Note:<888>8/07/99 Saturday 9:45 P.M. EDT: I had dinner of baked boneless breast of chicken in wine with herbs, and baked potatoe and baked onion along with celery juice and iced coffee. I watched "Wag the Dog", and I also had cheese crackers along with ice tea while watching it. Not much happening, situation same as usual. CIO
Note:<888>8/07/99 Saturday 6:25 P.M. EDT: I went out at about 4 P.M. and mailed a birthday card. I stopped by the Greenwich Library and read the Greenwich Times. I checked in the two computer books I had checked out earlier in the week. I checked out the videotape "Young Einstein". I went downtown, and I walked the lower section of Greenwich Avenue, and I chatted with a couple of locals. The Greenwich Times said that various water restrictions had been put in place in town. I noticed the Greenwich Town Common has a plastic bag placed over the public water foundation, so people can't drink out of the fountain, which does not make sense in terms of water rationing. I stopped by the Grand Union and bought 3 twelve packs of soda for $5.99 with store coupon plus $1.80 can depost, one of diet Coca Cola, diet Sprite, and Nestea Ice Tea, plus 12 bags of Ramen noodles various varieties for $2, a 2 pound bag of onions for $2, a half gallon of Tropicana orange juice for $2.50, a package of Purdue boneless breast of chicken for $3.49 a pound for $4.22, two Early Morning bacons $1.50 each, two Progresso New England clam chowder for .99 each, I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Lite .99, a 10 oz. package of GU munster cheese for $1.99, for a total of $27.55 . I returned home and put away the groceries, and I had a Citra soda in a frosted mug. Well it is a bit warm and dry out, but I suppose once the sun goes down, it will be cooler and more people will be out and about. Have an enjoyable evening. Tonight I believe is the last night of the St. Roch's fair at Roger Scherman Baldwin park, so enjoy the evening. CIO
Note:<888>8/07/99 Saturday 3:15 P.M. EDT: I started a tape backup about 4 A.M.. At the same time the Gateway was down, so the server was not working. I went to bed and was up at 2:00 P.M. and the tape backup was complete. I restarted the server since the Gateway was back up and working. I had breakfast of three fried eggs, toast, four strips of bacon, vitamins, orange juice, and coffee. I will clean up and go out in about 45 minutes. Have a good afternoon. CIO
Note:<888>8/07/99 Saturday 1:50 A.M. EDT: Lanzarote makes international news Baggage strike hits thousands of holidaymakers . When I was there in February 1972, there were only two flights a day, I guess it has changed a bit. CIO
Note:<888>8/07/99 Saturday 1:10 A.M. EDT: Well I went out and watered the plants for about an hour. I watered each of the 11 plant beds around the trees in front of the building for about four to five minutes each, which should keep them going for a couple of days. If you water at night when it is cool more of the water seeps into the ground around the roots instead of evaporating. I am making some Ramen noodles and having them with celery juice. I ate some cheese crackers before going out. I might have some ice coffee after the Ramen noodles. I might possibly chat on the internet instead of going out, since nobody ever talks to me downtown at night. Maybe some winter bound Autralians would enjoy some conversation. Well have a good morning. CIO
Note:<888>8/06/99 Friday 11:50 P.M. EDT: I finished running maintenace utilities on the computer system. I might start a tape drive backup before I go to sleep this morning. All other computer maintenance is done. I went out at about 8 P.M. and I walked around downtown. I walked the lower section of Greenwich Avenue twice. I stopped by the Grand Union and bought a 200 package box of Nutrataste for $4.69. I returned home, and I channel surfed and computer maintenance programs until just now. I guess I will go out and water at midnight when it is an odd day by our building number 71. Well nothing unusual to report. I have seen mentioned that hurricane is possibly forming off west Africa NRL Satellite Photo /archive_data/sat/www/mediterranean/sahara/ir/LATEST.jpg tropics and . Thus in a week there might be some extra moisture down south in the Carribean Basin which might work its way north. We'll have to wait and see. I remember in the old days, they use to see clouds with some sort of mixture of one gallon of iodine to 50,000 gallons of water and spraying it with and tanker air plane or jet, or even possibly mixing the same proportion of iodine to jet fuel, so maybe the water vapor of jets might seed the cloud. Although the news say the eastern pacific water is cooler, I think there it is safe to assume there is plenty of moisture in the upper atmosphere, since with the hot weather there would have to have been evaporation. Basically various government agencies have been seeding clouds for over a half century, so the technology must have advanced. Well don't forget to study weather.htm . Well have a good morning. CIO
Note:<888>8/06/99 Friday 7:00 P.M. EDT: Well I was up at noon, and I had breakfast of Kelloggs raisin bran, toast, vitamins, orange juice, and coffee. I did some system maintenance. I started a C and D drive backup to the E drive. I went back to bed until 5 P.M.. The backup was finished. I noticed the Attune program was running in the background since I installed it, so I uninstalled it. I then did another C and D drive backup to the E drive which just finished. I checked with my neighbors about watering, but I guess they had not read the local paper Greenwich Time Online | Welcome which says that we are restricted to outdoor watering to odd days for odd number addresses and even days for watering on even number days, so I can't water the plants tonight, but I will do it tomorrow night or I can do it this morning after midnight which will be an odd day. I am just about ready to start an E drive backup to the C drive. Well I also moved the cork board out of the kitchen and put in the new oak cork board out of the kitchen hallway into the kitchen, so there is more room to get into the kitchen. I also recieved a check from for $42.36. I will have some fruit and iced coffee, and clean up in a while and then go out. Well have a good evening. CIO
Note:<888>8/06/99 Friday 3:50 A.M. EDT: I sifted through my email. I did my daily work routine scotwork.htm . Not much seems to be happening with people on vacation and away on summer holiday. I suppose I will go back to bed for a spell. CIO
Note:<888>8/06/99 Friday 12:05 A.M. EDT: I had dinner and fell asleep after 8 P.M. to about 11 P.M. when a friend called. I chatted a while. I watched a bit of television. I guess I will try to sift through my email. Have a good morning. CIO
Note:<888>8/05/99 Thursday 7:50 P.M. EDT: I already have the 1999 Harley Hahn Internet Directory. I tried installing Linux 5.1, but I could not figure it out, so I returned my D: drive to its normal state. I will return the books. I am cooking a Pepperoni Red Baron pizza which should be ready in about 10 minutes. Well after dinner I will have iced coffee. I guess I will go out for a drive afterwards. Have a good evening. CIO
Note:<888>8/05/99 Thursday 5:25 P.M. EDT: The NOAA Wather Warning Red light "Marine Warning" came on just before I left at 2:15 P.M.. I stopped by Putnam Trust Bank of New York. I went by the Hospital Thrift shop. They have their $10 bag sale. They put out their new merchandise next Wednesday. They have a 12 foot by 15 foot baby blue burber rug with padding for $10 that needs cleaning, but is a very good run, and would take at least two people and a station wagon to move. I made my 3 P.M. appointment. It thunder showered for about fifteen minutes and then cleared up. I went by the Greenwich Library and read theee computer newsweeklies and the Greenwich Times. I checked out Harley Hahn's 1999 internet directory that I will copy the CDROM contents to my hard drive. I also checked out "Special Edition Using Linux" which comes with 3 Cdroms one with Red Hat Linux 5.2 which I will try to install to my D: drive. I stopped by the Greenwich Healthmart and bought a 100 tablet 500 mg. bottle of Niacimide Vitamin B3. I went by CVS and they now have the Dutch Treat Sweets in the grey cartons. I bought a birthday card for $2.07 and a bottle of CVS all purpose lemon cleaner for $1.99 and two boxes of cheese crackers for .99 plus .12 Ct. tax for $4.09 total. I returned home and I had a glass of ice tea. Now for computer work. Have a good afternoon. CIO
Note:<888>8/05/99 Thursday 1:20 P.M. EDT: Well I was up at 11 A.M.. I had breakfast of three fried eggs, four strips of bacon, vitamins, toast, orange juice, and coffee. I listened to a little internet news. I have to start to clean up now and go out for my 3 P.M. appointment. Have a good afternoon. CIO
Note:<888>8/05/99 Thursday 4:30 A.M. EDT:Well I tried installing the Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Demo, but the Cdrom is defective and aborts installation or does not complete. When I rebooted the system, I ran System File Checker, and I found out that in the C:\Windows\System directory "msrdo20.dll" was corrupted, so I replaced it from my backup. Well not much accomplished. I am not going to bother with my email this morning. Time for bed, have a good morning. CIO
Note:<888>8/05/99 Thursday 1:40 A.M. EDT: Well I went out after the last message, and I parked in the center of town. I chatted with a couple of locals in the center of town. I walked down the Avenue, and I then sat out at the Post Office plaza for a while. I walked up to the top of the Avenue, and I sat out for a while. I returned down the Avenue, and I chatted with a local. I drove down by the Harbor. I drove east on Putnam Avenue, and they're still painting cross walks. I stopped by CVS in Riverside, and I bought a carton of Dutch Treat Sweets in a red carton for $14.19 and a 1 1/2 litre bottle of Listerine for $6.49 plus $1.24 Ct. sales tax for $21.92 total. I then returned back home and I steamed two ears of corn and had the rest of the chicken salad with the corn for dinner with ice tea and a bit of iced coffee. I read a bit up on gun powder and the Gustavus Swedish clan in the Encyclopedia Brittanica, but it got me to thinking about other older matters, and then I decided I better file a note. Well I guess I will do my email since I have over 150 email messages to sift through, and I still have to install the Frontpage 2000 demo. Well have a good morning. CIO
Note:<888>8/04/99 Wednesday 8:55 P.M. EDT: Well I went out after the last message. I went over to the old Caldors shopping plaza in Portchester, New York. I stopped by the Vitamin Shoppe, and they have 40% off selected products this month. I was able to get a 300 capsule bottle of 500 mg. MSM for $16.17 with 40% off down from $26.95 and a bottle of B-12 500 mcg 100 capsules for $4.86 down from $6.95 for $21.03 total. I browed Staples and they have a European power converter in their Clearence Bin for $11. I stopped Pergament and the have number of fairly large house plants for $7.99 that are a bit dry. I went by ODD Job Trading and I got the last set of Benwin 47 Watt computer speaker with 3 D BW-747-3d for $9.99 with a $1 senior discount plus tax for .61 for $9.60 total. They also have a large number of other discounted items there including a lesser brand of Benwin speakers for $9.99. The have the IBM keyboard with mouse and microphone with IBM viavoice for $29.99. You never know what you will find at ODD Job. I returned and stopped by Cumberland Farms for Mustang 100 ultra light cigarettes for $2.12. I came home and took on of the MSM and another Condroitin Sulfate and Glucosamine. I installed the new Benwin speakers easily since I already had a wire splite connector on the computer and with the existing Jensen speakers they sound really great for audio listening. I turned down both sets volumne a bit, so there is not too much distortion. Well I also got the Microsoft Frontpage 2000 45 demo, which I will install later this evening. I will go out for my evening stroll shortly. Have a good evening. CIO
Note:<888>8/04/99 Wednesday 6:45 P.M. EDT: I found these links for the arthritis supplement "MSM" MSM - Rich Distributing 99.9% Pure MSM and Rich Distributing: Browsing Pure MSM Capsules . Well I have to clean up, and go outside. I might look for the MSM over at the old Caldors shopping plaza in Port Chester, New York. CIO
Note:<888>8/04/99 Wednesday 5:35 P.M. EDT: Well I was up about 11 A.M. this morning. I had breakfast of Kelloggs raisin bran, toast, vitamins, orange juice, and coffee. I turned on CNN and they showed the Queen Mum making her birthday appearence. I got a tired spell, and I went back to bed until 5 P.M.. I just read some net news. I suppose I will have a bowl of fruit and some ice tea, and begin to clean up. Have an enjoyable evening. CIO
Wednesday 3:10 A.M. EDT:Happy Birthday to the Queen Mother The Times and The Times: Britain:Queen Mother
bridges the generation gap and CIO
Note:<888>8/04/99 Wednesday 2:45 A.M. EDT: Well I am still up. I have not been able to fall asleep. I had some melon and grapes about and chicken salad about midnight. I remember in 1975, we had this sort of drought from about April to September, and then one day in September we had about two feet of rain in 12 hours, and there was quite a torrential bit of flooding particularly in the Milbrook area. Well besides El Nino which is pushing the usual Canadian jet stream northward causing this drought, I am not sure how it affects the predicted hurricane season weather.htm . From what I can tell, possibly that report last February that part of Antartica half the size of Greenland fell off the continent and is gruadually melting and drifting out to sea might have change the usual Southern Atlantic ocean currents as they interreact with the Northern Atlantic ocean currents. Sandia Laboratories at Los Alamos, New Mexico is suppose to have gotten a supercomputer for global climate modeling, so they might know more of the long term effects of the present weather situation. From what I can tell, although there is not water rationing and water restriction in Greenwich yet, last time it was this dry several years ago, the town water department was able to buy water from neighboring water districts that are connected by pipeline for about $40 a million gallons. I suppose we have to start maintain night time fire watches in the wood areas, unless there is some sort of modern satellite surveillance system that can detect minor out breaks of forest fires before they get too much larger. I suppose the Air National Guard should be made ready along with the local Air Guard for whatever water tanker fire fighting aircraft they may have available. Also major utility line crossings in forests need to be protected from fire. The general public should be advised to avoid outdoor burning. Any dry brush collected to provide safer perimeters, should be shreded and not burned. I suppose local DPW trucks could help in shreding operations. I have advised people that many people in wetlands all around the world get Errogot poisoning or Bog Fever when damp wetland areas dry out, leaving errogot mold dust in the area for people to breath in and develop the systems of errogot poisoning. Then natural remedy for this phenomina in the old days was smoking tabacco which contained Nicotinic Acid which is similar to Vitamin B2 or Niacin. Since Niacin causes people to flush, most people take Niacimide which does not cause you to flush. Niacimide is available from the Village Health Mart. Also most commercial bakeries use flour that has Niacin added, so if one eat a cross section of baked goods, you should get enough Niacin in ones system. Errogot poisoning is similar to LSD poisoning or Rye Grain flour mold poisoning, such as happened during the Salem which trials near Swampscott, Massachussetts in colonial days or as today it is called cranberry bog feaver. Well I guess the local medical community and volonteers should be prepared to treat people which those sympthoms. Basically one has a feeling of euphoria and highthened level of awareness. However over a period of time this can cause stress since frequently people with the sympthoms do not sleep normally. I guess you could also call it moon fever like they did in midevil times when they thought it was some sort of witches curse. Since we have more modern means of detecting phenomina, we also have historical data to gather on. Well I guess that is enough of a briefing for now. CIO
Note:<888>8/04/99 Wednesday 12:10 A.M. EDT: Well I went out after the last message, and I watered the plants in front with the longer hose, so I don't have to use the bucket now. I gave them all a good dosing after the shade had hit the front area for about an hour and a half. One of my neighbors was worried about water rationing, but it has not been started in Greenwich yet, although it is pretty much bone dry around the town. About 7 P.M., I drove over to Cumberland Farms where the Farmers Market is, but they were closed. They are painting the sidewalk crosswalks on the Post Road or Putnam Avenue this evening, so make sure you don't get white paint dust on your car. I guess another group of people whom work at night. I went down by the waterfront, and I chatted with a local. I returned to the center of town. I walked around lower Greenwich Avenue, and I then walked up and sat out for a while in the center of town. I walked up to the top of Greenwich Avenue, and I sat there for a while. I walked down the Avenue, and I sat out at the post office plaza for a while. I returned to the car, and drove down by the waterfront. I said hello to a visiting Canadian before he drove off to McDonald's restaurant before it closed. I drove over to the Grand Union, and I bought a half gallon of Tropicana orange juice for $2.50, a half gallon of GU 2% milk for $1.69, a gallong of Rienz Olive Oil for $5.99, seedless concorde grapes at .99 a pound for $2.02, and two heads of celery for $1.59 each for $15.38. I returned home, and I added the grapes to my melon fruit. I juiced the two heads of celery, and I added a little Italian spice, garlic powder, and curry to the celery juice and refrigerated it. Well I am done for the evening, I will start to relax. Have a good evening or morning, as the case may be. CIO
Note:<888>8/03/99 Tuesday 4:50 P.M. EDT: I went out after the last message. I stopped by the Arnold Bread discount outlet store and bought three loaves of 12 grain bread for $3.50. I drove over to downtown, and I mailed a letter at the Central Greenwich Post office. I checked with subway barber about a haircut, and they were busy because one barber is on vacation. I walked up the Avenue to CVS and CVS My Life Vitamins are 50% off. I bought two bottles of 50 tablet B complex for $5.30 a bottle, a half price tube from the clearence section of whitening tooth paste for $2.64, and a box of cheese crackers for .99 for $13.93 total. I then drove down to Steamboat Road and said hello to the fishermen. I stopped by Maneros about 11:45 A.M., and I ordered a steak sandwich with onion rings and a diet root beer for $5.75 total, and I ate it all on the step of the General Reinsurance building that Greenwich Capitol rents overlooking the harbor. I then drove through Bruce Park, and I drove over to Old Greenwich. I parked in the center of Old Greenwich which does not cost to park. I stopped by Off Side barbers, and a delightful young Norwegian gal cut my hair perfectly for $15, and I gave her a $5 tip since I had not has a hair cut in three months. There was only a short wait, so it is worth the trip Old Greenwich. I then stopped by Feinsod Hardware which is a Service Star hardware store and bought a 60 foot section of 5/8 inch watering hose for $15.99 plus .96 tax for $16.95 total. I got the hose, so I can connect it to the 50 foot section I already have, so I can water all the plants in front during the drought. I drove out to Tod's Point, and I walked the entire three mile walk around the park. I stop half way through and I viewed New York City. The weather was perfect today. I stopped by the Wind Surfing Area and chatted about computers and the economy with a local. He told me he is moving to Florida, and he has his six bedroom house on the market near the waterfront in Old Greenwich for $900,000. I told him I would tell a friend looking for a house who is also in real estate. He told me on my arthritis, I should take "MSM" which the actor James Coburn takes for his arthrtis. He said it is an herbal supplement that costs about $20 a month. I started the walk around Tod's Point, and I mentioned to boys at the sailing area, who have a computer, they should get a cable modem for their computer, so they can follow the weather on the internet. I then complete the walk around Tod's Point on a perfect day. I returned home, and I chatted with one of my neighbors, and I had a Nestea Ice Tea in a frosted mug and I chatted with a family member. Well have a good afternoon. CIO
Note:<888>8/03/99 Tuesday 10:15 A.M. EDT: Well I went out to wash my car after the last message. I crawled underneath the car, and noticed that the main problem with the exhaust system was that it was lose at the pipe where it comes out of the new catalytic converer. I took it over to Midas Muffler and they tightened the clamp on the pipe and packed it with puddy and it is now all running quietly. They did this for free which is great. Jim at Midas has a 1988 Chevy Blazer four wheel drive for sale with 150,000 mile on it with a rebuilt motor and very good conditon for $2,500. It would be excellent beach or ski vehicle with the four wheel drive. I stopped by the Shell Station on the way back and I checked my tires. Two of them were down 4 pounds, so I put 28 pounds in all the tires all around. I returned home, and I washed the car; and it looks great again with the wax job I put on six weeks ago. I will showere and go out shortly. I have to buy some Vitamin B vitamins and possibly get a hair cut if Subway barber is not busy or I will wait until later in the week. I also with stop by the Arnold Bread store on my way out. I should be on my way by 11 A.M.. Have a good day. CIO
Note:<888>8/03/99 Tuesday 6:00 A.M. EDT: I went to bed last night at 6 P.M., and I was up at 4 A.M. this morning. I had breakfast of three fried eggs, five strips of bacon, toast, orange juice, coffee, and vitamins. I had to restart the computer server, since it went down last night right after I went to bed. Well I guess it is another day to keep busy. I have to buy bread today at the Arnold Bread store and Vitamin B complex at CVS. Also I have to write a letter. Have a good day. CIO
Note:<888>8/02/99 Monday 5:05 P.M. EDT: Well I put the dinos stamps above the kitchen entrance. I put the Albertville stamps to the right of the television set on the wall, and then I went out about 1:30 P.M.. I drove over to Putnam Trust Bank of New York, and I did some banking. There was one long time customer of Putnam Trust that they were giving grief to about parking, and I suggested he go over to U. S. Trust Company for major finanial dealings. I next drove to the Post Office, and I chatted with a downtown regular. I paid my this month's telephone bill. I walked lower Greenwich Avenue, and I suggested to a number of ice cream eaters to watch out for the bees around the trash cans. I walked through the Greenwich train station, and I said hello to a couple of young gals backpacking, and I mentioned a few places, I had visited as a college student. One of them was from Argentina. I returned up Greenwich Avenue, and I chatted with a couple of the staff at Figaro about the upcoming hurricane season and how it might effect Club Med operations in the Carribean. I returned up by the post office and I chatted with a gal from South Carolina. I mentioned that since her license plate had "666" on it, it does not mean the Devil, it was the old hebrew script for Nero emperor of Rome. I next sat outside and had a glass of water from a local establishment. About 3:30 P.M., I drove down to the waterfront, and I chatted with one of the regulars. I noticed they are still painting the Indian Harbor Yacht Club. I next went back home, and I had a Citra soda, and I filed this report. I have been awake for 23 hours, so I think I should be off to bed. Have a good evening. CIO
Note:<888>8/02/99 Monday 1:40 P.M. EDT: Well I went out after the last message. I drove down by the waterfront. I chatted with the fishermen, but they have a hard time understanding me since most of them seem to have Spanish has a first language. I chatted with a French fellow who use to live in Viet Nam, and he seemed to understand a bit of my French. I saw a moring regular who lives on Steamboat Road feeding a squirrel. I noticed one long time fishermen whom I had not seen in about a year. I returned to the center of town and walked the lower section of Greenwich Avenue. I noticed the Blasting signs at the Richard construction site. I returned to the center of town and said hello to some early morning risers. I stopped by Zyns and they did not believe me when I told them 500 people had died in India in a train wreck, and they told me, "I was full of crap." Well all I know is what Reuters Yahoo prints and it is suppose to be accurate. I guess since Reuters over in Stamford only pays $8 an hour, they could possibly make mistakes. I noticed a nice used Ford Tempo with 44,000 miles for sale at the Greenwich Common parking lot 203-661-1458, blue with four doors price unknown. I walked down to Versailles and bought two croissants for $2.50 both. I did not walked to St. Moritz because I thought they were about to blast. I told the police that their two way radios might signal a blast. After sitting outside for a while at about 8 A.M., I heard a blast, possibly that is why Zyns stationary is mad. I sat out longer observing the morning crowd. At 8:30 A.M. I went to Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Mason Street, and I made a withdrawal. I warned the floor staff about the blasting. I went and paid my rent at Lafayette Place. The teller was from where the volcano exploded in Mexico on July 30, Collia?. She said that was why the local Mexican population was upset. I returned downtown, and I went to the Greenwich Post office, and I paid my MCI, Bell Atlantic, Optimum Online, Cablevision, and Electricity bills with money orders at the Post Office. I sat outside for a while and commented to a couple of morning strollers that the southern night light in front of the veterans monument had been out for about two years. I said it might be an old Yankee code like, "One If By Land, Two If By Sea.", or perhaps it makes it easier for people sitting on the north bench at the veterans monument to observe the Starbucks crowd at night with out the glare of the light. I started to walk down the Avenue about 10 A.M., and just I was opposite the Avenue, the blasting horn went off. I warned two fellows in a vehicle with a DOD sticker that they should not try to drive, since the road was temporarily blocked. They waited and did not seem to know much about dynamite. I guess they had a sort of strange reception to town. I continued walking down the Avenue, and said good morning to the regular crowd after the blast which was not too loud, but it does shake the ground. I stopped by St. Moritz and bought a Almond Danish for $1 and returned back to the center of town, and enjoyed it keep a leary eye on the blasting. I left downtown and 11 A.M., and I drove down by the waterfront, and I tried to tell on Hispanic fellow about the volcano in Mexico. I drove through Bruce Park, and I stopped by ELDC and bought a solid oak bulletin board for $1.60 and I noticed they have a solid wood Danish table for $200. I also noticed they have a round solid pine table for $75. I also noticed while going to ELDC at Maneros someone has an older full size four door Ford Sedan for sale 869-4195 and 637-2802. This morning when I went out at 6 A.M., I saw about ten new blue Cadillac sedans driving around, and I also noticed a full size blue Cadillac limousine driving around, so something must be going on. I returned to the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop, and viewed the merchandise, they have a few new items. I stopped by Exxon and bought $14 of premium. This week I am getting about 10 miles per gallon instead of 9 miles per gallon on Greenwich Avenue, so the traffic must be moving faster this week. I returned home, and I showed one my new neighbors from Poland who lived in Argentina and moved in from across the street the apartment. I told him a bit about the building. I updated Microsoft Money, and I filed this report. I got the $30 rebate from the World Book Encyclopedia IBM offer, so I will go back out and pay my Bell Atlantic bill, I just got for this month. I am a bit tired, but it is a nice cool day, so I will try to keep going. Have a good afternoon. I hung the bulletin board in the entrance to the kitchen which decreases the width by about two inches of the entrance. I put the Martha's Vineyard sailing print lower beneath it, and I put the block of dinosaur stamps in the bedroom desk drawer. Well I will not and go out and pay the phone bill. Have a good afternoon. CIO
Note:<888>8/02/99 Monday 6:10 A.M. EDT: I have six bills ready to pay as soon as I make it to the bank and the post office. I also ran the Norton Anti Virus program, and the system is virus free. Well have a good morning. I am going out for a little fresh air. CIO
Note:<888>8/02/99 Monday 5:15 A.M. EDT: I went out after the last message. There was the regulary Blue Cadillac at the Shell Station as usual. I drove over to Greenwich Avenue and on down to Steamboat Road. I viewed the waterfront and a couple of cars were there with fishermen fishing. I walked the lower section of Greenwich Avenue, and I found a Michael's catalog with pictures of Aderondeck furniture. I noticed somebody had left a full can unopened of Budweiser in the street, and I put it on the trash can in front of the Sundown saloon. I sat out for a while at the post office, and I returned home at 3 A.M. I noticed the long blue cadillac livery vehicle driving around also. I watered the plants for almost two hours in front of the building and gave them a good dosing. I returned upstairs, and I made two pots of coffee for ice coffee which I put in the refrigerator. I had some chicken salad for a meal. I guess I will go out at sun rise. I hope to stay up this morning and do some banking and pay some bills. I don't have an auto insurance payment this month or next month. It is pretty much the same old routine as usual. Nothing unusual to report. I heard a report on the BBC this morning that they are thinking about charging fines to people for littering in certain parts of England. I suppose that could apply to cigarette butts, but the general concensus of the fire department is that they would rather have people in public put them out on the ground if no suitable cigarette ash try or sand tray is available since putting them in public trash respectacles would tend to create a trash hassard. I did contact the British Embassy in Washington D.C. earlier this evening and I gave them a briefing on what I had observed recently. They told me that they also have a car in Washington with "QEII" license plate, so I suppose the cruise ship is back in town recently, I will have to remember to check their itinarary on their comings and goings. Well have a good morning. CIO
Note:<888>8/02/99 Monday 2:15 A.M. EDT: I made up a batch of chicken salad with the remains of the Purdue chicken. I removed the meat from the bones and diced it into small pieces. I added one diced onion, and I added some pepper, celery salt, poutry seasoning, oregano, basil, Italian seasoning, Chinese five spice, curry, tabasco, Lea and Perrins, Angostora Bitters, and Jack Daniels whisky in small amounts and mixed it all up adding four large overflowing tablespoons of Hellmans mayonaise and mixing it all up together, and then I put it all in a rubbermaid container and put it in the refrigerator to chill. I had a sip of ice tea, and have a good morning. CIO
Note:<888>8/02/99 Monday 1:00 A.M. EDT: Well I finished the laundry and the ice tea. I cleaned up, and I updated Scott's weekly broadcast sound.htm , so I might go out for a little fresh air shortly. Have a good week. CIO
Note:<888>8/01/99 Sunday 11:20 P.M. EDT: I was up at noon today, and I chatted with a family member. I had breakfast of Kelloggs raisin bran, toast, orange juice, vitamins, and coffee. I went back to bed until 6 P.M.. I watched the ABC evening news at 6:30 P.M.. I started cleaning the apartment and watering the plants. After I finished that, I started the laundry, and I am now on the dry cycle. I am also making a batch of icetea.htm today. I had some cantaloupe and sliced chicken, ice tea and iced coffee. I will clean up, once I start steeping the hot tea to make ice tea. Have a good morning. CIO
Note:<888>8/01/99 Sunday 1:30 A.M. EDT: If the retired pilot I chatted with this past evening looks at my internet site, he might get a kick out of this site South Atlantic Flight 1998 . CIO
Note:<888>8/01/99 Sunday 12:55 A.M. EDT: I went out after the last message. I walked the lower section of Greenwich Avenue. I returned to the center of town, and I sat for a while. I walked down the Avenue, and I said hello to a local economist. I withdrew funds at People's Bank. I chatted with a young fellow from Berlin, Connecticut whom wanted to know how to get the train back home. I walked on down by the waterfront. I ordered a steak sandwich with onion rings from Maneros for $5. I informed a local officer, I would probably be keeping my car. I chatted with a retired pilot and doctor about aviation who was helping sell $50 raffle tickets for a car St. Rochs is raffling off. He is truly an aviation veteran. I walked over to the large office building on Steamboat Road down from the Greenwich Harbor Inn and ate the steak sandwich on the office building steps leading down to the waterfront. Before I went out, I also had cantalope fruit I had in the refrigerator and a few slices of white chicken meat and iced coffee. After I had dinner, I used the pubic restroom at the Greenwich Harbor Inn. I said hello to one of the most regular walkers I have seen in the Steamboat Road and Greenwich Avenue areas in the last fifteen years. I returned back up the Avenue and sat out chatting with a Florida golfer. I returned home about 11:30 P.M. and I sat out chatting with one of my neighbors. I have new next door neighbors that have moved in. I had a Nestea Ice tea in a frosted mug. I changed my monthly Apache server logs. If you want to see the stats on my local home server without the music for the last month look at Access Statistics for Scott's Greenwich, Connecticut Local Server Site . I also made $42.36 this past July off my ValueClick Advertising without the music files, which is pretty good since the internet is less busy in the northern hemisphere with people spending more time outdoors. I am a bit tired, so I guess I will go to bed and resume my normal routine. Have a good morning. CIO