Michael Louis Scott's Apartment Inventory of Stored Items
March 12, 2025 |
laundry card $10.50
1, tins of Danish butter cookies
10, 12 ounce Contaninia pizza sauce
1, 18 ounce Red Baron four cheese pizza
4, red baron mini deep dish pizza
46, White Castle cheeseburger sliders
6, Sandwich Brother cheese burgers
7, two packages of chicken alfredo meals https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000OU1Z5A/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?tag=slicinc-20&ascsubtag=a5ab2cde3c0911ee987a7a1b1e43ba390INT&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 for $9.41 each for $18.82 total and
7, two Hormel seven packs of rice and chicken https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0111Y7PO2/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1&ie=UTF8&_encoding=UTF8&tag=bensbargaicenter&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325 for $10.98 each seven pack for $21.96 total
two Red Cross Food Pail $59.99 https://sellout.woot.com/offers/readywise-60-serving-emergency-food-supply-1?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=CJ&cjevent=3aabff0c7f0b11ec822d000b0a82b82a&utm_source=Skimlinks
2, 7 ounce of Sargento shredded moserella cheese
16, Stop and Shop English muffins
10, Jimmy Dean sausage, egg, and cheese croissants
4, jars of Maxwell House instant coffee
2, jars of Tasters Choice coffee
1, jar of Maxwell House decaf coffee
1, Nescafe instant coffee jars
1, Folgers instant coffee
9, yogurt
0, 12 packs of 12 ounce cans of www.coke.com Zero Sugar, bought November 19, 2024, 5 left
0, 12 packs of 12 ounce cans of www.coke.com Zero Sugar, bought July 4, 2024 and 0 left
0, 12 pack of 12 ounce cans of www.coke.com Zero Sugar, bought October 17, 2024, 0 left
0, 12 pack of 12 ounce cans of diet caffeine free www.coke.com bought May 22, 2024, 0 left
0, 12 packs of 12 ounce cans of diet Fresca, bought October 17, 2024, 0 cans left
0, 12 packs of 12 ounce cans of diet Fresca bought May 22, 2024, 0 cans left
0, 12 packs of 12 ounce cans of diet Fresca bought November 19, 2024, 2 cans left
1, 12 pack of 12 ounce cans of Sprite Zero sugar bought November 19, 2024
1, Post Great Grains cereal with cranberries
1, Kelloggs family packs of cerial
2, 5 gallon containers of Poland Spring water
1, 64 ounce of vanilla unsweetened almond milk
1, 16.9 ounce Bertolli extra virgin olive oil
5, 160 count 2 ply Kleenex tissues
7, blue toilet tank cleaner jars https://www.amazon.com/Fresh-Products-Automatic-Unscented-Cartridge/dp/B00J9SI254 for $38.30 and $2.46 tax for $41.26 total.
22, double rolls of Scott toilet paper, extra soft
2, P.F Chang frozen meals
0, 16 ounce Hungry man Salisbury steak dinner
0, 16 ounce Hungry man barbecue dinner
1, 13.1 ounce Boston Market chicken parmesan dinners
0, 14.5 ounce Boston Market Salisbury steak dinner
0, 14 ounce Boston Market frozen meat loaf dinners
0, 10 ounce Stauffer's potato and pasta
2, 11.5 ounce Stauffer's Swedish meatballs
0, 11 ounce Stauffer's hamburger meals
2, 10.5 Stauffer's chicken fetticini
2, Stouffer's 2X meat 10.5 ounce lasagna
0, Stauffer's 9.8 ounce meat loaf
1, 19 ounce Stauffer's 2X meat lasagnas
0, 18 ounce Stouffer's frozen meat lasagna
0, 11 ounce Stauffer's chicken alfredo
0, 24 ounce Marie Callender turkey and stuffing entree
1, 11.5 ounce Marie Callender chicken bowls
1, 11.5 ounce Marie Callender Swedish meatball bowl meals
0, 11 ounce Marie Callender chicken bowls
0, 13 ounce Marie Callender chicken Alfredo meals
0, 15 ounce Marie Callender chicken pot pies
0, 15 ounce Marie Callender turkey pot pies
0, 8 ounce boxes Green Giant frozen microwave vegetables
8, rolls of paper towels
3, 7 ounce cans of Gillette shaving gels
2, 64 ounce containers of diet and regular Ocean Spray cranberry juice
10, https://www.amazon.com/Original-Baked-Beans-Ounce-Cans/dp/B00FMPKXR8/ref=pd_cart_trq_cart_s_d_sccl_1_4/143-3341666-8422740?pd_rd_w=5fpfI&content-id=amzn1.sym.4def8476-9b6b-4794-a830-8b9798adfb9f&pf_rd_p=4def8476-9b6b-4794-a830-8b9798adfb9f&pf_rd_r=PE2RQVZKCVKX29H38R2D&pd_rd_wg=P86ay&pd_rd_r=9cf66ad5-ddf8-4b87-86af-0f00ee6fdafd&pd_rd_i=B00FMPKXR8&psc=1 for $25.19 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card
0, Amazon.com : B&M Baked Beans, Bacon & Onion, 16 Ounce (Pack of 12) : Packaged Baked Beans : Grocery & Gourmet Food for $17.52 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.
0, 15 ounce cans of mixed vegetable ten cans of mixed vegetables Amazon.com : Amazon Fresh, Canned Mixed Vegetables, 15 Oz : Grocery & Gourmet Food for $8.45 with Chase Ultimate rewards discount.
0, Amazon.com : Del Monte Petite Cut Green Beans, 14.5 Oz, (Pack Of 12) : Grocery & Gourmet Food for $12.99 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.
0, Amazon.com : DEL MONTE Sweet Peas Canned Vegetables, 12 Pack, 15 oz Can : Grocery & Gourmet Food for $11.88
11, peas ten sweet peas amazon.com/dp/B078T19Y9X?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title for $14.80 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.
0, peas three Amazon.com : Del Monte Canned Sweet Peas, 15 oz Can : Grocery & Gourmet Food for $15.84 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.
4, cans of sliced carrots Amazon.com : Amazon Fresh, Canned Sliced Carrots, 14.5 Oz : Everything Else for $9.90 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.
0, cans of Stop and Shop corn for .89 a can
3, cans, Amazon.com : Amazon Fresh, Canned Whole Kernel Corn, 15.25 Oz : Grocery & Gourmet Food for $10.70 total.
6, Campbells Yes butternut squash and sweet potato soup https://www.amazon.com/Campbells-Well-Yes-Sipping-Butternut/dp/B07DNVPRKM/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1APLRC9B79Q9E&keywords=Campbell%2BSoups%2BSay%2BYes%2BButternut%2Bsquash&qid=1694751310&s=grocery&sprefix=campbell%2Bsoups%2Bsay%2Byes%2Bbutternut%2Bsquash%2Cgrocery%2C87&sr=1-1&th=1 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card for $13.44
0, 42 ounce Smart Balance Spread
2, 32 ounce Listerine Total mouthwash
2, three Parodontax https://www.amazon.com/Parodontax-Active-Mouthwash-Antiplaque-Antigingivitis/dp/B09HTXCM4J/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2MSRFQHFSCOHE&keywords=parodontax+mouthwash+gum+repair+mouthwash&qid=1693078760&sprefix=Parodon%2Caps%2C374&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 for $17 and $1.08 tax for $18.08 total
2, 43.7 yard CVS Intense Clean Dental Floss
0, 45 ounce Lysol spray disinfectant
10, Swiffer dusters
3, 3 ounce Old Spice 24 hour fresh deodorant
3, 7 ounce CVS shaving gel
3, Blade 7 ounce sensitive skin shaving gel
9, new tooth brushes
48, value razors
9, 4 ounce bars of CVS 360 cucumber and green tea soap
2, 21 ounce can of Comet cleaner
2, 32 ounce Windex glass cleaner
4, 31 ounce Tide Simply Fresh liquid detergent
0, 34 ounce Tide Oxy liquid detergent
1, heavy duty scrub sponges
2, 10 ounce bottles of Palmolive antibacterial liquid dish washing detergent
2, 20 ounce bottles of Palmolive antibacterial liquid dish washing detergent
4, 12.6 ounce Ajax lemon dish washing detergent
1, Wishbone vinegarette and garlic dressing four https://www.amazon.com/Wish-Bone-Salad-Dressing-Garlic-Italian/dp/B079TLMVL1/ref=sr_1_21?crid=25B9EX5V687AQ&keywords=gorgonzola+salad+dressing&qid=1689361531&sprefix=gorgonzola+dress%2Caps%2C424&sr=8-21 for $2.58 each for $10.32 total off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card
2, 15 ounce Wish Bone creamy Caesar dressing
0, Dole 16 ounce Mandarin oranges
5, 20 ounce Stop and Shop and Dole pineapple chunks with juice
24, five ounces of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna fish, bought August 3, 2023
15 , Beach Cliff 3.5 ounce tins of sardines
5, Crown Prince 3.5 ounce tins of sardines in Louisiana hot sauce
1, 18 ounce La Choy soy sauce,
1, 0 opened 10 ounce bottle of Kikkoman soy sauce
0, 15 ounce Dell Monte sugarless fruit cocktail Amazon.com : DEL MONTE No Sugar Added Fruit Cocktail, Canned Fruit, 12 Pack, 14.5 oz Can : Grocery & Gourmet Food for $29.28 off my State of Connecticut EBT Food Stamps card.
0, 15 ounce Stop and Shop mixed fruit
12, 15 ounce Stop and Shop fruit cocktail
2, 30 ounce jar of Hellmann's mayonnaise
1, http://www.cabotcheese.com/ 8 ounce Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese
1, Djeep butane lighters
12, Bic lighters
1, Bic mini lighters
19, flints
1, 40 count Hefty heavy duty garbage bags
1, CVS 45 count kitchen trash bags
15 ounces pepper corns
2, rolls of Scotch tape
10, 15 watt light bulbs
4, 60 watt LED bulbs
Also I have about 16 regular light bulbs of 100 watts and smaller candelabra type light bulbs and other smaller light bulbs.
0 Sylvania 13 watt soft white mini 60 compact fluorescent bulbs which are the same as 60 watt bulbs, but use 13 watts of electricity and last about 7 years and save about $37 during the life of the bulb.
1, GE 20 watt soft white mini 75 watt compact fluorescent bulbs with are the same as 75 watt bulbs, but 20 watts of electricity and last about 5 years and save $44 during the life of the bulb.
15, RTH 13 watt energy saver bulbs with the light of 60 watts
1 used 16 inch Philips circular florescent light bulb
1, 12 inch Satco 32 watt florescrent light
1, 8 inch Satco 22 watt florescent bulb
Also I have a supply of various new batteries, and I also saved my old batteries including old rechargeable batteries.
Beginning of Battery inventory
0, Duracell 6 volt lantern battery
6, AA lithium batteries
8, AAA lithium batteries
12 new Amazon alkaline D batteries bought August 8, 2020
0, CVS alkaline D batteries bought October 4, 2016
0, Energizer D batteries bought October 4, 2016
0, used still good alkaline D batteries
1, new alkaline D batteries
6 new alkaline C batteries
0, used still good alkaline C battery
4, Amazon 9 volt batteries, bought April 2019
30, new Amazon alkaline AA batteries, bought March 23, 2023
30, new Amazon alkaline AAA batteries, bought April 27, 2019
Disk Batteries
0 #377 Radio Shack silver oxide watch battery
2 #2025 lithium disk batteries
2 possibly new #2025 lithium disk batteries
0 10x New Energizer CR2032 Lithium Battery 3V Fresh Made in 2012 Free Shipping | eBay for $6.95 with free shipping, March 11, 2013
3, Duracell 2032 Lithium disk batteries
one 1 #377/376 ENERGIZER WATCH BATTERY FREE SHIPPING - eBay (item 200285644795 end time Jan-06-09 16:40:23 PST) for $1.20 each for $2.40 total, December 25, 2008
5 373 ENERGIZER WATCH BATTERIES FREE SHIPPING - eBay (item 190274977669 end time Jan-17-09 09:30:32 PST) for $5.75 with free shipping, December 25, 2008
End of battery inventory
41 one inch Singer one inch safety pins
1, 10 count 1.75 inch by 3 inch Watershield Adhesive Bandages
2, 60 count boxes of Walgreens bandages
Also I have the opened containers of most of the vitamins and supplements and drugs listed above.
2, 10 packs of 8 ounce www.perrier.com , bought August 22, 2019
7, 69 cent forever stamps 0, .41 cent first class stamps 0, .39 United States postage stamps, 0, .03 stamps, 0, .01 United States postage stamps 0, .03 United States postage stamp.
250 Southworth legal envelopes
2, 500 sheet packages of Staples paper
160, twenty https://www.floridatobaccoshop.com/Richwood-Filtered-Cigars-GOLD_p_2987.html for $279.80 total.
0 packs, 20 cartons of Richwood Filtered Cigars Gold (Mild) 100 | Gotham Cigars for $298.79.
0 packs https://www.gothamcigars.com/richwood-filtered-cigars-gold-mild-100/ with coupon code "DCXMFS" twenty cartons for $265.26 total.
I also have apartment maintenance tools stored on the floor of the hallway closet.
I also have plenty of clothes and shoes for year round in this area.
I also have a very clean and comfortable apartment that I work constantly to maintain.
End of Michael Louis Scott's Apartment Inventory (checked on September 23, 2024)