IBM, *.org Servers
88OPEN.ORG (88open Consortium, Ltd.)
9HOUSES.ORG (The Nine Houses of Gaia)
9HOUSESORG (The Nine Houses of Gaia)
AAAI.ORG (American Association for Artificial Intelligence)
AAAIORG (American Association for Artificial Intelligence)
AAI.ORG (American Association of Immunologists)
AAIORG (American Association of Immunologists)
ABITARE.ORG (Abitare Internet Access)
ABITAREORG (Abitare Internet Access)
ABUI.ORG (Association of Banyan Users International)
ABUIORG (Association of Banyan Users International)
ACC.ORG (American College of Cardiology)
ACCORG (American College of Cardiology)
ACM.ORG (Association for Computing Machinery)
ACMORG (Association for Computing Machinery)
ACNATSCI.ORG (Academy of Natural Sciences)
ACNATSCIORG (Academy of Natural Sciences)
ACS.ORG (The American Chemical Society)
ACSORG (The American Chemical Society)
AEA.ORG (American Engineering Associaiton)
AEAORG (American Engineering Associaiton)
AED.ORG (Academy for Educational Development)
AEDORG (Academy for Educational Development)
AERO.ORG (The Aerospace Corporation)
AEROORG (The Aerospace Corporation)
AFB.ORG (American Federation for the Blind)
AFBORG (American Federation for the Blind)
AFBP.ORG (Action for Blind People)
AFDB.ORG (African Development Bank)
AFDBORG (African Development Bank)
AFROAM.ORG (AfroAmerican Newspapers)
AFROAMORG (AfroAmerican Newspapers)
AGNIC.ORG (Cooperative Extension Service, USDA)
AGNICORG (Cooperative Extension Service, USDA)
AIP.ORG (American Institute of Physics)
AIPORG (American Institute of Physics)
AIR.ORG (Association for Internet Resources)
AIRORG (Association for Internet Resources)
AIS.ORG (Arbor Information Society)
AISORG (Arbor Information Society)
AJN.ORG (American Journal of Nursing Company)
AJNORG (American Journal of Nursing Company)
ALDHFN.ORG (Auldhaefen Associates)
ALDHFNORG (Auldhaefen Associates)
ALQUDS.ORG (Alquds Organization)
ALQUDSORG (Alquds Organization)
AMNH.ORG (American Museum of Natural History)
AMNHORG (American Museum of Natural History)
AMS.ORG (American Mathematical Society)
AMSAT.ORG (Radio Amateur Satellite Corp (AMSAT))
AMSATORG (Radio Amateur Satellite Corp (AMSAT))
AMSORG (American Mathematical Society)
AMUG.ORG (Arizona Macintosh Users Group)
AMUGORG (Arizona Macintosh Users Group)
AMWELD.ORG (American Welding Society)
AMWELDORG (American Welding Society)
ANDI.ORG (Association of NeXTSTEP Developers International, Inc.)
APA.ORG (American Psychological Association)
APAORG (American Psychological Association)
APC.ORG (Association for Progressive Communications)
APCORG (Association for Progressive Communications)
APOCALYPSE.ORG (Rancho Apocalypse)
APOCALYPSEORG (Rancho Apocalypse)
ARISIA.ORG (Arisia, Inc.)
ARISIAORG (Arisia, Inc)
ARO.ORG (Association for Research in Otolaryngology)
AROORG (Association for Research in Otolaryngology)
ASA.ORG (Antarctic Support Associates)
ASAORG (Antarctic Support Associates)
ASEE.ORG (American Society for Engineering Education)
ASEEORG (American Society for Engineering Education)
ASHS.ORG (American Society for Horticultural Sciences)
ASHSORG (American Society for Horticultural Sciences)
ASIANDEVBANK.ORG (Asian Development Bank)
ASIANDEVBANKORG (Asian Development Bank)
ATA.ORG (American Tinnitus Association)
ATAORG (American Tinnitus Association)
ATCC.ORG (American Type Culture Collection)
ATCCORG (American Type Culture Collection)
AUDUBON.ORG (National Audubon Society)
AUDUBONORG (National Audubon Society)
AUGLINK.ORG (AugLink Public Access Unix-Internet System)
BATTELLE.ORG (Battelle Memorial Institute)
BATTELLEORG (Battelle Memorial Institute)
BCBSAL.ORG (Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama)
BCBSALORG (Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama)
BCR.ORG (Bibliographical Center for Research)
BCRORG (Bibliographical Center for Research)
BCS.ORG (The Boston Computer Society)
BCSORG (The Boston Computer Society)
BETHANY.ORG (Bethany Christian Services)
BETHANYORG (Bethany Christian Services)
BLACKROSE.ORG (Black Rose Society)
BLACKROSEORG (Black Rose Society)
BMUG.ORG (Berkeley Macintosh Users Group)
BMUGORG (Berkeley Macintosh Users Group)
BOOTSTRAP.ORG (Bootstrap Institute)
BOOTSTRAPORG (Bootstrap Institute)
BOYSTOWN.ORG (Father Flanagan's Boy's Home)
BOYSTOWNORG (Father Flanagan's Boy's Home)
BPL.ORG (Boston Public Library)
BPLORG (Boston Public Library)
BWC.ORG (Baha'i World Centre)
BWCORG (Baha'i World Centre)
C2.ORG (Community Connexion)
C2ORG (Community Connexion)
CABI.ORG (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau International)
CABIORG (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau International)
CACTUS.ORG (The Austin Unix Users Group)
CACTUSORG (The Austin Unix Users Group)
CAIRN.ORG (Community Access Information Resource Network)
CAIRNORG (Community Access Information Resource Network)
CALACADEMY.ORG (California Academy of Science)
CALACADEMYORG (California Academy of Science)
CAM.ORG (Communications Accessibles Montreal)
CAMELOT.ORG (Beiter Technolgies)
CAMELOTORG (Beiter Technolgies)
CAMINTL.ORG (Information Technology Associates Ltd)
CAMINTLORG (Information Technology Associates Ltd)
CAMORG (Communications Accessibles Montreal)
CAPACCESS.ORG (National Capital Area Public Access Network)
CAPACCESSORG (National Capital Area Public Access Network)
CARL.ORG (Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries)
CAS.ORG (Chemical Abstracts Services)
CASE.ORG (Council for Advancement & Support of Education)
CASEORG (Council for Advancement & Support of Education)
CASORG (Chemical Abstracts Services)
CASTLE.ORG (Castle Public Access Unix)
CASTLEORG (Castle Public Access Unix)
CCF.ORG (Cleveland Clinic Foundation)
CCFORG (Cleveland Clinic Foundation)
CCIL.ORG (Chester County InterLink)
CCILORG (Chester County InterLink)
CCRKBA.ORG (The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms)
CCRKBAORG (The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms)
CDIDC.ORG (Conference on Disarmament International Data Center)
CDIDCORG (Conference on Disarmament International Data Center)
CELT.ORG (Center for Educational Leadership and Technology)
CELTORG (Center for Educational Leadership and Technology)
CENTER.ORG (The Center for Software Development)
CFI.ORG (CAD Framework Initiative)
CFIORG (CAD Framework Initiative)
CGIAR.ORG (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research)
CGIARORG (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research)
CHABAD.ORG (Central Organization for Jewish Education)
CHABADORG (Central Organization for Jewish Education)
CHARITIES.ORG (National United Service Agencies)
CHARITIESORG (National United Service Agencies)
CHILD.ORG (ParaGraph's childrens computer club)
CHILDORG (ParaGraph's childrens computer club)
CHLC.ORG (Cooperative Human Linkage Center, Informatics Group)
CHLCORG (Cooperative Human Linkage Center, Informatics Group)
CHMC.ORG (Children's Hospital and Medical Center)
CHMCORG (Children's Hospital and Medical Center)
CHPC.ORG (Center for High-Performance Computing)
CHPCORG (Center for High-Performance Computing)
CHRISTIAN.ORG (Automatic Dogmatic Logic)
CHRISTIANORG (Automatic Dogmatic Logic)
CHRISTUSREX.ORG (Christus Rex, Inc.)
CHRISTUSREXORG (Christus Rex, Inc)
CIEE.ORG (Council on International Educational Exchange)
CIEEORG (Council on International Educational Exchange)
CIESIN.ORG (Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network CIESIN)
CIESINORG (Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network CIESIN)
CIIT.ORG (Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology)
CIITORG (Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology)
CIL.ORG (Component Integration Laboratories)
CILABS.ORG (Component Integration Laboratories)
CIRCLES.ORG (Consortium for International Research Collaboration,)
CIX.ORG (CIX - Commercial Internet Exchange)
CIXORG (CIX - Commercial Internet Exchange)
CLASS.ORG (Cooperative Library Agency For Systems and Services)
CLASSORG (Cooperative Library Agency For Systems and Services)
CND.ORG (China News Digest)
CNDORG (China News Digest)
CNET.ORG (International Christian Media Commission)
CNETORG (International Christian Media Commission)
CNI.ORG (Coalition for Networked Information)
CNIDR.ORG (Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval)
CNIDRORG (Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval)
CNIORG (Coalition for Networked Information)
CNYRIC.ORG (Onondaga, Cortland, Madison BOCES)
CNYRICORG (Onondaga, Cortland, Madison BOCES)
CODE.ORG (Colorado Digital Eclectics)
COFFEEHOUSE.ORG (Virtual City Network Project)
COL.ORG (The Commonwealth of Learning)
COLORG (The Commonwealth of Learning)
COMPUTER.ORG (IEEE Computer Society)
COMPUTERORG (IEEE Computer Society)
CONTACT.ORG (The Contact Center Network)
CONTACTORG (The Contact Center Network)
COSN.ORG (Consortium for School Networking)
COSNORG (Consortium for School Networking)
CPB.ORG (Corporation for Public Broadcasting)
CPBI.ORG (Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.)
CPBIORG (Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc)
CPBORG (Corporation for Public Broadcasting)
CPC.ORG (College Placement Council, Inc)
CPCORG (College Placement Council, Inc)
CPL.ORG (Cleveland Public Library)
CPLORG (Cleveland Public Library)
CPSR.ORG (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility)
CPSRORG (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility)
CREST.ORG (Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Tech)
CRESTORG (Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Tech)
CSHL.ORG (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
CSHLORG (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
CSN.ORG (Colorado SuperNet, Inc.)
CSNORG (Colorado SuperNet, Inc)
CSP.ORG (Council on Spiritual Practices)
CSPORG (Council on Spiritual Practices)
CTPM.ORG (CRC for Tropical Pest Management)
CUG.ORG (Cray User Group)
CUGORG (Cray User Group)
CYB.ORG (Community Cybernetics)
CYBERSPACE.ORG (Cyberspace Communications, Inc.)
CYBERSPACEORG (Cyberspace Communications, Inc)
CYCLING.ORG (The Global Cycling Network)
CYCLINGORG (The Global Cycling Network)
DEBIAN.ORG (The Debian Linux Association)
DEBIANORG (The Debian Linux Association)
DECUS.ORG (Digital Equipment Computer Users Society)
DECUSORG (Digital Equipment Computer Users Society)
DELPHI-INT.ORG (Delphi International)
DELPHI-INTORG (Delphi International)
DELTA1.ORG (delta one)
DELTA1ORG (delta one)
DEMENTIA.ORG (Dementia Unlimited)
DEMENTIAORG (Dementia Unlimited)
DIS.ORG (disorganized)
DISORG (disorganized)
DMA.ORG (Dayton Microcomputer Association, Inc.)
DMAORG (Dayton Microcomputer Association, Inc)
DOLPHIN.ORG (Dolphin Communications Inc.)
DOLPHINORG (Dolphin Communications Inc)
DOMINO.ORG (Domino Software)