picked up the mail. I chatted with neighbors, and the U.S. Census worker who was looking for two tenants.  I watered the plants.  I chatted with a relative.

I ate my usual London Broil dinner that I have eating recently.  I showered, and I cleaned up.

I went out at about 8 P.M., and I went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  The senior and the art center was closed up tight.  I stopped by CVS, and I used the bathroom.  After my walk, I went by the Greenwich Automotive Services Gulf Station, and I bought $5.50 of self service premium for $3.399 a gallon for 1.617 gallons for 22.8 miles driving since last Saturday at odometer reading of 65966 miles for 14.1 miles per gallon driving in mostly local downtown traffic.  I cleaned the outside windows and the sun roof, and I also cleaned off some sea gull craps from the driver's side rear side of the car. 

I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought two six packs of day old Kaiser rolls for $1.25 a six pack, a 8 pack of Stop and Shop hot dog rolls for $1, 16 ounces of Smart Balance spread for $3.29, Stop and Shop sliced white American deli cheese for $4.99 a pound for $6.26, Stop and Shop sliced deli premium Virginia ham for $5.99 a pound for $9.13, and fresh Chiquita bananas for .69 a pound for $2.13 for $24.31 total.  I then returned home, and I put away my purchases.

I have a control panel in the living room window, and when one turns off the master switch, it turns off the three lights in the living room window, and the dolphin florescent light on the stereo cabinet, which I have done to use less light in the living room.

I moved the Lindbergh print and the Space Shuttle photograph from the left living room window to the floor in the bedroom in front of the white bureau, since the sunlight in the living room would be too intense for them.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/21/10 Friday 1:25 A.M.  I watched a bit of television.

I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.

Mostly sunny and 56 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit today.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/21/10 Friday 12:10 A.M. Back around 1962, when my family first moved to Greenwich, Connecticut from Stamford, Connecticut; where we had lived for a year after moving from Decatur, Alabama; our first house in Greenwich, Connecticut on Baldwin Farms North had central air conditioning.  It cost $75,000 to build on a two acre parcel of property, and it had a widow's walk like the houses in Nantucket.  The following houses in New Canaan and in Greenwich on Baldwin Farms South did not have central air conditioning, so we gradually got use to the hotter summers here.  Our houses in Decatur, Alabama and Pensacola, Florida had central air conditioning.

I think air conditioning came into common use around World War II, but I have read about houses that had it in the 1920s.  The British Foreign Office classified Washington D.C. as a Tropical Zone, until air conditioning became popular in Washington D.C. around World War II. 

I do not make my ice tea anymore, but the recipe is still available at: .

A lot of people drink iced tea in the summer, but tea is a diuretic, and it makes one have to go to the bathroom more often.

I use to live in Nantucket without air conditioning, and I was a dishwasher and pot scrubber in very hot kitchens in the summer, so I have endured more than my share of warmer conditions.

Of course, I have a theory that in India, where it is very hot, they use curry to not feel the heat.

Thus one could try to take a 6 ounce glass of tomato juice or vegetable juice and put in about one eighth of a teaspoon of India curry, and one might not feel the heat as much.

I am not driving down around the waterfront on Steamboat Road anymore, since it is mostly Hispanic people down there, and I do not know Spanish. Plus in the last few summers, there has hardly been any place to park down there, whenever I have gone down there.

They are going to clean and stripe the Board of Education Parking lot downtown this Saturday, so it will be closed for parking.

There are still a lot of vacant store fronts on Greenwich Avenue, if anyone can afford to invest in a street business.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/20/10 Thursday 11:20 P.M.  I ate two tuna fish sandwiches with CVS reduced fat potato chips and watered down punch.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/20/10 Thursday 10:20 P.M.  I went out after the last note.  I went by CVS on Greenwich Avenue, and I picked up a prescription.

I bought a Sunbeam 12" Oscillating Table Fan for $29.99 less a $5 off $30 CVS internet coupon and a $1.50 tax for $26.49 total.  I then returned to my car, and I drove further down Greenwich Avenue.

I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  There were two art openings going on at the Senior and the Arts Center and at the art gallery on the lower left of Greenwich Avenue.  Arts on the Avenue is also going on with various art works in the store windows.  The renovation work at the Star Chinese laundry has a red stop work order from the building inspector in the window.  I stopped by CVS again, and I bought two 45 ounce jugs of Xtra Tropical Passion detergent for $1.99 each and .24 tax for $4.22 total.  After I finished my walk, I sat out for a while.  I tried to use the bathroom at the senior and the arts center, but it was locked up.  There might be a bathroom on the second floor.  I will have to look for it sometime.  I only recall being on the second floor once or twice in all of my years in Greenwich.  I tried to use the bathroom at Starbucks, but it was locked for cleaning.  I returned home, and I used the bathroom at home.  I chatted with a relative.

I assembled the Sunbeam 12 inch fan, which is not two tricky.  I put two round candy tins and a big Time Life cook book on the Samsung Color laser printer to have a level surface, and I put the fan on top of it.  I set it on low set speed to oscillate.  I have it turned mostly at the computer work area, but one could rotate it clockwise about 90 degrees to cover the recliner and the television area.  It is now 81 degrees Fahrenheit in the living room and 72 degrees Fahrenheit in the bedroom window.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/20/10 Thursday 6:45 P.M.  I ate two hotdogs on buns with mustard and ketchup, and 1/4th of a 5.3 ounce tube of CVS reduced fat potato chips with a dill pickle slice and a glass of watered down punch.

I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go downtown for a walk.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/20/10 Thursday 5:55 P.M.  SSCMGRA Application form | Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences - PIMS

BBC News - 'Artificial life' breakthrough announced by scientists

BBC News - Up close on Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano

BBC News - Google launches smart TV service  CIO

!!!!! Note: <888> 05/20/10 Thursday 5:15 P.M.  YouTube - Hail Storm Oklahoma City  CIO

Note: <888> 05/20/10 Thursday 5:00 P.M.  I woke up at 11:30 A.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I made my bed, and I washed the breakfast dishes.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I threw out the garbage.

I put two new AA alkaline batteries in the Oregon Scientific weather station sending unit, and I changed it to channel 2.  I dropped its wire stand in a hole in the wall by the window, so it no longer has a wire stand.  I have it propped in the left side of the bedroom window, and it is working now.

It is currently 84.6 degrees Fahrenheit in the living room, and 102.4 degrees Fahrenheit by the open bedroom window.

I chatted with neighbors.  I picked up the mail.  I received a letter from that on June 15, 2010, one will need the Digital Cable Box which I already have to pick up their signal.

I made 138 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Stoker's Number 2 Ultra Light cigarettes.  I watched the Fox Business News on channel 106, while making the cigarettes.  I gave four cigarettes to a neighbor.  CIO   

Note: <888> 05/20/10 Thursday 1:20 A.M.  I ate two bowls of Cheez-its.  I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.

Mostly sunny today and 58 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/20/10 Thursday 12:40 A.M.   CIO 

Note: <888> 05/20/10 Thursday 12:05 A.M.  I ran the Symantic Utilities Disk Clean up.  I also cleaned up my old System restores, so there was about 100 gigabytes of used space on the C: drive.  I then did a Vista Complete PC backup from the C: drive to the D: drive.  I also rebooted the FIC server.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/19/10 Wednesday 9:45 P.M.  I had a survey telephone call, and I told them to take my name off the list.  I told another survey telephone call to do the same thing yesterday.  I took a nap in my recliner for an hour.  I chatted with a relative.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/19/10 Wednesday 7:40 P.M.   The best of Scotland for less!

Biltmore Email

BBC News - US oil spill 'enters Loop Current' with Florida at risk  CIO

Note: <888> 05/19/10 Wednesday 7:20 P.M.  We had a cooking smoke fire call at a neighbors apartment.  The fire department responded, and they checked out the apartment and reset the alarm. 

I ate a 21 ounce Stouffer's meat lasagna with grated parmesan and Romano cheese on it and a glass of watered down punch and a cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/19/10 Wednesday 5:25 P.M.  I woke up at noon.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I made my bed, and I washed the breakfast dishes.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I threw out the garbage.  I chatted with the building custodian.  He might have a spare Kenmore 10,000 BTU air conditioner for my living room window.  The electric company gave them away last year.  I called in a work order for him to install my General Electric air conditioner in the bedroom anyway.  I went to my 3:30 P.M. appointment.  I then returned home.  I chatted with neighbors.  I picked up the mail.

The order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information on the order for Peters Stokkebye Norwegian Pipe Tobacco (ounces) for $1.36 an ounce for $72.05 and ten Premier LIGHT 100MM Tubes (200ct) for $29 for $101.05 total with free UPS shipping on a $100 order arrived.

The order with tracking of USPS - Track & Confirm on the order for lot of 3 Phone Jack Telephone 5 Outlet Splitter - eBay (item 400086283279 end time May-17-10 09:53:41 PDT) for $9.99 with free shipping arrived, but they only sent my one five splitter instead of three.  I will have to email them about the problem.  I installed it on the telephone lines on the floor by the Danish bar, so whatever telephone line that it is, it will sound better.  I also put a new telephone line on the V-tech two line telephone connected to it.  CIO  

Note: <888> 05/19/10 Wednesday 1:35 A.M.  I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed shortly.

A few showers today and 49 to 62 degrees Fahrenheit.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/19/10 Wednesday 1:00 A.M.  I now have $104.71 on my AT&T Go Phone until August 16, 2010.  It cost me $26.50 to recharge it.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/19/10 Wednesday 12:40 A.M.  I watched a little bit of television.  I have a 3:30 P.M. appointment today. 

It does seem like the worldwide Obama recession has pretty much brought the whole world to a stand still.  I guess whom ever still has money left in the world is hiding out in some obscure location that nobody knows about.  It seems like everyone that used to be around Greenwich has left and gone away, but that might just be the people from the neighboring communities whom can no longer afford to visit here anymore.

One neighbor told me that gasoline is suppose to up, and a relative told me that gasoline is suppose go down.  Basically I never see any customers in banks, so it is hard to tell why there are building so many banks in this area.

Maybe they hope somebody will show up and put money in the bank.  I know in Europe when I last visited during the Albertville, France winter Olympics in 1992, they had two sets of bullet proof doors at every bank entrance, and one had to be buzzed through one set of bank doors, before they would let one go into the other set of bank doors.

Besides the computer activity, my life has been so simple for most of my life, I have had not had to change too much in my routines since the recession started a couple of years ago.

In my youth, there were a number of ways to make a little bit of money, but I am not longer fit to dive for golf balls in golf course ponds.  I also do not think there would be much of a market for homemade pot holders and place mats made with fabric loops.

One can make their own beer at home legally, but I am not sure if the cheap bulk ingredients are available anymore.

It seems to me that the people whom I see in Kennebunkport, Maine in the summer are more self sufficient, but I do not have those northern skills that they have acquired over generations.

I am basically an office geek, and I know how to run my office as best I can.

Not many people communicate, so I guess nobody has anything to communicate.  It is like we might be in Greenwich, Russia; and New York does not even exist.  The young people seem to be content with their younger activities.  It is sort of hard to tell if any of the republicans that were once around here in the Bush administration ever had any money, or if they were just driving around trying to look official like it was some sort of automobile rally.

From all I know from television here, the current President once left the White House to buy hamburgers from a fast food operation, and they have not shown any other activity to speak of happening down there.  Most of the nightly television seems to be police shows which I do not find too entertaining.

I enjoy the cooking shows, but it is like they ran out of food here, and they are just advertising bottled water.  We tend to have plenty of water in the eastern part of the Unites States, unlike the less fortunate people out west whom have always lived without much water.  I remember seeing a six foot sign once in Santa Cruz, California asking people to limit showers to five minutes.  Here I use a water flow restrictor shower head, and I only take a couple of minutes shower, and I turn it off, when I am lathering with soap.  However, that is save on hot water energy and not water.

I find that by driving less, I have less gasoline and maintenance costs, so I am able to do more with computers.  However, currently my inventory of computers and computer expenses have exceeded my budget, so I do not plan any other computer hardware purchases.  I am not sure what I need the three laptops for, but if need be I could always try to sell one or two on Ebay, but I think they are worthwhile configurations to keep for a long time, and since they are well built equipment, they should last for a long time.

I do activities based on my routines and my limited circle of movement downtown in a women's shopping area.  At the second to the last Microsoft conference I attended five years ago, they were showing software to use for women's online purchases of clothing, but I guess it never caught on with the general public, and the women seem to like visiting the stores anyway versus ordering online.

I think most of the young teenagers and college students are into computer games and music, so they probably do not have the same perspective on the internet that I do after 20 years.

There is not much news out of California anymore now that it is bankrupt, so I guess people are pursuing simpler routines in their depleted economy.

I can see the flight pattern of Westchester County airport out of my new windows which have no curtains or shades, but I only see and here a couple of jets a week Westchester County - AirportMonitor - by Megadata - powered by PASSUR , so I guess nobody can afford to travel into this area anymore.

I did read this story today Senior Center members get a taste of changes to lunch program - GreenwichTime .

State's new M-8 railroad cars make first independent test run

Possibly the people whom commute into Manhattan make some money, but they do not seem to share the wealth out here. 

From experience, generally when I go into Manhattan, my life gets worse, and the economy gets worse, so I think it is safer to stay out here in the green belt.

I just remember I have to renew my AT&T Go Phone by May 24, 2010, so I think I will do that now.


Note: <888> 05/18/10 Tuesday 10:35 P.M.  UPS: Tracking Information on the order for Peters Stokkebye Norwegian Pipe Tobacco (ounces) for $1.36 an ounce for $72.05 and ten Premier LIGHT 100MM Tubes (200ct) for $29 for $101.05 total with free UPS shipping on a $100 order.

VolcanoHeaven ©2010

White House to Create Commission to Study Gulf Spill -

BBC News - Experts say new broadband minister 'urgently needed'  CIO

Note: <888> 05/18/10 Tuesday 9:30 P.M.  I chatted with a relative.  We decided for now, I would have the Greenwich Housing Authority Custodian install the General Electric Profile 15,500 BTU air conditioner with remote control in the right side of the bedroom window.  I will place a work order with them tomorrow.  I can run a heavy duty extension cord that I have from the air conditioner plug in the living room to the bedroom, and the windows installers left a space to run the cord along the windows between the two rooms.  I will place a tower fan at the bedroom door entrance to blow the cooler air from the bedroom into the living room area.  I am worried that the Frigidaire 8,000 BTU unit might be too noisy, and I already know the General Electric unit is relatively quiet.  If the General Electric unit does not cool the living room enough, I can always get the Frigidaire unit later on.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/18/10 Tuesday 8:40 P.M.  Sears has this model Frigidaire which is 8,000 BTU with a remote control which would fit for $229.99 Frigidaire White 8,000 BTU Room Air Conditioner ENERGY STAR® and $25 shipping, but it is noisy too .

Note: <888> 05/18/10 Tuesday 6:45 P.M.  I will now make and eat the same dinner as last night.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/18/10 Tuesday 6:40 P.M.  An associate inspected the apartment.  I showed the associate around, and I explained the air conditioner situation.  The associate left about 4 P.M..  I chatted with a relative.  I checked out my bedroom window, and the screen lifts up, thus I could put the 15,500 BTU General Electric Profile air conditioner on the right side of the bedroom window, and I could use a tower fan to blow the cold air from the bedroom in the living room.

I figure this Frigidaire - MS II Compact 8,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner - White - FAA082P7A is the best air conditioner for the living room, so I might order it tomorrow once I get the word from the same associate.  It would not be too difficult to install the GE air conditioner in the bedroom, if I had somebody to help me lift the unit into place in its frame.  I closed the bedroom window, until it is only opened 4.5 inches.  I need to dust and clean the Danish bar area with all of its glassware.  The associate suggested that I get rid of some of the items at that location.  I do not plan to hold any receptions or cocktail parties with all of the electronics in my apartment, so the Danish bar area is left over from a time when I allowed for that contingency.  I had a telephone call from the doctor that did my physical, and my blood work is all right, and my cholesterol is fine taking the medications that I have been taking recently  CIO

Note: <888> 05/18/10 Tuesday 2:45 P.M.  I had a telephone call from a survey organization this morning.  I told them to take my name off the list.  I woke up at noon.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I made my bed, and I washed the breakfast dishes.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I threw out the garbage.  I chatted with a town official that is here.  I picked up my mail.  The visit by an associate will now be at 3:30 P.M..  CIO   

Note: <888> 05/18/10 Tuesday 3:55 A.M.  I chatted with the only person probably awake in the Pacific Northwest, since I know they are mostly daytime people out there.  Alas I have only been as far north on the west coast of America for a day's drive north of San Francisco, and I probably was still on the Hearst Ranch, and I ran out of money, so I never made it any further north on my many trips out west.  I think where I turned around and headed back south was called Fort Bragg, California Fort Bragg, California - Lodging, Dining, Events, & Business Directory.  I recall seeing a quaint little ocean side town without much around it, and it was not nearly as busy as the areas to the south of it.

Well, from what I know if I shut down the IBM type Personal Desktop Computer that I built myself and that runs the Microsoft Vista Operating System and Office 2007 suite that Microsoft gave my the last time I was able to afford to visit Manhattan three years ago, I will be off to bed shortly after a couple of smokes.

Today it is suppose to rain and be 50 to 57 degrees Fahrenheit.  You have to remember that despite the fact that this time around, I have worked with personal computers for about 20 years, there are a lot of older people around me that could not be bother with them, since they are terribly expensive and confusing. 

Local computer news story Three charged in Greenwich iPad theft - GreenwichTime

From TVs to SUVs, state spends anti-terror funds - GreenwichTime

Bank branch approval before zoning commission - GreenwichTime  It does seem that Chase has too many bank branches in town, but I suppose they think we might be some sort of major metropolitan area like Manhattan which is not really the case.  I did stop by the Chase Bank on the south side of the Greenwich Post Office today to get $3 in quarters for my change purse.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/18/10 Tuesday 2:25 A.M.  I guess they do not tell the truth in Key West, Florida Tar found on Key West beaches as concern grows about oil heading toward east coast » .  Of course the Casa Marina is a Waldorf Astoria property, and everyone knows New Yorkers have a way of not telling the truth in order to make money.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/18/10 Tuesday 1:55 A.M.   LEC - The Lancaster Environment Centre

SwissEduc: Stromboli Online - Iceland

30th Anniversary Mount St. Helens VolcanoCams - Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument

Tracking is USPS - Track & Confirm on the order for ot of 3 Phone Jack Telephone 5 Outlet Splitter - eBay (item 400086283279 end time May-17-10 09:53:41 PDT) for $9.99 with free shipping.

BBC News - LHC particle search 'nearing', says physicist

BBC News - Hack attacks mounted on car control systems  CIO

Note: <888> 05/18/10 Tuesday 12:30 A.M.  I chatted with Key West Hotel Resorts & Florida Keys Beach Accommodations - Casa Marina Resort Key West .  They told me the oil had not hit the beach there yet.

From what little I have read about the BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, the capture device they built and sunk to the sea floor did not work, because methane gas crystals blocked its pipe at the top.

Possibly they could construct a capture device like an upside down toilet bowl which would suck the oil out from lower down the sides of the device, and they could pump the hot water into the top of the device to dissolve the methane ice crystals that build up.  However, from what little I know oil floats on top of water, so possibly if the methane gas crystals were dissolved with hot water, the oil would rise above the hot water, and from the lower sides of the capture device, only the hot water would be returned instead of the oil.  It would seem to me that since oceanographers frequently work in tens of thousands of feet of water, they would have equipment and expertise in the situation. 

I know the Cousteau Institute is in Monte Carlo, and the Japanese whom are suppose to have a lot of money are also suppose to be the world's best oceanographers as well as being expert engineers as we all know.

Possibly a lot of the visitors that south Florida once experienced are now going to larger warmer areas like Brazil, so nobody knows where some people have gone if they happen to have money to travel during the worldwide recession.  It does seem to me that a large company like British Petroleum would be owned by a lot of different worldwide funds, so possibly it is not really a local British problem but that of a worldwide corporation owned by the general worldwide population with just a British name.  My family and I stayed one month in Tobago in the spring of 1971 in a house next door to the former chairman of British Petroleum, Mr. Colon at the Mount Irvine Club, but that is about all I know about the company other than the fact that Trinidad and Tobago like Venezuela have large off shore oil assets.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/17/10 Monday 10:15 A.M.  I had a survey telephone call at about 10 A.M. this morning, and I told them I was asleep.  I then went back to bed until noon.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I made my bed, and I washed the breakfast dishes.  I showered, and I cleaned up.

I chatted with County TV and Appliance - Appliances and Electronics in Stamford, Greenwich and Norwalk, Connecticut , and they said they would call me back if they had a 8,000 BTU Frigidaire air conditioner that fits into a 12.5 by 18.5 inch opening.  I called them back, and I discussed P12B by Friedrich in Stamford, CT - ZoneAire ® Portable Air Conditioners: P12B which is $599 and at 11,600 BTU it probably would be strong enough to cool my apartment.

I then went out, and I chatted with neighbors.  I threw out the garbage.  I went by the Cos Cob shopping center, but the appliance store is no longer there.  I toured CVS. Brita water filters are 20% off this week.  I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I stopped by the Greenwich Cigar store, and I bought a Amazing 8's scratch card for a dollar, but I lost.  I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.  I then stopped by CVS during my walk.  I bought four 14.75 ounce cans of Bumble Bee Alaska canned salmon for $1.50 each for $6 total.  I also bought two Degree Adrenaline Sport Defense Invisible Anti-Perspirant and Deodorant for $3.50 each and .42 tax for $7.42 total.  I then finished my walk.  In the economic Obama recession times, there was hardly anyone downtown.  At about 6:30 P.M., I tried using the bathroom at the senior and the arts center, but it was locked, and I was told by the building custodian the place was closed, and that was the first time I had been ever told that in the last ten years.  It is usually open on week days until 10 P.M..  I used the bathroom at Starbucks.  I then went by the Greenwich Library, and chatted with a few staff members and a local.  The place was not busy at all.  They have a lot of volcano books on display.  I checked out "Volcanoes of the Earth" by Fred M. Bullard, the second revised edition with a new chapter on the Volcanoes of the Cascade Range.  Everyone downtown looked pretty grumpy today.  I guess with the British Labor government officials having to return back to England, the locals liberals have nobody to network with.  I then returned home, and I picked up my mail.  My subscription is about to expire, and I will not renew it.  I never had time to read it.  I chatted with a relative.  I chatted with a friend.  I straightened up the bathroom bookcase with my bathroom supplies in it.  I already had spare deodorant, so I did not need it.  I also put a new Walgreen's Bowl Fresh blue toilet tank cleaner jar in the toilet tank earlier today. 

I will now make and eat my usual sautéed 10 ounce London Broil with steamed vegetables with olive oil and Smart Balance spread and a glass of watered down punch with a cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/17/10 Monday 3:25 A.M.  I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.

Partly cloudy today and 53 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit.

I will eat a bowl of Cheez-its with watered down punch before going to bed.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/17/10 Monday 2:00 A.M.  Saint Joan of Arc (French heroine) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

BBC News - Ash cloud forces Heathrow and Gatwick airports to close

I measured the air conditioner opening in the community room downstairs, and it is 18 11/16 inches by 12 10.5/16 inches. 

Fits Frigidaire - 6,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner - White - FRA064AT7

Fits Frigidaire - 5,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner - Off-White - FAX052P7A

Fits Frigidaire - 6,000 BTU Compact Room Air Conditioner - White - FAA065P7A

This would fit, and it has a remote control Frigidaire - 5,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner - White - FRA054AT7

* Probably best deal Fits with remote control for 350 square feet Haier - 7,800 BTU Window Air Conditioner - White - ESA3087

Fits Frigidaire - 5200 BTU Room Air Conditioner - White - FAA055P7A

Fits Frigidaire - 5,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner - White - FRA052XT7

Fits Frigidaire - 8,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner - Gray - FRA082AT7

Fits Frigidaire - MS II Compact 8,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner - White - FAA082P7A

* Fits with remote control, and I probably need at least 10,000 BTU for my apartment ESA3109 - 10,200 BTU, 10.8 EER - 115 Volt Electronic Control Air Conditioner

* Fits with remote control with remote control, and I probably need at least 10,000 BTU for my apartment ESA3109 Haier Energy Star 10,200 BTU Window Air Conditioner With Quick Snap Curtain Installation Kit

 same as above Haier ESA3109-L 10,000 BTU REMOTE ROOM AC

Fits ESA3089 - 7,800 BTU, 10.8 EER - 115 Volt Electronic Control Air Conditioner

Might fit, but I think it is really through the wall and not window - Haier ESA3105 Air Conditioner White

I do not know anything about Haier quality versus Frigidaire.   CIO

Note: <888> 05/16/10 Sunday 11:05 P.M.  I had a minor financial misfortune this week.  I usually carry two little leather change purses with me.  One I have with pennies, nickels, and dimes; and the other one I keep quarters in.  I sometimes carry them in my passport pouch, however; when I take out my cigarettes; they can fall out by mistake.  I seem to have lost or misplaced the little leather change purse with $2 to $3 in quarters in it.  I will now put my remaining change in the remaining change purse. 

Yesterday, I narrowly avoided an automobile accident.  I had picked up the fellow walker, and we were driving down Arch Street towards Grass Island.  At the intersection of Arch Street and Indian Field road, I stopped at the stop sign going south.  However, it is an awkward intersection in that the north bound traffic from the railroad and turnpike area is permitted to continue on Indian Field Road making a left turn as if it were a straight road.  As I started to moved out into the traffic lane, my passenger warned me that there was an on coming truck, which from my perspective was going much to fast.  It was a double size red dump truck accelerating fast to make it up the hill on Indian Field Road.  If such a large vehicle had hit my small Audi, it would probably have been a fatal accident on my side of the car.  I think they should have stop light at that intersection, since a lot of the non local drivers are not familiar with the irregular traffic pattern.  Much could be said about a number of other roads in this area which basically developed out of cow pasture lanes from the old days.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/16/10 Sunday 10:30 P.M.  I chatted with a relative.  I threw out the garbage.  I put the small folding cart back in the trunk of the Audi.  I use it when moving heavier items which I did recently. 

Not much really every goes on in Greenwich, Connecticut; but we get a lot of visitors here hoping something might happen.  I suppose it is because so many of the residents travel, one is not always sure whom is here and whom is not.  Since Pan American Airlines started in Greenwich, Connecticut; we have an experience group of travelers.  However, it seems for the traveling public; it is hard to tell how things get done.  I suppose as a conservation or green belt area, we are not prone towards development, and Stamford, Connecticut gets all of the things we really can not be bothered with.  Since I have lived here quite a long time, I know my way around the estate areas of Greenwich, Connecticut; but I am not sure if any of the people I once knew have managed to hang on to their local turf here or not, since the public media does not really tell whom comes and goes.  I guess the California newspaper better known as the GreenwichTime is not too tuned into the traditional Yankee lifestyle versus the fast paced California lifestyle.  It seems sort of queer that a California company would run a newspaper in Greenwich, Connecticut; but they must make money some how, or they would not be in business.  I know all of the Asians starting showing up here in Greenwich, Connecticut, when Malcolm Pray used to advertise his car dealerships on the Las Angeles airport television monitors.  Thus the local business community here have a long tradition of not respecting people's privacy; despite what other people might think.  Basically having lived in Manhattan, I know the drop dead walking public is basically wearing out shoe leather despite the exercise that is worthwhile.  Greenwich Avenue is mostly women's shops, but since I do not know anything about women's shops, I do not know how the compare what is available here to what is available elsewhere in the area or what their prices are compared to other areas.  It seems like if they can afford to pay the high rents in downtown Greenwich, they must be making money; unless they are some sort of front operations for other types of activities.  It is hard to tell.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/16/10 Sunday 8:15 P.M.  I ate a bowl of Cheez-its, when I woke up from sleeping.  I chatted with a friend this morning.  I woke up at noon.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I chatted with a relative.  I put clean linens on my bed.  I washed the breakfast dishes.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I did two loads of laundry.  I chatted with neighbors while doing laundry.  I made 221 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Stoker's Number 2 Ultra Light cigarettes.  I gave a neighbor 4 cigarettes.  I listened to the BBC World Service off the Asus Internet Radio connected to the apartment stereo system while making the cigarettes.  The United States Census taker was here today interviewing neighbors whom had not filed their census reports.  I also moved my winter shirts to the fall left side of the bedroom closet, and I put my summer shirts in the left center of the bedroom closet.

I will now cook a Stouffer's 21 ounce frozen lasagna which I will put grated parmesan and Romano cheese on, and I will eat it with a glass of watered down punch and a cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice.  CIO  

End of Scott's Notes week of 05/16/10: 

Note: <888> 05/16/10 Sunday 4:00 A.M.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  I will then shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.

Partly cloudy tomorrow and 50 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/16/10 Sunday 3:50 A.M.  I called up the usual number up in Canada. 

This Tuesday May 18, 2010 is the 30th anniversary of Mount St. Helens eruption Mount St. Helens VolcanoCams - Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument . The following two winters in New York City in Manhattan it was extremely cold, and the temperature in February of those years went down to minus 26 degrees Fahrenheit.

To repeat for simple non English speaking program, I saw a program on the History Channel about a week ago at 1 A.M. in the morning, and it said the current volcano activity in Iceland was caused by a smaller volcano, and it disrupted European air traffic as we all know.

What has the volcano community worried is that historically that volcano with the long un pronounceable name has a history that when ever it erupts, the larger volcano just to the east under a thousand feet of ice erupts shortly there after.  The last time that happened was around 1784, and it created global disruption in the northern hemisphere with much colder winters, crop failure and famine. 

Latest info ERUPTION of Eyjafjöll volcano(Iceland)

SwissEduc: Stromboli Online - Iceland

SwissEduc: Stromboli Online - Volcanic and glacial landforms of Iceland

Eyjafjallajökull 2010 (IAVCEI RSC web)

Iceland Institute of Earth Sciences

Jarðvísindastofnun Háskólans


Veðurstofa Íslands

I ate a Kaiser roll with Smart Balance spread along with some watered down punch.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/16/10 Sunday 2:40 A.M.  I left a message with an associate whom is suppose to pay a visit to my apartment this Tuesday afternoon.  I am a bit tired from my recent efforts, so I will not be doing anymore apartment maintenance for a while, and I will try to get back to some of my normal routine.  The two pictures that I had in the bedroom window can not go there, since there is no room for them with the Lasko fan in the window.  I put the old print of Charles Lindbergh in the left living room window with the NASA Space Shuttle picture along side of it.  Apparently a lot of people are being laid off by NASA, so there are experienced high tech individuals available for hire in the high tech field. 

The General Electric Profile 15,500 BTU air conditioner with remote control cost me about $600 eight years ago, and it still works fine, when I uninstalled it this fall.  I could put it in the bedroom window, but with the lay out of my apartment, it would not cool the living room much at all.  I have an opening in the center living room window for a 5,000 BTU air conditioner, but it might cool my hotter apartment well enough.  The Greenwich Department of Social Services said they would pay for me to get a new air conditioner.  There are portable upright air conditioners that have exhaust hoses that could be fit into the small opening in the living room.  Basically one probably would either have to cut Plexiglas to fit where the exhaust mount left a gap.  It could be put in front of or behind the recliner.   They run from about $300 to $600 depending on the make and BTU.  A local appliance shop should be able to install one.  Of course I would have to pay the electricity for it, which will be expensive.  If one got one of the units that have a heat pump, one could use it for both cooling in the summer and heating in the winter.  I think one is suppose to insulate the exhaust tubes for it, for them to be more effective.  However, they are not as efficient as the window units.  They have them at cheaper than local appliance stores, but it is general not a good idea to order large appliances for shipment, because there can be damage in delivery.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/16/10 Sunday 1:25 A.M.  I chatted with three out of town security agencies and a local security agency.  Basically living on SSI Disability income for the last 26 years, I have developed my own set of routines based on limited income.  In Europe which is more affluent, the mandatory retirement income is 60 years old.  Thus I am officially retired from any European duties.  I still have what remains of my private not for profit volunteer effort .  The only friend that still talks with me anymore is a long time New York investigator, so I occasionally chat with him about New Yorkers trying to impress Connecticut people.  However, having been fairly established in Massachusetts before the 1973 stock market crash, I have a larger network of people that probably have long since forgot about me.  The old guard families in Massachusetts did not like me, since I had a southern accent, and I smoked tobacco, and I occasionally drank a beer, which people up north seem to disapprove of.  Alas, I have lived most of my life in Fairfield Country, Connecticut, and what most people seem to ignore is the Scott Family having been in America for 400 years have a large network of friends and associates that come in handy particularly if you enjoy eating food.  From what I know the people who bought computers and whom are not making any money off them, obviously do not know how to use them in terms of their daily activities in terms of whatever that might be.  Basically everything is out there on the internet, but you have to remember people in China only make about $200 a month, and people in India probably make less than that in the computer field.  Thus if you are thinking about being an international computer business person in the personal computer field, you might take a big salary cut if you happened to have a more profitable job or like eating.  There are so many unemployed younger people around, and they are now doing most of the not for profit observing around town based on their younger experience, but I am not sure how profitable it will be in the long run.  I obviously do not get involved in activities which I can not afford.  From what I know, since Greenwich is suppose to be a wealthy town, a lot of people based on New York City incomes tend to expect the ordinary general public to respond to them like New Yorkers, and from what I know if they can afford $10 to come out here on the train, they might find out that earning $10 out here in the wilderness of Connecticut is not too easy unless you happen to have a specific set of job skills that somebody with money needs.  Having lived in this area since 1961, I pretty much know that once the retired people show up on Monday mornings, this area gets really cheap.  I do not live lavishly, but I work quite hard on a limited income maintaining my own private environment based on my experience and not what some salesman or junk man would have you think.  From what I know, not much is going to change around here, because a lot of those so called visitors to this area seem to be profiting off their business connections in this area which we seem to ignore.  Since I lived down south before I moved here in 1961, I know something about Southern Business, and I dare say just because some holding company like Berkshire Hathaway has a bit of stock in , it is not going away as a business.  If they made money when a bottle of Coke was a nickel they probably are still making money.   Besides going to a few Microsoft business conferences over 20 years, the only business contact that I have had off the internet over 20 years is that somebody from the Ukraine email me about getting the Amway Global franchise for the Ukraine.  I emailed them about the people in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  From what I remember about Amway, besides having the biggest yacht in Nantucket, their most profitable franchise for one individual was the entire Disney World franchise in Orlando, Florida.  Basically everyone else in the world ignored me, because there was no interest in my internet activity.  I did deliberately make my internet activity boring, so nobody would bother my privacy; so I could keep busy in my own way doing my own activity.  One observer in Greenwich, Connecticut from a more international country told me, I am suppose to keep doing what I do, and I am not suppose to know what goes on, and I am suppose to get a hair cut, when I can afford it, and I am suppose to stay focused.  Alas I have not run into him in a while to give him an extra Bing Crosby Christmas CD that I happen to have.   Maybe with the new Tory government, he got shipped back to England or some other diplomatic outpost in the world.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/15/10 Saturday 11:50 P.M.  One of my relatives that I chatted with thinks I am too speedy today.  Quite frankly in the last 72 hours, I have done 16 hours of furniture moving.  Plus in the last 24 hours I was in my apartment with all of the fumes from the caulk that was used to install the windows.  Also the last time I took down the curtains four years ago and washed them at the Cos Cob laundry, I rehung them, and I ended up in the Greenwich Hospital, because all of the accumulated dust and pollen and other air born detris was in the curtains, when I was moving them around.  Thus I was once again exposed to what I call the Billy Baldwin billy baldwin: Books Curtain Dust Removal Syndrome.  It goes away after a day or two.  I like the four big four foot by eight food windows in my apartment opened to the daylight, although the bedroom window is partially blocked by stored toilet paper and paper towels on the window shelf.  Lots of sunlight raises one's dopamine level, and one feels better.  Thus my apartment now has more of a loft appearance.  However, the brighter light shows all of the imperfections such as dust and other detractions such as old carpet and dirty walls.  However, I have put area rugs over some of the carpets.  I also have art work hanging on all of the walls like the Pitti Palace , so instead of painting the apartment, I just use glass cleaner to clean the glass on the art work.  I have 21 years of experience in doing what I do in my apartment, and a Greenwich Police Detective keeps bothering me pretending to be a Greenwich Housing Authority inspector, and the individual does not know anything about computers, electronics, or decorating based on a limited budget.  I know the individual is a detective, since I saw her wearing a badge, when a neighbor across the hall died a couple of years ago.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/15/10 Saturday 11:30 P.M.  Being in cahoots with the Illinois mafia, I happen to know that today is 70th Birthday May 15 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .  Back in Decatur, Alabama in the 1950s we use to go to McDonalds all of the time, and a hamburger was 15 cents and a coke was a nickel and French Fries were 15 cents, so for 35 cents, you could have a pretty good meal.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/15/10 Saturday 11:20 P.M.  I chatted with an English Security officer in a tropical zone.

Basically what is going on in New England is that we have had a very dry i.e. no rain spring.  Along the New England Coasts with lots of damp swampy wetlands, when there is no rain, they tend to dry out, and the general population gets Ergot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia poisoning.  From what I know, the natural cure is nicotinic acid such as what one gets from smoking cigarettes.  One can also take Vitamin B3 better know as Niacin Niacin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, but that causes red flushing, where Niacinamide Nicotinamide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .  My expert on Ergot poisoning is currently away on a European cruise for six weeks, so I guess he knows while at sea there is less risk of exposure.  Ergot poisoning is also known as Swamp Fever or Bog Fever.  Niacin is commonly added to flour, so the general population gets treated whether they know it or not.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/15/10 Saturday 10:30 P.M.  Today was Armed Forces Day May 15 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

Reagan Books

Mineralogical Society of America Grant Application

BBC News - Atlantis launches on final voyage  CIO

Note: <888> 05/15/10 Saturday 9:45 P.M.  I chatted with two relatives.  I received email from a friend that just visited Nova Scotia.  Apparently a lot of people from the Caribbean are being arrested in Nova Scotia for narcotics activities.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/15/10 Saturday 8:30 P.M.  I ate a 21 ounce Stouffer's meat lasagna with grated parmesan and Romano cheese with a glass of watered down punch.

I chatted with a relative.

I need another telephone five splitter, and I could use a spare one, in case one malfunctions.  I ordered lot of 3 Phone Jack Telephone 5 Outlet Splitter - eBay (item 400086283279 end time May-17-10 09:53:41 PDT) for $9.99 with free shipping.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/15/10 Saturday 6:50 P.M.  I woke up at 9:30 A.M. this morning.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.  I chatted with a  relative.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I threw out the garbage.  I went out, and I went by Radio Shack in Cos Cob, and I bought RadioShack® 1-to-5 Adapter (White) - and .84 tax for $14.83 total.  I received a wireless telephone call from a relative while in the store.  After my purchase, I called back the relative.  I then browsed CVS at the Cos Cob store.  I then drove back to downtown Greenwich, and I caught up with a friend, and we went for a drive all the way down by Grass Island.  We sat out in the park there for a while enjoying the waterfront.  I then dropped the friend off at his apartment.  I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I used the bathroom.  I then went by the Greenwich Automotive Services Gulf Station, and I bought $14 of self service premium gasoline for $3.299 a gallon for 4.2437 gallons for 43.2 miles driving since May 4, 2010 at odometer reading of 65,943 miles.  I cleaned the outside windows, and I checked the tires for 32 PSI.  I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a 16 ounce container of Smart Balance Spread for $3.29, a half gallon of Tropicana low acid orange juice for $3, a 21 ounce box of Cheez-its for $3.99, a 21 ounce bottle of Jack Daniels original Number 7 barbecue sauce for $2.99, a 64 ounce container of Stop and Shop cranraspberry juice for $3, a 64 ounce container of Stop and Shop lite grape juice for $2.69, a top round London Broil for $2.99 a pound for $4.84, fresh Chiquita bananas .69 a pound for $2.11 for $25.91 total.  I then returned home.  I picked up my mail, and I put away the groceries.  In the bedroom I took off the three two way splitters on the Verizon telephone line, and I installed the five splitter that I got from Radio Shack.  The Verizon telephones still did not work.  I finally noticed that the Siemens Verizon telephone at the kitchen entrance was off its hook, so I hung it up and all of the phones on both lines worked properly, except the two line AT&T bathroom telephone.  I could not get it to work, although both lines were fine.  I finally installed a Princess Radio Shack volume control telephone on the wall in the bathroom for Verizon and a Southwestern Bell black princess telephone for the Optimum line.   Thus the telephones are now in good working order.

You can get the five telephone line splitters here Telephone 5 Outlet Splitter with 7 foot Cord 6P4C for $3 each , but the shipping eats up one's savings.  CIO

It is currently 91.8 degrees Fahrenheit in the living room, and it is 86.2 degrees outside by the temperature sending unit in the bedroom window.  I little while ago, it was 102.9 degrees Fahrenheit.   

Note: <888> 05/15/10 Saturday 2:45 A.M.  After the last note, I chatted with neighbors.  The windows installers finished about 3 P.M..  I did not see the space shuttle fly by in the southeast sky, since there was some minor cloud cover. 

The windows look really great.  They still need to install a screen for the center living room window, so it is a bit warm in the living room without the window open.  They also need to install the left trim strip on the left window.  The bedroom window opens normally, and it has a screen.

 I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with mayo, and 1/4th of a 6.3 ounce tube of Pringles salt and vinegar potato chips, and a dill pickle slice and a glass of watered down punch.  I chatted with a relative.  I tried to go to bed, but I noticed that the Verizon telephones in the apartment were not working.  After fiddling with the connectors, I think the problem is that I need a new five splitter.  I have it setup now just for the Verizon phone by the bed to work.  All of the Optimum phones work. 

I slept until 7:30 P.M., when a friend and a relative called.  I chatted with a relative about 9 P.M..  I worked until 1 A.M. putting everything back in the apartment and setting it up the way that it was before the windows were installed.  I threw out all of the curtains.  I saved the curtain rods and hooks.  They are suppose to install shades in the new windows, but that will probably mean moving more stuff again.  Thus the apartment is back to normal again.  I have the Lasko box fan going in the bedroom window.  I ate a cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with watered down punch.

I showered, and I cleaned up.  I made up a fresh batch of punch.  I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go back to bed.  I will eat an English muffin before going to bed.  CIO

Laptop Note:


Friday, December 14, 2010,   12:20 P.M..  New police dispatch center a technological wonder - GreenwichTime Local Treasure Coast, Florida News Delivered Throughout the Day.  CIO


Friday, December 14, 2010,   1:00 P.M..  I chatted with a relative.


NASA - Shuttle and Station Space Shuttle schedules to launch at 2:20 P.M. EDT



Friday, December 14, 2010,   12:45 P.M..  I sat out back for a while.  I chatted with a neighbor.  They still have the bedroom window to install.  They are now doing the trim work.  CIO 


Friday, December 14, 2010,   12:05 P.M..  All three windows are installed in the living room.  The center window is the one with the small window opening for a smaller air conditioner.  I walked around outside behind the building.  I chatted with a neighbor.  CIO 


Friday, December 14, 2010,   11:45 A.M..  I showed a neighbor some of the news web sites on the internet.  They have installed the left and right windows in the living room, and they still have to do the center window in the living room and the bedroom window.  They also have to install the trim on the outside of the window frames.  The sun is back out.  I am getting a bit tired.  CIO 


Friday, December 14, 2010,   10:20 A.M..  They are installing the frames for the new windows.  I walked around the back side of the building.  They are cutting the grass in the park in back of the building.  I helped a neighbor untangle his window shade blind cord. 


Town receives $1 million in HUD grants - GreenwichTime


Westchester County - AirportMonitor - by Megadata - powered by PASSUR


They have covered up all of the surfaces in the apartment, so they are not getting much dust in the apartment.


This is my first experience in remote laptop usage.  Maybe, when I have time, I might try the Greenwich Library or see if I can receive wireless in the front yard of the senior and the arts center. 


I might be too tired to move the furniture and bric-a-brac back into my apartment this afternoon, but I could always do it tomorrow morning.  Some of the finishing touches like the window shades and screens might take a while yet.


Still it will be great to have warmer windows this winter.  Hopefully they will install the big sliding window in the living room, so I can use my existing big air conditioner.


I tried chatting with a few friends and relatives on my wireless, but nobody was there.  I have to recharge the AT&T wireless account by May 24, 2010 with another $26.50. 


The building custodian just looked at my computer.  


This Deal Train Mania items - Get great deals on Auctions, Notebooks items on eBay Stores! is where I bought the Panasonic Toughbook Cf-29 for about $140 with tax and shipping, but after the other parts, I now have $320 in it, and so it was a bit expensive.  It was a birthday gift from a relative.  CIO   


Friday, December 14, 2010,   8:50 A.M..  I chatted outside with neighbors.  They have all four windows removed in my apartment.  I chatted with a relative.

They have four men working on my apartment windows.


I do not plan to rehang the curtain rods and the curtains.  I only had them up for extra warmth in the winter.  With double pane windows, I probably do not need them.  I will wait and see how the windows are installed before I throw away the curtains and the curtain rods.


They said they would be installing the window shelves today also.  However, I am not sure the building custodian will have time to install the shades or not in which case I would have to move some items for him to install the window shades.


It is an overcast day, and it is not raining.  The wireless did not work at first in the community room, but it is now working.


Of course once the windows are installed, I still have to put the stuff back in my apartment which will take three to four hours.


I figure I better stay around here in case they need me for anything.  I could always run out to McDonalds for lunch if I get hungry after having breakfast so early. 


I slept lightly last night, so I did not get a good night's sleep.


The Panasonic Toughbook seems to be working just fine.  I am using it with the mouse which is easier.  CIO


Friday, December 14, 2010,   8:15 A.M..


The Windows installers started working on my windows at 7 A.M..

The way that I cleared out the windows’ area was just fine.

They were able to get the cherry picker close enough to the roof to use it.

I chatted with neighbors.  They almost have the three living room windows removed.


I checked the oil in the Audi, and I put in a third of a quart of Castrol 10W30 oil.


I am using the wireless internet in the community room.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/14/10 Friday 6:40 A.M.  I chatted with a friend.  I will posted a link where I can post notes from my laptop.  I have the Toshiba laptop ready to use in the community room today.  I will now shut down the primary Vista computer and wait for the windows installers to arrive.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/14/10 Friday 6:20 A.M.  BBC News - Nasa's Atlantis space shuttle ready for final voyage 


NASA - Shuttle and Station

Global Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | SI / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |

The weather seems clear enough to do the windows without any problems.

I went outside briefly.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/14/10 Friday 5:40 A.M.  I woke up during the night, and I ate the last piece of birthday cake and a Kaiser roll.  I finally woke up at 4 A.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.   I threw out the garbage.  CIO  

Note: <888> 05/13/10 Thursday 9:00 P.M.  I got a pair of khaki shorts and a orange shirt sleeve shirt from my relative, and they fit just fine.  I put the toughbook touchscreen pen in its carton behind the toughbook.  I hooked up the USB 2.0 port device to the toughbook.  I put the new left antenna cover on the left side, and I move the old one from the left side to the right side.  I covered up the small bit of exposed area on the right antenna cover with black electrical tape.  I threw out the garbage.  I told a neighbor he could not park where the orange cones are by the building entrance, since they need to have that parking area opened to do my windows tomorrow.  I chatted with a relative. I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.

Scattered thunderstorms tomorrow and 57 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/13/10 Thursday 7:55 P.M.  I woke up at noon today, when I chatted with a friend.  I chatted with a relative.  There was a note tapes to my front door that they are going to install the double pane windows in my apartment tomorrow.  I did not eat breakfast, and I went over the Greenwich Hospital, and I had my blood drawn for my follow up on my cholesterol.  I then returned home.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.

I then spent the next four hours removing the items from in front of my four windows in the apartment along with the curtains and the curtain rods.  I have them stored out in the hallway.

The mail person delivered me a package from a relative.

Tracking is USPS - Track & Confirm on the order for Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 CF-28 Touchscreen Pen OEM - eBay (item 180503908855 end time Jun-04-10 20:32:35 PDT) for $19.99 with free shipping arrived.

Tracking is USPS Tracking on the order for Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 Wireless Antenna Cover Left - eBay (item 180503273040 end time Jun-03-10 10:24:20 PDT) for $10 with free shipping arrived.

Tracking is USPS - Track & Confirm on the order for USB Optical Wheel Mouse 800DPI - for $6.99 with free shipping and a 4-Port Slim USB 2.0 HUB - for $3.99 with free shipping for $10.98 total arrived.

I threw out the garbage.  I still have a working television in the living room.  I chatted with two relatives.

I microwaved a 21 ounce frozen meat lasagna which I ate with grated parmesan and Romano cheese on it along with a glass of watered down punch.

I have to go to bed about 9 P.M. or earlier and be up at 4:30 A.M., and be ready for the window installers arrive about 7 A.M..  CIO   

Note: <888> 05/13/10 Thursday 3:40 A.M.  I finished the backup.  I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.  I will eat an English muffin before going to bed. 

Mostly sunny today and 50 to 63 degrees Fahrenheit.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/13/10 Thursday 2:35 A.M.  I also ate a 1/6th piece of birthday cake with dinner.

I finished installed the Logitech webcam on the three different partitions on the Epox computer and installed the other updates.  I am now doing a Vista Complete PC backup of the three partitions on the first hard drive to the second hard drive.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/13/10 Thursday 12:40 A.M.  I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with mayo, and 1/4th of a 6.3 ounce tube of Pringles salt and vinegar potato chips, and a dill pickle slice and a glass of watered down punch and a cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/12/10 Wednesday 10:55 P.M.  I installed the Logitech webcam on the Vista partition on the Epox computer.  I chatted with a relative.  I opened up the Epox computer, and I changed the power switch cable around on the motherboard, and now the Epox computer turns on and off properly with the case switch.  I installed the Logitech webcam on the XP Professional partition on the Epox computer.  I am now installing some other updates on XP partition.  I had a bit of problem starting up the XP Professional partition since it was last used with two monitors instead of one now, but I did a VGA boot, and I have its video setup properly.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/12/10 Wednesday 7:55 P.M.  I gave a neighbor five cigarettes.

I ordered two Mini Bluetooth 2.0 Adapter Dongle Vista Compatible $1.75 each less .53 with coupon code "MY15" for $2.98 with free shipping.  I will used one on the Panasonic Toughbook and one on the Epox computer.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/12/10 Wednesday 6:55 P.M.  Biltmore Email Newsletter

Taft Alumni - Taft Bulletin

Katharine Hepburn (American actress) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

Cameron Takes Over as British Premier After Brown Resigns -

A Revamped Microsoft Office, Free on the Web -

Microsoft's New Office -

Microsoft Office 2010 Beta - Free Download

BBC News - David Cameron and Nick Clegg pledge 'united' coalition

BBC News - Black hole 'hurled out of galaxy'

BBC News - 'Top hat' dome at Gulf of Mexico oil spill site - BP

BBC News - Microsoft Office 2010 takes aim at Google Docs

Microsoft Office Web Apps 2010 Beta - Free Download

Microsoft Office Web Apps 2010 Beta - Free Download

The Logitech Webcam arrived.  You have to install the software first before plugging it in which will take a while on all three partitions on the Epox computer.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/12/10 Wednesday 5:20 P.M.  I woke up at 9 A.M., when I had a computer magazine telephone call.  I told them to cancel the free subscription.  I have been canceling my free computer magazine subscriptions, because I never have time to read them, and they wake me up all of the time trying to renew the free subscriptions.  I slept until 3 P.M..   I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.  I chatted with a relative.  I threw out the garbage, and I picked up the mail. 

The order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information for the order of QuickCam® Communicate Deluxe for $22.99 with coupon code "logi_qcd_5510" and $1.38 tax for $24.37 total is out for delivery, and should be here soon.  I will put it on the Epox computer, when it arrives.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/11/10 Tuesday 10:10 P.M.  I hate two bowls of Cheez-its.  I chatted with a relative.  I watched the Laura Bush interview on Larry King on CNN.  I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.

Rain tomorrow and 42 to 49 degrees Fahrenheit.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/11/10 Tuesday 8:45 P.M.  As I recall, the first job I ever had out on Nantucket was in the summer of 1975, I hung out at the Nantucket bakery making bread and pastries for free in exchange for some free bread and pastries to eat.  Later on I worked briefly as a dishwasher at Captain Toby's before I left the island and returned to Greenwich.  The follow summer, I returned in July 1976 after the Tall Ships in New York Harbor, and stayed at a guest house owned by the telephone company people near the White Elephant.  I left the island after a week or so of vacation.  I returned the following April 1977, when I opened sea scallops and opened restaurants.  I then worked at Captain Toby's, the Nantucket Bakery, the Skipper Bakery, and the Gordon Folger for most of the summer as a pot scrubber, and that fall at the Languedoc restaurant Le Languedoc Bistro a Nantucket Restaurant and Inn. Serving French cuisine on Nantucket for over 30 Years as a dishwasher.  The following year around May 1978, I went out there with a friend, and I worked at the Gordon Folger, the Languedoc and the India House, and I also worked as a house painter.  In June of 1979, I went out there with the same friend, and I worked as a carpenter on a gift shop near the top of Maine Street before leaving the island after a couple of weeks.  I next returned on my own as I recall in March of 1983, and I worked mostly at the Languedoc for the whole season until December 1983, when I left the island for good.  I also did some house painting that season.  I think when I first got to the island in March of 1983, I might have worked briefly at the Jared Coffin house as a dishwasher, since the Languedoc was not opened yet.  I returned to Nantucket around July 1988 for a weekend with a friend.  I recall staying at Mrs. Florence's guest house at 31 India Street, and at the owners of the Languedoc on Hussey Street.  The last weekend trip, I stayed at the Harbor House.  In the beginning and end of some of the seasons, I would make trips on and off the island.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/11/10 Tuesday 8:10 P.M.  As I recall the first time I ever visited in Nantucket was in the summer of 1969.  My family was living in Weston, Massachusetts, and I was working as a research photographer at Polaroid.  We knew the Emberson family whose father was the Station Master in Boston for the British Overseas Aircraft Corporation. They had twin sons Craig and Ian who were my age.  They had also been stationed in Chile and Hawaii.  I went out to Nantucket with Ian Emberson, and we walked out to the south side of the island, and Ian barrowed a surf board from another surfer and practiced surfing at Surfside Beach.  I do not recall, if we spent the night there or not.  I recall visiting Nantucket in the summers after that until, we moved back down to Greenwich, Connecticut in summer of 1972.  I did not return to Nantucket until July in 1975, when I went out there.  I spent more time out there until December 1983, when I moved back to Greenwich, Connecticut.  One of the first times out there, I recall staying with a lot of kids from Greenwich in somebody's apartment on Orange Street, but I am not sure if it was before or after I visited the island with Ian.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/11/10 Tuesday 7:25 P.M.  Financial assistance, job search resources from AARP Foundation: Real Relief Free Shipping through 5/13/2010

Royal replica for sale in Greenwich - GreenwichTime

BBC News - Oil executives point fingers in Congress over oil spill

BBC - Earth News - Rare subterranean fish rediscovered in Brazil

Internet approaches addressing limit Up to 90% off clearance items -

I overheard somebody from Manhattan chatting on a cell phone downtown the other day.   They were trying to figure out how to get to from Greenwich, Connecticut.  They thought Newport, Rhode Island was an hour east of New Haven, Connecticut.

From what I remember from several decades ago, one can take the Amtrak Amtrak train from Stamford, Connecticut to Providence, Rhode Island.  If one looks at How to Get to Cape Cod, Massachusetts , it says you can take Bonanza Bus Lines from Providence, Rhode Island to the Steamboat Ferry Dock in Hyannis, Massachusetts.  From there you take the Steamship Authority to Nantucket.  However, during a recession there is not much work out on Nantucket except for summer help once the resort season starts around the Fourth of July.  When I use to go out there in April in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the only work was opening sea scallops and opening up restaurants which they have a lot of.  Of course rentals for island help are expensive, and everything on the island tends to be 25% more expensive, since everything pretty much has to be imported onto the island.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/11/10 Tuesday 6:05 P.M.  I ate a 18 ounce can of Campbell's New England clam chowder with an English muffin with Smart Balance Spread and a glass of watered down punch and a 1/6th piece of birthday cake and a cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice.  I chatted with a friend.  CIO   

Note: <888> 05/11/10 Tuesday 4:25 P.M.  I went to bed after the last note.  I woke up, and I ate a bowl of Cheez-its.  I then went back to bed until 9:30 A.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.  I chatted with a relative.  I surfed the internet.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I threw out the garbage.  I went downtown, and I picked up a prescription at CVS.  I bought two 18 ounce cans of Progresso New England clam chowder for $3.19 less a $3 off CVS internet birthday coupon for .19 total.  I then went to the Greenwich Hospital Outpatient Clinic, and I had my yearly physical done.  I need to get blood work done for the follow up in another month.  I then returned home.  I picked up the mail.  I got a letter from Audi about the drainage tubes on the windshield and the sunroof of my Audi.  I received a telephone message from a relative, and the relative is sending me a XX Large pair of Columbia shorts and a orange polo shirt.

BBC News - David Cameron is UK's new prime minister 

I chatted with a friend who is working in his barn.  CIO  

Note: <888> 05/10/10 Monday 10:20 P.M.  I have a 2 P.M. appointment tomorrow, so I have to be up by about 10:00 A.M.  I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.

Mostly cloudy tomorrow and 44 to 58 degrees Fahrenheit.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/10/10 Monday 9:55 P.M.  I chatted with three relatives.  I R.S.V.P. an email to an invitation.


Cheap Hard Drives free shipping on $50 with coupon code "outletfreeship"

Fred Astaire (American dancer and singer) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

LISTIC: Welcome

EFIDIR (Extraction et Fusion d'Information pour la mesure de Déplacements par Imagerie Radar) - Projet ANR Masses de Données


CPM West 2010 -- Contingency Planning & Mangement

Tracking is USPS - Track & Confirm on the order for Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 CF-28 Touchscreen Pen OEM - eBay (item 180503908855 end time Jun-04-10 20:32:35 PDT) for $19.99 with free shipping.

BBC News - Gordon Brown 'stepping down as Labour leader'  CIO

Note: <888> 05/10/10 Monday 7:00 P.M.  After breakfast today, I ate a 1/6th piece of birthday cake.  I am now microwaving a Stouffer's 21 ounce meat lasagna which I will put some grated parmesan and Romano cheese on, and I will eat with a glass of watered down punch, and cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice and another 1/6th piece of birthday cake.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/10/10 Monday 6:35 P.M.  I ordered 53 ounces of Peters Stokkebye Norwegian Pipe Tobacco (ounces) for $1.36 an ounce for $72.05 and ten Premier LIGHT 100MM Tubes (200ct) for $29 for $101.05 total with free UPS shipping on a $100 order.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/10/10 Monday 6:05 P.M.  I woke up at 10:30 A.M. this morning.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I went back to bed until 2 P.M.. I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I went outside, and I threw out the garbage.  I moved my Audi to its usual place.  I chatted with a neighbor.  I picked up my mail.  I chatted with a friend cruising across the Atlantic who was visiting Bar Harbor, Maine today.  I made 139 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Norwegian shag pipe tobacco cigarettes while listening to and watching .  I chatted with another friend who was in Bar Harbor, Maine on the same cruise.  It will be more expensive for them to call on wireless telephone range once they get up to Nova Scotia, since I think Verizon would cost money for them to call from Nova Scotia.  They are on a German cruise ship Costa de Mar or something?.    CIO       

Note: <888> 05/10/10 Monday 12:40 A.M.  I watered the plants.  I am now officially 60 years young.

I have had grey hair for the last five years or more, so I have looked older already.

The BBC is still covering the world.  However, they never tell you anything about England, so I guess there is not much going on in England anymore.

Times Online | News and Views from The Times and Sunday Times is suppose to tell one what is happening over there.

Giant Nasa balloon crashes to earth during take-off - Times Online

If one gets skinny from not eating during the Obama recession, one can go to AMERICAN-WORKWEAR.COM and search "suspenders", and they have several different types.  I wear the Welch Suspenders with Gator Clips that are 2 inches wide.  Currently they have free shipping.

I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.

Sunny tomorrow and 34 to 56 degrees Fahrenheit.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/09/10 Sunday 11:50 P.M. - French University Builds 11,000 MPG Car - Volcanic ash forces closure of airports across Europe, causes delays in trans-Atlantic traffic  CIO

Note: <888> 05/09/10 Sunday 11:40 P.M.  Tracking is USPS Tracking on the order for Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 Wireless Antenna Cover Left - eBay (item 180503273040 end time Jun-03-10 10:24:20 PDT) for $10 with free shipping.

My electricity bill at this month was $123.53 and 649 kWh for 29 days for 22.38 kWh per day with an average temperature of 55.3 degrees Fahrenheit.

For April 2009 a year ago it was $161.36 and 819 kWh for 32 days and 25.59 kWh per day with an average temperature of 51.9 degrees Fahrenheit.

BBC News - Quest for Cleopatra's tomb reveals statue

BBC News - BP wrestles with oil spill hitch in Gulf of Mexico

I finished the backups.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/09/10 Sunday 10:30 P.M.  I am doing a Windows XP Professional ASR backup of the Toshiba Toughbook CF 29 laptop to the Samba external hard drive.  I will then do one to the Maxtor external hard drive.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/09/10 Sunday 9:55 P.M.  My friends on the cruise ship called me from Boston and wished me Happy Birthday on the answering machine while I was out.  They are currently out of range right now, but they will be in range tomorrow until 6 P.M., when they are in Bar Harbor, Maine.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/09/10 Sunday 9:50 P.M.  I have not worked on these pages in a while.

Kennebunkport, Maine, Scott's Internet Hotlist

Kennebunkport, Maine, Scott's Internet Hotlist .

I was told by a relative that the Super Stop and Shop grocery store in Kennebunk, Maine went out of business.

The Hannaford Supermarkets took over the Super Stop and Shop location in Kennebunk, Maine.

Another relative told me that an older relative in Florida is over 80 years old is 6 foot 4 inches tall, and he now only weighs 140 pounds, so I guess food is scarce in Florida.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/09/10 Sunday 8:40 P.M.  I chatted with mother wishing her Happy Mother's Day.

I noticed on my way home that Mercedes-Benz of Greenwich is now opened on weekdays until midnight for service.

Now for my birthday dinner.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/09/10 Sunday 8:05 P.M.  I woke up at 8:30 A.M. this morning, when a friend called and wished me happy birthday.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I chatted with a relative and wished mother Happy Mother's Day.  I surfed the internet.  I went back to bed until 2 P.M..  I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.  I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with mayo, and 1/4th of a 6.3 ounce tube of Pringles salt and vinegar potato chips, and a dill pickle slice and a glass of watered down punch.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I threw out the garbage.  I went out, and I went by the Chase Bank ATM just west of Greenwich Avenue on West Putnam Avenue.  I then went downtown.  I walked lower Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I played a number 28 Aces High scratch card for a dollar at Zen stationary, but I lost.  I walked upper Greenwich Avenue.  I stopped by CVS, and I bought buy one get one free of three 18 ounce cans of Progresso New England clam chowder for $3.19 for two, and the other one for $3.19 with a free 18 ounce can of Progresso Lentil soup worth $2.99, and three CVS 5.6 ounce tubes of regular potato chips for $1 each, and three CVS 5.6 ounce tubes of sour cream and onion potato chips for a dollar each for $12.38 total.  I ran into a local walker, so we walked back down Greenwich Avenue, and I put my purchases in the car.  We sat out for a while downtown.  I then walked down Arch street and back east on Railroad Avenue looking at the foreign car dealerships.  I then returned back to my car.  I used the bathroom at Starbucks.  I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a quart jar of B&G Kosher dill pickle spears for $2.69, and a 5 inch diameter by 3 inch high white frosting with sprinkles birthday cake for $4.99 for $7.68 total.  I then returned home. I put away my purchases.  I chatted with a relative that wished me Happy Birthday.

I paid off my last two payments on my automobile insurance policy that is good through October 7, 2010.  Thus I have no more GEICO payments until then. 

I will now eat the sautéed 12 ounce petit sirloin steak dinner with Jack Daniels barbecue sauce and Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce with steamed vegetables with Smart Balance spread and olive oil and watered down punch and a cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice and a slice of birthday cake.  CIO       

Note: <888> 05/09/10 Sunday 3:50 A.M.  I chatted with a friend after the last note.  I went to bed until 10 P.M..  I ate a bowl of Cheez-its.  I closed the left living room window, until it was only open three inches.  I watched a program on the History Channel about the history of the planet earth and its tectonic activity.

I found this page of drivers for the Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 laptop computer .

I installed the Mouse Touchscreen drivers, so the touchscreen now works.  I have the model H. .

For the Panasonic Toughbook CF-29, I bought Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 CF-28 Touchscreen Pen OEM - eBay (item 180503908855 end time Jun-04-10 20:32:35 PDT) for $19.99 with free shipping.

I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go back to bed.  CIO

End of Scott's Notes week of 05/08/10: 

Note: <888> 05/08/10 Saturday 6:35 P.M.  Harry S. Truman (president of United States) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

Workers on Oil Rig Recall a Terrible Night of Blasts -

I chatted with a friend and a relative.

Containment Effort Inches Closer to Target in Gulf -

Traders Made a Fortune as Stock Market Dipped -


BBC NEWS | Election 2010 | Results | United Kingdom - National Results

BBC News - Chaotic polling problems lead to calls for e-voting

I will now send out my weekly notes.  I will then shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.

I will eat an English muffin before going to bed.

Partly cloudy and windy tomorrow and 38 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

Tomorrow May 9, 2010 is my 60th birthday.  I was born at 10:30 P.M. CST, so my exact birthday would be 12:30 A.M. EDT on May 10, 2010.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/08/10 Saturday 4:50 P.M.  I sat outside briefly, and I picked up the mail.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/08/10 Saturday 4:15 P.M.  I woke up at 9:30 A.M. this morning, when a relative called to tell me two relatives would be arriving at 12:30 P.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk. I went back to bed until 2 P.M..  I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.  I threw out garbage.  I chatted with two relatives.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  My relatives called, and they said they would be here at 12:45 P.M., when they arrived.  I showed them around my apartment showing the them the recent changes.  We then drove downtown in their car.  We went to the Thataway Cafe .  For lunch we shared a fried calamari appetizer.  I had the grill filet of salmon on a bed of mixed salad greens along with a glass of iced tea with equal and a wedge of lemon juice.  The salmon was one of the luncheon specials for $15.99.  I used the bathroom at the restaurant.  We then toured the Apple store.  We checked out the Ipad.  It is sort of simple to figure out how to use, but I think they are delicate.  My relatives toured Franklin Simon, and they got cups of coffee at Starbucks.  They then drove me back home at about 3 P.M..  Tomorrow is my 60th birthday, so that was my birthday dinner.  CIO   

Note: <888> 05/08/10 Saturday 3:40 A.M.  I put away the laundry.  I have a dozen pairs of shorts size 40 and smaller, but they do not fit me at my current weight.

More big and tall shorts here Jay Stevens Shorts & Swim Suits

More shorts JCPenney: view all shorts : shorts + swim : big & tall : men

I like these JCPenney : Dockers® Pleated Washed Khaki Shorts- 9.5" Inseam and these JCPenney : Haggar® Plain Front Cool 18® No Iron Shorts  .  There are coupons here JCPenney Coupon Codes - all coupons, discounts and promo codes for

I will hold off buying any for now though, since it looks like most of the prices on the items I am interested in will be available for a while. 

I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.

Morning thunderstorms and 42 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit today.  I will eat an English muffin before going to bed.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/08/10 Saturday 2:25 A.M.  My two pairs of Ralph Lauren shorts are size 42, and they are bit tight, and I need size 46.  I have one pair of khaki size 46, and I might have some others in size 46.  I will have to look shortly.  These are available in size 46 SONOMA life + style Twill Cargo Shorts - Big and Tall for $18.99 with free shipping 15% off coupon code though May 9 "URGREAT15".    These Nautica Big & Tall Shorts, Vintage Cargo - Big & Tall - Men's - Macy's are available in cement in 46B for $21.99 plus about $10 shipping for two and some tax.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/08/10 Saturday 1:35 A.M.  I have 50 minutes to go on the dry cycle.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/08/10 Saturday 1:10 A.M.  I put clean linens on the bed.  I started two loads of laundry, and I have 15 minutes to go on the wash cycle.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/08/10 Saturday 12:15 A.M.  Ronald Reagan Museum Store

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Russian composer) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

HP To Ditch Windows 7 For Homegrown OS? -- InformationWeek

BBC News - Rats top invasive mammals table

BBC News - Neanderthal genes 'survive in us'

BBC News - Images show volcano intensifying

'Historic' day as first non-Latin web addresses go live

BBC News - Web tool tracks Gulf oil spill effects  CIO

Note: <888> 05/07/10 Friday 10:05 P.M.  I chatted with a relative.  I chatted with a local walker.  An inexpensive restaurant in the area is suppose to be the Restaurant Rye New York | Rye NY Restaurant | The Rye Grill. If you look at the menu though Menu | Restaurant Rye NY | The Rye Grill, I think it is cheaper to eat at Boston Market Boston Market :: Food For Life in Old Greenwich.

I will now make my usual sautéed 12 ounce petit sirloin steak with Jack Daniels barbecue sauce and Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce with my usual steamed vegetable mixture with Smart Balance spread and olive oil and a glass of watered down punch and a cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice.

The BBC World Service still says the British Election is still undetermined BBC News - Election 2010: Tories meet Lib Dems over deal for power

BBC News - The Queen and a hung Parliament  CIO

Note: <888> 05/07/10 Friday 9:05 P.M.  After the last note, I watched a program on the Discovery Channel 26 about the volcanoes in Iceland.  They said we are due for more major volcanic activity from Iceland in the near future which would make the earth cooler and colder winters.  I went to bed about 2 A.M..  I woke up at 11 A.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk. I went back to bed until 2 P.M..  I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.  I threw out garbage and the old periodical literature.  I surfed the internet.  I ate an English muffin.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I went out about 5 P.M..  I went by the Chase Bank on West Putnam Avenue just west of Greenwich Avenue.  I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area, and I sat out at various locations.  I stopped by CVS, and I bought a 12 pack of Thomas' English Muffins for $1.99.  At the end of my walk, I chatted with another walker.  I then used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.  I then went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought two 21 ounce boxes of Family Size Cheez-its for $3.99 a box, two petit sirloin steaks for $3.99 a pound for $7.09, fresh asparagus for $1.99 a pound for $2.21, and fresh Chiquita bananas for .69 a pound for .59 for $17.87 total.  I then returned home.  I put away my purchases.  CIO    

Note: <888> 05/06/10 Thursday 11:35 P.M.  I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.  I will eat an English muffin before going to bed.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/06/10 Thursday 11:25 P.M.  I finished the Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 Windows XP Professional ASR backup to the Maxtor external hard drive. 

Tomorrow is suppose to be 54 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.  Since it will be cooler, I will startup the FIC server shortly.

The liberal government in England seems to represent Scotland, so if the conservatives win in the election, Scotland will have less representation in the government.  However, because I am a republican party member in the United States of America, I tend to be politically conservative and favor the conservative government or Tory government.

The results so far seem to indicate there will be a coalition government.

With the left living room window open, I hear more sirens and jets and other neighborhood noise. 

The original Greenwich, Connecticut democrats whom voted for Obama with all of their money was for the reason that if Hilary Clinton became President, all of the jet traffic at Westchester County or White Plains, New York airport would have been diverted from flying over Chappaqua, New York where she has a residence, and it would all have flown over the Belle Haven and Byram sections of Greenwich where some established people also seem to live.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/06/10 Thursday 10:45 P.M.  I bought Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 Wireless Antenna Cover Left - eBay (item 180503273040 end time Jun-03-10 10:24:20 PDT) for $10 with free shipping.  On my Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 the left antenna cover is broken on the left side, so it might fit on the right side which is missing its right cover, and I will put this one on the left side.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/06/10 Thursday 9:40 P.M.  I installed the Microsoft wireless optical notebook 3000 mouse and the cooling pad on the Panasonic Toughbook CF 29, and I used the USB 1.0 hub to connect the web cam and the cooling pad; and I installed the wireless mouse sending unit from the side USB 2.0 port.  I installed the Windows Updates.  I am now doing an XP Professional ASR backup to the Maxtor external hard drive.  Since it is connected to the USB 1.0 it will be a bit slow taking about an hour and a half to backup the system.  I put the Microsoft wireless notebook 3000 optical mouse packaging on the bookcase shelf on the mahogany bureau in the bedroom. 

I went outside, and I threw out the two shipping boxes and the soup can.  I chatted with neighbors.  I am still listening to the BBC World Service about the British elections.  The British Pound is apparently up.

David Cameron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  CIO

Note: <888> 05/06/10 Thursday 7:15 P.M.  BBC News - Election exit poll: Tories to be 21 short of majority

I chatted with a relative.  Apparently there is a lot of crime down in Florida with the Obama recession.

I chatted with a friend who is taking a Slow Boat to England.

I will now eat a 18 ounce can of Campbell's Lean Beef and vegetable soup with a Kaiser roll with Smart Balance spread and watered down punch and a cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/06/10 Thursday 6:45 P.M.  Tony Blair (prime minister of United Kingdom) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

Global Volcanism Program | Volcanic Activity Reports | SI / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report |

Begin Note:

A milling and resurfacing project will be performed on I-95 (northbound) from the New York State Line to Exit 8 in Greenwich/Stamford.  This project is scheduled to begin on Thursday, May 6th and continue through Monday, July 19th.
The regular work schedule for this project is 9:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. (Sunday - Thursday evenings).
Best Regards,
Lile R. Gibbons

End Note:

I ordered QuickCam® Communicate Deluxe for $22.99 with coupon code "logi_qcd_5510" and $1.38 tax for $24.37 total.

The order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information on the order for Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse 3000 from for $9.99 with free shipping and .60 tax for $10.59 total arrived.  I will put it on the Panasonic Toughbook CF 29.

The order with tracking of UPS: Tracking Information on the order for Notebook Cooler Pad with Three Built-in 60 mm Fans (Black) fits up to 17" for $9.99 with free shipping arrived.  I will put it underneath the Panasonic Toughbook CF-29, but I can not connect it until, I get the USB hub.  I could try the USB 1.0 hub, but I am not sure it will work as well until I get the USB 2.0 hub.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/06/10 Thursday 4:45 P.M.  I went by the Greenwich Library, and I read the .  I then went to my 3:30 P.M. appointment.  I was told I should try ironing my khakis or taking them out the dryer when they are a bit damp.  I then returned home.  I picked up the mail.  I got two birthday cards.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/06/10 Thursday 1:25 P.M.  I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will shower and clean up and get ready to go out for my 3:30 P.M. appointment.  I also shut down the FIC server, since it is about 80 degrees Fahrenheit in the apartment.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/06/10 Thursday 1:05 P.M.  I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with mayo, and 1/4th of a 6.3 ounce tube of Pringles sour cream and onion potato chips, and a dill pickle slice and a glass of watered down punch.  I have a 3:30 P.M. appointment this afternoon.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/06/10 Thursday 12:20 P.M.  I made 150 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Norwegian shag pipe tobacco cigarettes while listening to and watching .  CIO

Note: <888> 05/06/10 Thursday 10:40 A.M.  I cleaned the bathroom, and I vacuumed the apartment.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/06/10 Thursday 9:20 A.M.  Running out of gas: Service station operator worries over loss of business - GreenwichTime 

That is where I buy gasoline and get my cars serviced.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/06/10 Thursday 9:15 A.M.  I woke up at 5:30 A.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.  I did some maintenance on the FIC server.  I started it running again.  CIO   

Note: <888> 05/05/10 Wednesday 9:10 P.M.  I watched part of an old "Thin Man" movie about corruption in horse racing.  I ate a Kaiser roll.

Isolated thunderstorms and 50 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow.

Last night I woke up, and I ate 90% of a 10 ounce can of CVS deluxe mixed nuts.

I still weigh about 220 pounds, so I should try to lose some weight.

I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/05/10 Wednesday 8:00 P.M.  I chatted with two relatives.  I have a 3:30 P.M. appointment tomorrow.  I also have two packages coming via UPS tomorrow afternoon.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/05/10 Wednesday 6:40 P.M.  I ate a three egg omelet with three slices of processed cheese with grated parmesan and Romano cheese and 3 double strips of bacon and a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread and watered down passion punch and a cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/05/10 Wednesday 5:50 P.M.  IVHHN.ORG

BBC News - Meet the 'sabre-toothed sausage' 

BBC News - Nokia and Microsoft take aim at Blackberry 

World's largest single-masted yacht anchored in Greenwich  CIO

Note: <888> 05/05/10 Wednesday 4:45 P.M.  I had a telephone call from a local citizen after the last note.  I chatted for a while.  I found out that President Obama smokes four packages of cigarettes a day.  I also received email from a relative, and two of my relatives might show up this Saturday or Sunday to take me out to lunch for my 60th birthday.  I went to bed at 11:30 P.M..  I woke up at 11 A.M., when I had a telephone call asking if I was a corporation, which did not make sense.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I threw out the garbage.  I went out, and I went by the Chase Bank just west of Greenwich Avenue on West Putnam Avenue.  I then went by the Wachovia Bank on Havemayer Place, and I paid my rent to the Greenwich Housing Authority.  I noticed they are now opened until 5 P.M. on weekdays and 6 P.M. on Thursdays.  I then walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  Midway through my walk, I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.  I stopped by CVS, and I bought four 12 packs of Thomas' English muffins for $1.99 a 12 pack for $7.96 total.  It is about the only thing they make in Greenwich anymore besides babies.  I completed my walk, and I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.  I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I found out they no longer carry P.C. Magazine.  I then returned home, and I picked up the mail.  CIO  

Note: <888> 05/04/10 Tuesday 10:15 P.M.  Well, there are a lot of old churches around the Medici Palace Pitti Palace in Firenze, Italia.  I also have attended the First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich a number of times.

I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.

Sunny tomorrow and 57 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit.  In Jolly Old England at London by the Thames, it is colder at 42 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit and sunny today London, United Kingdom Forecast : Weather Underground

I ate a Kaiser roll.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/04/10 Tuesday 9:50 P.M.  In the 1950s and early 1960s, we attended the First Presbyterian Church in Decatur, Alabama, where I was confirmed into the Presbyterian Church.  I was also confirmed into the Episcopal Church at the Round Hill Community Church here in Greenwich, Connecticut.  My family also attended the Fourth Dutch Reform Church in Holland, Michigan in the summer where my mother was from.  At the Taft School The Taft School in Watertown, Connecticut; I attended the Congregation Church School Service, and I also attended the Episcopal Church on the Green in Watertown, Connecticut.  In Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts, we lived a half block away from Bill Clark's father church St. Mathews?.  In Weston, Massachusetts, I think we attended the Episcopal Church.  In Greenwich, we also attended the Second Congregational Church, and I also have been to service at Christ Church.  At which was a Presbyterian College, I attended the campus chapel, and I also attended the First Presbyterian Church next to the campus, and I think I also attended the nearby Episcopal Church.  While over in Europe, in Florence, Italy, I lived near a lot of old Roman Catholic Churches.  While in Greece and Turkey, I toured a lot old Christian Church historical sites.  I also visited the former world's largest church Hagia Sophia  In New York City, most of my friends went to ST. BART'S WELCOMES YOU , but I also attended other churches such as the Park Avenue Presbyterian Church, St. John the Device, St. Thomas, the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, the 13th street Presbyterian Church, the Fifth Avenue Anglican Church, the second Avenue Dutch Reform Church, and several others I forget.  I have attended church service at the chapel at the .  I use to lived next to the Flagler Church St. Margaret's in Key West, Florida and I also attended the Episcopal Church there.  I have attended church at the Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Vero Beach, Florida.  While in Innsbruck, Austria, I visited the Hofkirche, Innsbruck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .  I visited Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, France while in Paris in February 1992.  I also stayed up overnight in the Vatican: the Holy See while in Rome in April 1972 traveling from Florence, Italy to Athens, Greece.  I have been in many other smaller churches in my travels.  I have also attended church service at the First Presbyterian Church in New Canaan, Connecticut.  While in Nantucket, I attended church service a few times at St. Paul's Episcopal church.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/04/10 Tuesday 9:05 P.M.  My family was members of the Round Hill Community Church - Reverend Robert B. Culp in the 1960s, and we went to a number of other churches in the other places we lived since.  My mother is still a member of Saint Ann's Episcopal Church, Kennebunkport Maine when up north in the summer.  Although I have attended many churches and church schools, I have not attended church regularly over the last four decades, since I left college at, since I was frequently on a night schedule or busy with other activities on Sundays.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/04/10 Tuesday 9:00 P.M.  More news from B.C. .  CIO   

Note: <888> 05/04/10 Tuesday 8:05 P.M.  I chatted with a friend.

Tracking is UPS: Tracking Information on the order for Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse 3000 from for $9.99 with free shipping and .60 tax for $10.59 total.

2010 AGU Fall Meeting: Session Proposals

VPOW: Volcano Picture Of the Week

BBC News - 'Profound' decline in fish stocks shown in UK records

BBC News - Microsoft's Internet Explorer losing browser share  CIO

Note: <888> 05/04/10 Tuesday 6:30 P.M.  I ate a ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser roll with mayo, and 1/4th of a 6.3 ounce tube of Pringles sour cream and onion potato chips, and a dill pickle slice and a glass of watered down punch and a cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice.  CIO   

Note: <888> 05/04/10 Tuesday 5:35 P.M.  I woke up at 10:30 A.M. this morning.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I went out, and I threw out the garbage.  I chatted with a neighbor.  I went downtown, and I went by the Stop and Shop, and they gave me my $4.50 back that I was due from the coupon yesterday.  I then went by the Greenwich Automotive Services Gulf Station, and I bought $9 of self service premium gasoline at $3.419 a gallon for 2.631 gallons for 26.1 miles driving in the last eight days at odometer reading of 65900 miles for 9.920 miles per gallon.  I also checked the tires for 32 PSI.  I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I chatted with two regulars.  I then went downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I stopped by the Greenwich Cigar store, and I bought a dollar scratch card number 23 "Triple Win", but I lost.  I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.  I stopped by the Greenwich Hardware store.  They have the premium Lasko fan there for $35.99 plus tax.  They also carry a 15,000 BTU window air conditioner for an undisclosed amount.  I also browsed CVS.  While I was sitting out at the bench on upper Greenwich Avenue, there was a lightning strike around the Greenwich Hospital.  I finished my walk, and I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.  I then returned home.  I picked up my mail.  I got my rent statement for this month from the Greenwich Housing Authority.  I will have to pay it tomorrow.  CIO    

Note: <888> 05/04/10 Tuesday 1:45 A.M.  I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.

Isolated thunderstorms and 52 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit today.

I finished off the box of Cheez-its.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/04/10 Tuesday 12:25 A.M.  Well, back during the recession of the 1970s and early 1980s, I recall spending a lot of time walking around observing the local activity where ever I happened to live in such diverse areas as Greenwich, New Canaan, Manhattan, Long Island, Nantucket, Key West, and California.  I recall, one sort of gets use to walking around in circles observing life.  I seem to be doing better today, because even when times were better during the last 15 years before the new Obama recession, I never let my lifestyle get too far out of control.  Once I got involved in personal computers slightly over 20 years ago, I focused so much time on technology, I did not; and I still do not know what is going on around me, other than what I read in the local press and on the internet.  I  have observed there still appears to be wealthy people in Greenwich, Connecticut; but when I am downtown; I notice a lot more people whom seem to be just getting by on whatever means they have available.   There was never any money earned in computer technology and the internet for me, and it was just a way for me to keep busy in an effort in which I felt comfortable working at.  Even though I am somewhat efficient in my computer activities, I know the scope of the internet, and there was never much interest in my efforts to explain how one can live on a minimal income in Greenwich, Connecticut.  I obviously know how to work the keyboard.

Back in Manhattan on and off for 10 years, I would chat with many people and I knew people whom had literary back grounds and lived in publishing neighborhoods.  However, they were more conscious of current fashion trends in hoping of making money, where as I usually would return to the suburbs and work on more simple routines around the family house or where ever I was staying.  I learned in the period that I washed dishes and scrubbed pots and pans in restaurants in Nantucket and Florida that it is a very noisy job, and one has to go at a very hectic pace, which the landed gentry around me currently do not seem to be familiar with. 

When I built the garage apartment out on Long Island in 1982, it took 6,000 hours; and I was paid $1.15 an hour after the project was completed.  However, even in periods when I had a little extra money, the money would go very fast, because in wealthy areas; there always seems to be a group of people out there waiting to separate one from their money, and they are quite cleaver at it.  I noticed a lot of people of means dress down trying to blend in, but they still have expensive habits in terms of their lifestyles.

Basically in my own personal routine, I frequently pay more for some items, since the gasoline to drive to some place like Wal-Mart in Norwalk, Connecticut where prices might be cheaper would cost more than my savings.  Plus there is also the wear and tear on the automobile.  Thus I have learned to shop locally here in Greenwich, Connecticut based on my experience.  About once a year, I got to Home Depot in Port Chester, New York, if there is an item that I can get cheaper there such as light bulbs. 

I order computer parts off the internet, and I frequently search web sites for months, before I make a purchase.  For example, I started looking at used Panasonic Toughbooks CF 29s about last October 2009.  I originally bought the Dell D410 laptop then, and when I found a similar one at Christmas time, I bought it at a very good price.  Thus I had a backup laptop.  I bought the Panasonic Toughbook CF 29 in case I need to work outside, or possibly in the library, since moving the Dell Latitude D410 laptops around might be more risky, since they are more fragile.

The friends that told me they might need an emergency office if something ever happened in Manhattan in terms of terrorism, told me about a month ago, they would simply go the Hyatt Hotel in Old Greenwich or some other similar place.  Once I set up a very good office over these last years since 911, I have kept working at it at considerable expense.  Since it is such a complex and expensive environment, I try to keep my working office private, and I am well aware plenty of people with more money whom have many portable devices to work in multiple locations with wireless and other communications access.  Still I keep busy at my own activity based on my own experience.

Thus although I have the three laptops, I do not use them that much, since I have the four desktops also.  I will use one of them up in Maine this summer.  Since I frequently have to go the bathroom anymore, if I used a laptop in the Greenwich Library, I would have to get up every half hour and take the laptop to the bathroom, since I do not think one should leave laptop computers unattended in the Greenwich Library.

Thus as I have said many times before, I do things bases on my own experience, and not a modern salesman's experience.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/03/10 Monday 11:30 P.M.  I just ate a Kaiser roll.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/03/10 Monday 11:25 P.M.  I just heard on the BBC World Service that a new Iceland Volcano Cloud which shut down the airports in Ireland today is also going to shut down the airports in Norway, Scotland, and England BBC News - Flights banned in Ireland and parts of UK over ash risk .  CIO

Note: <888> 05/03/10 Monday 10:45 P.M.  Today was a Bank Holiday in Jolly Old England, because May Day fell on a Saturday.

I noticed today that the Chinese Laundry next to the Apple Computer store has closed, since their building is being remodeled.  I was told by the Chinese proprietor that it would reopen at the same location, once the building is remodeled.  I lived on the second floor of that building back in April and May 1984, when I rented a room from the tenant in the apartment.  However, the tenant drank and partied all of the time, so I moved to 700 Steamboat Road in June of 1984, where I lived until I moved into this building in December 1988 as I recall.

I noticed the COLLECTION - Bang & Olufsen across from the Chinese laundry was also closed today.

Now that the dollar is so weak, I have noticed more tourists on Greenwich Avenue enjoying the cheaper travel with the cheap dollar.

I ordered the Microsoft Wireless Notebook Optical 3000 mouse Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse 3000 from for $9.99 with free shipping and .60 tax for $10.59 total.  I will put it with the Panasonic Toughbook CF 29.

$24.99 plus $1.99 shipping - Recertified: eton Self-Powered AM/FM/Shortwave Radio - Silver FR350S CIO

Note: <888> 05/03/10 Monday 9:40 P.M.   Stop and Shop has the Lasko 20 inch square box fans for $19.99 plus tax.

Tracking is USPS - Track & Confirm on the order for USB Optical Wheel Mouse 800DPI - for $6.99 with free shipping and a 4-Port Slim USB 2.0 HUB - for $3.99 with free shipping for $10.98 total.

Margaret Thatcher (prime minister of United Kingdom) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

University of Kansas Geology Department  CIO

Note: <888> 05/03/10 Monday 9:15 P.M.  I ate the same dinner as the last three nights.  I chatted with three family relatives.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/03/10 Monday 7:20 P.M.  I woke up this morning at 11 A.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.  While I was asleep the tower fan on the window shelf spit out some sort of dirt debris on the recliner and the floor in front of it.  I cleaned it up with the Swivel Sweeper.  I then charged up its battery pack.  I showered, and I cleaned up.  I picked up my mail.

The order with tracking number is "9101148008600759911125" at for the order for Battery Fits Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 CF29 CF-VZSU29AU - eBay (item 370241169597 end time May-03-10 03:23:19 PDT) for $66.50 with free shipping arrived.  I put it in the Panasonic Toughbook CF 29.  It works just fine.  I left the power turned on to its power supply, so it would totally charge up.  I chatted with  a neighbor.  I threw out the garbage.  I went out, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I sat out at various locations.  It started to rain at the beginning of my walk, until I returned to the senior and the arts center halfway through my walk, when I used the bathroom there.  I also used the bathroom there after my walk.  I stopped by CVS, and I bought a .75 inch by 60 yard roll of 3M masking tape for $4.19 and .25 tax for $4.44 total.  I can use it to label cables when I have to disconnect them.  After I finished my walk, I went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a six ounce jar of Gold's Horseradish for $1.59, a 16 ounce package of Smart Balance spread for $3.29, a 59 ounce carton of Tropicana Premium orange juice with calcium for $2.50, Stop and Shop deli premium sliced ham for $4.99 a pound for $7.58, Stop and Shop deli sliced provolone cheese for $5.99 a pound for $5.93, six 21 ounce Stouffer's frozen meat lasagnas for $2.50 each, a 12 ounce generic honey for $2.49, a 40 pack box of Pure Via sweetener for $2.49, a quart jar of Hellmann's mayonnaise with olive oil for $4.39, two 48 ounce Quaker Old Fashioned oatmeal for $4.99 each, two 64 ounce Stop and Shop grape juice for $2.69 each, two 64 ounce Stop and Shop lite cranraspberry juice for $3 each, fresh Chiquita bananas for .49 a pound for $1.37,  fresh broccoli crowns for $1.99 a pound for $1.51 for $72.49 total.  I gave the checker a $4.50 off $50 store coupon, but she forgot to ring it up.  I will have to show them the slip and get my $4.50 next time I got in there.  I chatted with a local.  I then returned home, and I brought up and put away my groceries.

Happy Birthday to a relative today.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/03/10 Monday 1:10 A.M.  Morning thunderstorms today and 57 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit.

I will now shut down the Microsoft Vista Primary Magical Mystery Tour Computer.  Who needs Windows 7 when Vista works just fine for me.  I am not doing too much complicated work on the computer that I need the newer system.  I once got two emails from Bill Gates about 20 years ago, when I emailed him about the NASA Radar Imaging Satellite which could x-ray his nearby volcano at Mount Rainier.  His first email was "What is this all about?".  His second email was in PGP encryption, which I did not know how decrypt, so I guess they have some sort of problem out there with Mount Rainier which they are trying to keep secret USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory (CVO).  Ronald Reagan Junior use to work at the Cascades Observatory, so he might know more. 

Cousteau Society is in Monte Carlo, if I am not mistaken.  Radio Monte Carlo Swiss Radio Monte Carlo is what I have been listening to.

He use to be in Key West, Florida; when I lived there study the volcanic activity in Martinique - Caribbean Islands, Caribbean Tourism , so I guess I lived around some volcano experts down there in Cayo Hueso Live Duval Street Web Cam in Key West, Florida :: Sloppy Joe's Bar :: .  I guess I got so darkly tanned down there, they thought I was a Cuban refugee, when I came north to Nantucket A Complete Nantucket Island Travel Guide - Nantucket Island, MA 02554 .  Fred Von Mierers was down there before me, and he knew Tennessee Williams.  Fred was raised in Beverly Farms, Massachusetts by his Aunt Agatha; so he know some Old Guard Massachusetts people who seemed to know him in Nantucket.

Of course nobody knew anything about in Massachusetts in the old days.

I will now eat another Kaiser roll.

Have a good morning.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/03/10 Monday 12:20 A.M.  Of course back in December 1983, when I was staying at the Anglican Seminary in Toronto, Canada, I ran into a Air Canada employee that looked like Tony Snowden.  He gave me an Air Canada flight bag which I still have along with my Pan Am and KLM and possibly an American Express flight bag.  Back then I explored around Toronto in the winter, since they have 40 miles of underground streets, it was not too cold up there in the winter as long as one stayed inside.  I did go to a bar called "The Barn" that had about 2,000 seven feet tall Canadians a lot of whom had beards.  What was very strange is that it must have been over 90 degrees Fahrenheit in the bar.  It was across from the Toronto Arena, and it was letting out with thousands of Nordic youth coming from a Zodiacs soccer game.  I had my usual Vodka and Tonic, and I suddenly felt a bit faint, and I figured someone might have drugged me, so I took a taxi to the Toronto Hospital, and after a while they said I would be all right.  That is when I bought my Icelandic white and brown knit cap for $40 which I still have.  Thus I was at the Anglican seminary at the University of Toronto for about two weeks.  I learned while there that Toronto is about 25% Chinese.  I tried to go to the Toronto Needle tower, but I could not figure out how to get into the place, and it was possibly closed.  I did tour the Hudson's Bay Department store.  I had visited Toronto a number of times before including visiting George Cary up there when he was working for the Ontario Jockey Association.  I think I first visited Canada, when my parents were returning from vacation in Holland, Michigan; and we visited Niagara Falls, Ontario.  I guess I am fortunate to lived down here in Greenwich, Connecticut in the tropics.  However, hot weather is not good for computers, and one usually needs to run air conditioning.  I turned off the Linksys Wireless Router, and when I shut down the primary Vista computer, I will also shut down the Netgear Router and the Netgear Switch.  I will leave the Motorola Cable Modem going though.  It seems strange that nobody that I ever once knew uses the internet.  I guess they possibly enjoy other activities like cocktail parties. 

From what I know about personal computer activity after 20 years, it is extremely useful for a variety of tasks.  However, it does use up quite a bit of money that people on limited income might have other priorities for.  I guess with nearby in Armonk, New York; there are a lot of secretive computer people around here. 

George Cary once lived near the IBM Country Club in Sands Point, Long Island; so he might know some other IBM people.  George likes horses; so he is not too tech savvy, and when bothered by technology, he always says "Let the Chinese Take Care of It".  Maybe he would be happier working at a Horse Race Track in Hong Kong, China which is suppose to be very profitable.  I use to go to bars in the old days not to drink alcohol, which I never drank much of, but to listen to the latest music which if they had an ASCAP license they always seemed to play in various pubs.  Alas after 20 years on the internet, I have lost track of the music scene.  Also I do not go to Manhattan late at night anymore, since I got mugged there about 17 years ago, when I was the designated driver for a friend that does drink alcohol.  It would seem to me that New York City people have lots of entertainment available, but it is hard to figure out what the local city people do for work versus what the tourists do for work. 

Once the Rockefellers were out of political office in New York and Jerry Ford was no long President; there was no much interest in me; but I managed to stay there until February 1982, when my roommate had me move out; so her son could move in.  It happened to be minus 26 degrees Fahrenheit, so I stayed with someone I met that lived above an Episcopal Church on East 52nd street.  After a week, I went down to Key West, Florida, and I was back in Connecticut after another strange adventure around the First of May in 1982, when there was six inches of snow on the ground.  Of course that was a colder winter.  CIO  

Note: <888> 05/02/10 Sunday 11:35 P.M.  Vero Beach, Florida Residents on board for Amtrak service » .  CIO

Note: <888> 05/02/10 Sunday 11:25 P.M.  I installed the Windows Updates.  I ate two bowls of Cheez-its.  I am listening to Radio Monte Carlo, which seems to have some pretty good music.

I noticed the other day when I was at the senior and the arts center, I saw an older lady playing Chess.  I never played Chess much in my life, and I do not think I even know its basics anymore.

Back in February 1981, I came out to Greenwich on the commuter train from Manhattan.  I left my bags at the Y.M.C.A., when they had no place for me to stay.  I noticed in the Greenwich Train station that most everyone that I recognized was a Canadian business person.  I spent the day in the Greenwich Library reading.  I called a relative in New Canaan to let them know I was out here, and the relative told me that Ronald Reagan had been shot in Washington D.C..  I looked at the big screen television up on the second floor of the Greenwich Library.  I then went and got my bags that I had left at the Y.M.C.A..  I sat for a while more in the Greenwich Library.  I then took a Greenwich Taxi Cab to Westchester County Airport which cost about $7.50 back then.  I sat in the airport bar not drinking but watching the news.  A person in military uniform told me that the Government was probably on alert.  Figuring that there might be some major nuclear confrontation coming up, I took the Airport Shuttle to J.F.K. Airport for $9.  I happened to have a current Pan Am Clipper Club card which I paid $20 a year for, so I checked into the Pan Am Clipper Club in case any military activity might take place, I figured they could land the Air Calvary at Kennedy Airport.  They had a free computer chess game there, so I spent the rest of the evening playing computer chess on the machine.  I called my relative in New Canaan, and I told them I was ready to evacuate if necessary.  My relative told me Ronald Reagan condition was unknown.  I then called my roommate in Manhattan who was the former wife of a U.S. Government official, and she told me I should return to Manhattan.  Thus about 11 P.M. when the Pan Am Clipper Club closed, I took the train or subway into Manhattan, and I returned to my roommate's apartment in Manhattan on West 74th street.  Thus one time when I tried to return to Greenwich, Connecticut it was a major disaster day.  It took about three years, before I finally was able to return to Greenwich in December 1983 after being homeless in Manhattan for a month with only having family telephone numbers and W. Averill Harriman's sister's garage apartment, where her nephew lived.  I sometimes think if I had called that telephone number, I might be living out on Long Island instead of Connecticut, but having lived out on Long Island for a year when I built the garage apartment in Plandome Manor, Long Island and also in the late 1970s in Port Washington, Long Island, I felt Long Island was too busy for me after the more quiet days in the center of Nantucket.  Depending on one's timing Greenwich, Connecticut can be a pretty quiet town, if you learn how to avoid Rush Hour.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/02/10 Sunday 9:40 P.M.  I chatted with a friend and a relative.  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/01/10 Saturday 8:05 P.M.  I watched some television.  I ate a Kaiser roll.  It is currently 84 degrees Fahrenheit in my apartment.  I am going to shut down my server, since hardly anyone uses it anyway.  Once the apartment temperature drops to below 75 degrees Fahrenheit, I will start it up again.  I will still post at: .  CIO 

Note: <888> 05/02/10 Sunday 7:25 P.M.  Bridgeport police join probe of attempted car bombing - GreenwichTime

Catherine II (empress of Russia) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia 

BBC News - Volcanic ash fact-finding mission takes to the skies  CIO

Note: <888> 05/02/10 Sunday 6:55 P.M.  I made up a fresh batch of punch.  I threw out the garbage.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/02/10 Sunday 6:25 P.M.  I ate the same dinner as yesterday.  I noticed while I was at CVS today that breakfast rations from the Midwest are on sale. 

They have at , Kellogg’s – Home of cereals; breakfast foods; snacks; recipes corn flakes, frosted flakes and raisin bran in small 10 to 14 ounce boxes on sale for two for $5.  In the Midwest where people are much bigger, they sell the same cereals in much larger boxes.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/01/10 Saturday 5:15 P.M.  I woke up at 11:30 A.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I washed the breakfast dishes, and I made my bed.  I chatted with two relatives.  I threw out the garbage.  I went downtown, and I went by CVS on Greenwich Avenue.  I picked up a prescription.  I bought a 20 inch spare Lasko box fan for $22.99 less a $4 off $20 CVS internet coupon and $1.14 tax for $20.13 total.  I now have a spare Lasko box fan in case the one that I am currently using should malfunction.  I can not put in my General Electric Profile 15,500 BTU air conditioner with remote control until after they install the new double pane windows in my apartment some time in the future depending on their other project they are also working on.  I then went further downtown, and I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue and the train station area.  I was told by the ticket clerk at the Greenwich Train Station that I can get the half price off peak rate should I ever need to go into Manhattan if I use my Connecticut state Medicaid card to show that I am disabled.  I chatted with a local.  I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.  I stopped by CVS again on my walk.  After I finished my walk, I sat out some more on the warm day.  I used the bathroom at the senior and the arts center.  I then went by the Greenwich Library which was busy.  I toured its ground floor.  It looked to be the usual group of regulars.  I then returned home.  I chatted with a neighbor.  There are suppose to be thunderstorms this evening and rain tomorrow.  I was told by a neighbor, they are going to change around the windows on an apartment that has already been done tomorrow, since they installed them improperly.  I was told by anther neighbor who had her windows already done that they are cheaply poorly made windows.  To me they look pretty much like standard windows.  With Lasko box fan going in my right living room window and the two tower fans going in the living room, it is 83 degrees Fahrenheit in my apartment right now.  I do not think it is good for the computers to be running in warmer temperatures, but I built them with lots of cooling fans, so hopefully they are running cool enough.  CIO  

End of Scott's Notes week of 05/02/10: 

Note: <888> 05/02/10 Sunday 1:50 A.M.  I ate two bowls of Cheez-its.  I watched the movie "The Bourne Identity".

Isolated thunderstorms this afternoon and 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

I will now send out my weekly notes.  I will then shut down the primary Vista computer and go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/01/10 Saturday 9:25 P.M.  I chatted with a relative.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/01/10 Saturday 8:50 P.M.  Tracking number is "9101148008600759911125" at for the order for Battery Fits Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 CF29 CF-VZSU29AU - eBay (item 370241169597 end time May-03-10 03:23:19 PDT) for $66.50 with free shipping.

Where the Germs Are in Your Home, How to Get Rid of Them - AARP Bulletin Today

The Reagan Diaries, Collectors Leather-bound Edition Edited by Douglas Brinkley half price in May 2010  CIO

Note: <888> 05/01/10 Saturday 8:45 P.M. - SOLEUS AIR PH3-12R-03 Air Conditioner White 

Note: <888> 05/01/10 Saturday 8:20 P.M.  I ate three cold 7/16th inch thick slices of cold eye round of beef with horseradish and Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce with my usual steamed vegetable mixture with Smart Balance spread and olive oil and a glass of watered down punch and a cup of green tea with truvia and lemon juice.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/01/10 Saturday 7:00 P.M.  I ate a bowl of Cheez-its before going to bed after the last note.   I woke up at 8 A.M., when a local walker called to see, if I wanted to go into Manhattan for a walk around, but I declined.    I slept until noon.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal with honey and milk and a sliced banana, a toasted English muffin with Smart Balance spread, a 50% to 50% mixture of fruit juice punch and cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with truvia and milk.  I chatted with a relative.  I took the winter comforters and electric blanket off the bed, and I stored them away.  I put clean linens on the bed with a light blanket and the summer green and pink quilt.  I opened the left living room window about two feet, and I put the Lasko fan in the window on low speed.  I am also running the two tower fans in the living room. 

The order for CF-27 CF-28 CF-29 Panasonic Toughbook Floppy Disk Drive - eBay (item 120439137212 end time May-19-10 10:30:07 PDT) for $12.50 with free shipping arrived.  I put it in the Panasonic Toughbook, and it works just fine.  I did a Windows XP Professional ASR backup of the Panasonic Toughbook to the Samba external hard drive, and I was able to create the floppy restore disk.  I threw out the garbage and the old periodical literature.  I watered the plants.  I did two loads of laundry.  I made 177 Premier Lights 100 MM filter Peter Stokkebye Norwegian shag pipe tobacco cigarettes while listening to Into Tomorrow with Dave Graveline and watching .  I chatted with a neighbor.  I chatted with a relative.  I watched the 2010 Kentucky Oaks & Derby | April 30 - May 1, 2010 | Tickets, Events, News .  CIO     

Note: <888> 05/01/10 Saturday 1:55 A.M.  I ate a Kaiser roll.  I will now shut down the primary Vista computer, and I will go to bed soon.

Sunny today and 62 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit.  CIO

Note: <888> 05/01/10 Saturday 1:10 A.M.  I printed out the last four months of Scott's Notes.  They are 239 pages long.  I put them in two clamp binders, and I left them on the Harvard chair.

They are available from:

Scott's Notes from January 2010 through April 2010, .4 Mbytes contains "mlsnote18.doc" pages 7653 -7892 January 2010 to April 2010

Scott's Notes from January 2010 through April 2010, .4 Mbytes contains "mlsnote18.doc" pages 7653 -7892 January 2010 to April 2010 

And in *.PDF format from here: